Dog shot and killed while in Oklahoma foster home

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In May 2018, many people were angered and saddened when a dog named Cruze was killed by two women, Kate Bowers Novak and Ivanka Klisnanin who had agreed to foster him for Howls and Meows Animal Rescue.  Several days after being in the care of Novak and Klisanin, the eight-year-old German Shepherd was dead.

Two months later, another dog has been killed in a very bizarre chain of events while in foster care. On July 15, 2018, Scot Earp, a resident of Pryor, Oklahoma posted a picture of a dead dog and a chicken on his Facebook page.  The female dog, named Maggie had been staying at the Earp’s home in foster care for a local rescue known as Whiskers and Tails.  Maggie had just given birth to nine puppies four weeks earlier.

Earp justified his killing of the dog by saying Maggie killed his daughter’s chickens.  He called Whiskers and Tails demanding they come get the dog or he was going to shoot her.  When a representative from the rescue arrived at the residence fifteen minutes later,  the dog was already dead, shot by Earp. Whiskers and Tails did remove the nine puppies from the home.

What is even more disturbing, is the fact that Scot Earp posted pictures of the dead dog and bragged about the killing on Facebook. His current Facebook profile photo is that of a dead dog bleeding from the mouth and the expletive “#@*# that dog.”And an even more disturbing twist to the case, Scot Earp has since posted numerous pictures of other dead animals and boasted about their killings.

Many citizens were upset and angered by the killing of Maggie and the subsequent other horrific photos that followed. However, when calling the Mayes County Sheriff’s Department their concerns were met with animosity. Some callers reported they were actually hung up on. There have been unproven allegations that Scot Earp is being protected because his brother Sean was a deputy who was killed in the line of duty (He ran a stop sign and was hit by oncoming traffic).

Scot’s acts of violence are not just limited to animals. In August 2001 he was arrested for pointing a shotgun at a man’s head for the purpose of fear and intimidation. The felony was dropped to a misdemeanor, misuse of a firearm. In doing further research in the Oklahoma Court Records, there is a long list of cases filed against Scot Earp.

The Mayes County Sheriff’s Department is defending their lack of action by advising their state statute gives people the right to kill an animal that destroys livestock.  This statute, however was created to protect livestock from stray or wild animals. Maggie was neither. She was a foster dog entrusted to the care of the Earp family. Besides that, she was not the property of Scot Earp; she was still the property of Whiskers and Tails. He should have just turned her back over to the rescue group along with her puppies.

Another unusual twist in this case is, callers are being denied copies of the police report when requesting it from Mayes County Sheriff’s Department although the Public Record Act allows citizens to request and receive these records. One frustrated citizen was told to come back another day and is still being denied a copy.

If you feel strongly about Maggie’s case and how it is being handled, please contact the Mayes County Sheriff’s Department at  [email protected]   or on their website at and refer to case number 18-0539. You can also contact District Attorney Matt Ballard at 918-923-4960 and urge him to investigate this case further.

Interested parties can contact the Oklahoma State Bureau  of Investigations to express their concerns at how the case is being handled at the local level.   There is a contact option at the top of the page.

A petition  has been set up on as well as a second one 

For updates on Maggie’s case and what you can do to help, visit the Facebook page

According to a report published on June 3, 2018 there is a proven,  established link between animal cruelty and escalating violence towards humans.

“Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz…. Aside from killing dozens of innocent people (combined), these men—and a significant percentage of other serial killers—have something else in common: Years before turning their rage on humanbeings, they practiced on animals.

According to the FBI, animal abuse is highly correlated with interpersonal, human-to-human violence. Serial killers often torture or kill small animals from an early age, and men who commit child abuse or domestic violence very frequently harm household pets as well. “If somebody is harming an animal, there is a good chance they’re also hurting a human,” said John Thompson, deputy executive director of the National Sheriff’s Association, in a 2016 interview.”

Cases like Cruz’s and Maggie’s will continue to happen until better screening and safeguards are in place when turning over any animal to an adopter or a foster.

And until those in authority recognize the signs and symptoms of disturbed individuals and act on them instead of covering them up.

Judge allows man caught on video abusing dog to retain custody – more about the case here.



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  1. NOW WHY IN THE HELL Would this INDIVIDUAL of DUBIOUS CHARACTER Even Offered to Foster an Animal from the Shelter ” Since he has such a trigger-finger issue to begin with? I think there also Needs to be an INVESTIGATION by the State Attorney General’s Office in OK. of Not only this Kill Happy Psychopath, but the entire Sheriff’s and Police Department in this Town… ASAP!!! people’s lives are in danger !!


  3. I have one question, with this man’s history why did they even let him foster this dog and her puppies? He shouldn’t be allowed to have a gold fish let alone a dog. Rest in peace precious Maggie, at least your puppies are safe from this monster. I don’t care who his brother was, Scot Earp needs to be incarcerated away from humans and pets!

    • Because his history has nothing to do with anything that happened. We have fostered countless dogs over the years and there was never a proble till now and the stupid thing is is if Martha hadnt posted on Facebook seeking attention over this no one even know what happened. Cause none that has been posting even tell the truth about what happened

      • §21-1685 Cruelty to animals in Oklahoma is a punishable felony. Perhaps Earp needs to provide containment for his fowls instead of free ranging them and killing anything that sees them as a food source. (Like the raccoon family he killed for instance.) Certainly making this public does create an interest in his background, and calls into question why an adult would kill a female with pups. There’s really no logic behind such an act. Not sure this person should be in possession of a firearm.

  4. Lowlife piece of sun garbage. Probably illiterate and for certain ignorant. What he did was calculated and cold. Evil. That’s cold hearted evil and another one of those good old boy Oklahoma “law enforcement” systems. Take care of that sorry no good for nothing sob yourselves!!!!!!

  5. It truly surprises me that someone of your caliber of writing/reporting that you would get involved with such drama seeking people that cant even tell the true story of what happened. They have done nothing but lie to everyone to make drama. And you have written a story that is also nothing but lies.. i would think you would want to know the truth before putting your name on something. I mean i would want to make sure i had the whole story before putting my name on anything like that.. have you ever thought that maybe there is a reason the law hasnt done anything? Cause there was nothing to charge him with. And all this craziness is only making all the agencies irritated cause people keep calling and it is overblown. It is amazing to me all the people these drama queens have drug into this hook line and sinker. I hope when our defamation and harassment case to court that all of you are still ready to be on their side. Cause we have all the screenshots, messages, and call logs to prove our case over the dog which authorities already have and over the harrassment/defamation case. Hope you learn to get all the facts before writing more stories.. also i think it is pretty low of all of you to talk about his brother that is no longer alive. He has absolutely nothing to do with any of this.. would you want someone talking about your dead relatives, when it has nothing to do with them?? No it is disrespectful!!
    Hope all of you learn that the truth always wins!!

  6. The sad thing here is no one has the story. If you were intelligent people, you would call and get the correct story. You all are slandering a family and do NOT have the full story. You need to remove this story before if comes back on you. Know your laws, you are slandering a person’s name and now this is national. So have fun if you want to continue, but this is wrong on too many levels to count.

    • You speak about the “full story” enlighten us then. Why was the dog dead before Whiskers and Tails got there to remove her? Surely nothing could be THAT important that it couldn’t wait for them to get there. You say you support the dog killer, what are YOU not telling us?

  7. People supporting the dog killer, feel free to tell the “true story” since you say this article isnt telling the true story. Give us the real reason he killed this poor mama dog. I hope this family never is allowed to foster any animal ever again.

  8. For all the crap he’s having to deal with over putting down that dog, he should have just made a video sacrificing the thing to Satan! At least then he could have had some fun with it! Never underestimate the joy one feels from making a blood sacrifice to the Dark Lord.


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