FDA issues warning about potential adverse effects from certain flea and tick products

FDA issues warning about flea and tick products
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On Thursday, the FDA issued a warning about potential adverse effects that pets may encounter from certain flea and tick products. According to a release from the FDA, there is the “potential for neurologic adverse events in dogs and cats when treated with drugs that are in the isoxazoline class.”

Impacted products

The FDA has warned that certain products, which have already received the agency’s approval, may cause muscle tremors, ataxia and seizures. The FDA specifically named Bravecto, Nexgard and Simparica in the release.

The FDA stated that it “is working with manufacturers of isoxazoline products to include new label information to highlight neurologic events because these events were seen consistently across the isoxazoline class of products.”


After reviewing studies, the FDA believe that “these products continue to be safe and effective for the majority of animals.” The agency would like for adverse effects to be reported, stating:

The FDA continues to monitor adverse drug event reports for these products and encourages pet owners and veterinarians to report adverse drug events. You can do this by reporting to the drugs’ manufacturers, who are required to report this information to the FDA, or by submitting a report directly to the FDA.


To report suspected adverse drug events for these products and/or obtain a copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) or for technical assistance, contact the appropriate manufacturers at the following phone numbers:

Merck Animal Health (Bravecto): 800-224-5318
Elanco Animal Health (Credelio): 888-545-5973
Merial (Nexgard): 888-637-4251
Zoetis (Simparica): 888-963-8471

More news, updates, funny videos and memes on the National Animal News Facebook page.

Yesterday in the news: Woman allegedly hit dog, dragging him to his death, and then went to restaurant without checking on pup she hit. The story here.

Inspiring – Formerly starved dog, Champ, brings hope for change in animal cruelty laws – more here.

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  1. Chemical flea and tick products should be avoided, if possible. I’ve known dogs who had seizures from them, and one that developed spinal cancer after having Frontline applied to her back. Healthy dogs (raised naturally) are more resistant to fleas.

    An easy fix, when I had carpet, was to sweep 20 Mule Team Borax into the carpet, then vacuum to get the residue off the top, around February, before flea season started. It always worked (for dogs and cats who spend most of the time and sleep indoors).

    There are other alternatives to look into, like Cedarcide and Wondercide.

  2. Hartz kills lots—FOR YEARS. When is the FDA going to get it off the market?
    For now–bathe with bar soap–not poison.
    Treat your carpets with 20 mule team borax (DRY). and leave for 2 weeks before you vacuum. It kills fleas for better than a year. 2 weeks down before vacuuming is because fleas have eggs, larvae and adults in a 2 week cycle.
    Yard use non poisonous remedies.
    Do not stop at rest stop dog areas or expose your animals to infestation by others.


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