Elephant gets revenge after driver rear-ends him on narrow road

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In Thailand, an elephant seeking revenge after a driver rear-ended him on a narrow road, turned around and crushed the man to death in his car.

According to AP News, the fatal incident occurred on Wednesday in Bangkok as the driver of the speeding vehicle hit the elephant while traveling near a national park. The Khao Yai National Park has signs posted in the area warning motorists that wild animals are known to walk in the area.

Police Lt. Col. Kemchat Paedkaew stated the driver was not from the area, and when he encountered the elephant, the impact affected the animal’s back legs. The angry pachyderm, obviously seeking revenge, turned around and stomped on the car destroying the engine and killing the driver.

Kemchat says up to two people are killed by elephants each year in areas surrounding the park. Asian elephants are endangered and commonly have interactions with humans as they lose their natural habitats. Elephants can weigh up to 12,000 pounds; it would seem logical for humans to leave them alone and respect their space.

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