Horribly injured dog found abandoned in cage left alongside road

Badly burned dog found in cage
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A horribly wounded dog, so badly injured that her very survival was in question, was discovered abandoning inside a metal cage which had been left alongside a road in Bibb County, Alabama. The pit bull mix, dubbed Hope, was burned on her back – most of her fur and skin gone from whatever scalded her.

A request for information

On Friday, the Bibb County Sheriff’s Department posted graphic images of Hope’s injuries, as well as a plea for information for the animal cruelty case:

On August 8, 2018, a call came in about a dog abandoned inside a metal cage on the side of the road. Bibb County Sheriff’s Department has conducted an investigation and is seeking any information about the case. We are continuing to follow up with Hope and her recovery process. The public is encouraged to contact the Sheriff’s Dept with any information that will lead to a future arrest. Investigator Robinson and Deputy Lawley are working this case.

Helping the badly burned dog

After being rescued from the cage (trapped without food or water) Hope was taken to the Veterinary Hospital of Centreville. The maggot infested wounds were cleaned and she was provided with antibiotics – amazingly, despite the severity of her wounds, Hope is making a remarkable recovery.

Donations for Hope’s care:

Phone the vet hospital directly at (205) 926-4347 or email [email protected]


More news, videos, updates and dog memes on the National Animal News Facebook page!

In the news yesterday: Blind, senior dog hidden in quarantine in busy shelter  help needed.

Positive news: Starved dog finally strong enough to play with toys – see the heartwarming photos here.

Get your puppy fix – sweet Dane falls asleep while eating strawberries. Watch it here!

Puppy reunited with mom – watch the heartwarming video here.

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  1. That wound looks horrific! Whoever did that to that poor girl needs the same thing done to them! I hope they burn in hell for eternity! I wish Hope a speedy recovery and she finds a family to love her!

  2. Catch the animal torturing psychopathic depraved monster/s and kill the bastards who deliberately tortured prcious and innocent Hope. No questions asked just burn the monster/s to death. See how these psychopathic animal torturing monsters like being burnt alive. I am absolutely sickened by the unimaginable atrocities committed against precious and innocent sentient beings by these lowlife psychopathic animal torturing monsters. Mutch stricter animal protection Laws must be introduced immediately to put these animal torturing monsters to death by the same deliberate animal torture and suffering these heartless lowlife animal torturing monsters committed against their defenceless and innocent victims. Eradication from our planet of these monsters is a must. This is the only way that these monsters will be stopped.
    Hang in their Hope and I pray you live a long and happy life with your forever loving new family.


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