Family seeks answers after German shepherd stolen, shot and dumped

German shepherd stolen, shot and killed
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A Florida family is searching for answers after one of their German shepherds was stolen, shot and dumped. According to WEAR TV, Erika O’Brien’s shepherd, Dalilah, was put out into the yard on Sunday with the family’s two other dogs and when they came home later in the day, only two dogs remained inside of the fenced area.

O’Brien walked the fence line to see if there was somewhere that her German shepherd may have escaped, but found nothing – after posting about her dog’s disappearance on a lost and found Facebook page, someone’s comment about seeing a dog that looked like her led to her discovery.

Not what the family hoped to find

Unfortunately, the tip did not lead to a happily-ever-after for the O’Brien family. Instead, they found Dalilah’s body along Gulf Beach Highway – someone apparently shot the German shepherd twice through the top of her head and then dumped her body. O’Brien told the news agency, “I want to not only get justice for my baby. I want to get justice for everybody else. This shouldn’t be a reoccurring issue. I should be able to let my dogs have their freedom and not worry about someone come stealing and killing them.”

A report has been made to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office – anyone with tips or information is asked to reach out to the authorities.

Find the Justice for Dalilah Facebook page here.

(Screenshot via WEARTV)

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  1. WHY, WHY, WHY do people leave their furbabies outside, unsupervised??? Would you leave the Hope Diamond on the freeway? ARGHH!!!

    • I concur: NEVER let your precious charges out of your constant sight and supervision – even in your own back yard!

  2. Precious, innocent baby. Hope there is justice. We all need to keep follow police investigation, the courts, the sentencing and then sick Bubba on the sewer scum that killed Dalilah.

  3. ALWAYS look at your neighbors, because that’s usually who’s to blame. The problem is that you should never, ever leave your dogs unattended because there is so much evil in the world and so many things can happen.

    Animal abusers should be treated as if they’d killed a human, especially THIS kind. The kidnapping and murder of a human would get someone life or the death penalty, and that is EXACTLY what needs to happen here. He took a loving and trusting family pet and did the unthinkable. NO need to keep this monster breathing.

  4. Unfortunately we can’t leave any pets in our fenced in yard unattended due to vile,sub human creatures that will torture and kill our pets. Hope the police can find who did this to such a beautiful dog.

  5. Someone KNOWS who stole Dalilah and maybe posting a reward would bring them to open up – Whoever did this needs a massive dose of street justice – I hope Erika O’Brien never gives up looking for the bastard who killed her dog and that she will never leave the house without ensuring her two remaining dogs are safely in the house. Way too many maggot pukes out there who think killing animals is some kind of kick. All I can do is hope that whoever did this has a fatal encounter with an 18 wheeler.

    • Thank you and we have ensured that our dogs and/or kids will not be outside with out any type of supervision. It was a hard lesson to learn but I promise you this I won’t make that mistake again and I WILL find out who did this to my baby and make sure they get the fullest charges pressed on them.

  6. Really people… Making excuses for why this happened and casting blame in the wrong direction… The scum who stole and killed these peoples pet is who your commits should be directed to. That’s like saying because I was outside enjoying my yard and got shot in a drive by that I should have been safely inside.


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