Durham restaurant serves up ‘tarantula’ burger: Win a t-shirt

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If you’re in Durham, North Carolina, and if you can get past the “ewwww” factor, could you say yes to dining on a “tarantula burger”?  Bull City Burger and Brewer has concocted this strange dish in celebration of Exotic Meat Month.

Now if you’re interested in dining on one of these $30 eight-legged sandwiches on a bun, one has to win the Tarantula Challenge. Participants are required to sign up for the challenge and pay attention to Facebook, Twitter and the Bull City Burger and Brewery website to see if their ticket is chosen.

If chosen, the participant gets a burger made with pasture-raised North Carolina beef, gruyere cheese, an oven-roasted tarantula – all topped with a spicy chili sauce. To get the free t-shirt, the person has to eat the entire burger. There are only 18 Zebra tarantulas available for customers, so if interested, get on the “web” and sign up.

This isn’t the first exotic burger offered by the restaurant. Other burgers offered include alligator, iguana, python, bison, turtle and even one with baked or fried bugs.


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  1. People like to behave like little children, to see just how low and disgusting they can possibly get. Aside from the fact that this is killing yet another living being, and for no reason except the juvenile sport of “dare ya!,” what comes to mind is a recent news release about a college student who swallowed a slug on a dare, and is now a quadriplegic.


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