Dallas Animal Services Officer Arrested And Charged With Animal Cruelty

Animal Services officer arrested
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A Dallas, Texas, Animal Services Officer has been arrested and charged with animal cruelty for allegedly causing fatal injuries to a young kitten at the animal control facility. According to Fox 4 News, the man accused of the cruel behavior is identified as Officer Eric Pogue.

Officer Pogue came under scrutiny by the City after a four-week-old kitten died from injuries sustained from being “violently” thrown to the ground. Pogue is accused of throwing the kitten after the young feline allegedly bit him in April during the intake process. The kitten suffered traumatic head injuries after being thrown and died.

Animal Service Officer is facing repercussions

The animal services officer is currently on administrative leave, reported CBS DFW News. He is facing a third-degree felony charge of cruelty to non-livestock animals. The City has issued a statement following the officer’s arrest:

“Dallas Animal Services strives to provide quality service to all residents of Dallas and humane care for the approximately 32,000 animals that enter our facility each year. Cruelty of any type is not tolerated,”

(Screenshot via Fox 4 News)

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  1. ASSHOLE … I’d bite you too. ONLY, I’d rip your fucking throat open and watch you bleed to death you POS!!!!

  2. This is his JOB….. just because a KITTEN bit him does not give him the right to throw it and injure or kill the kitten. Do not stall on this, do not let him return to his job….take him to court, fire him and lock him up, fine him and ban him from ever owning, working with or living with animals.
    No use stalling any longer, get it done!

  3. Fucking fat piece of shit it was just a baby kitten like to throw you to the ground smash your face you fucking Coward

  4. To Eric’s dad….”WAKE UP”!! There were witnesses and video of your son intentionally slamming a defenseless kitten to the ground. It is unnerving that this animal shelter did not report this incident for a week. Were they making sure they would be responsible?

  5. Why wasn’t this POS immediately sacked? There is no excuse for him fatally injuring a kitten for biting him. If I was a gambling man, I would make book on him hurting the kitten first, which is why he was bitten.

  6. He needs to be known as an animal abuser/murderer..never be allowed to own pets. Also, be required to take anger management classes, since animal abusers end up doing the same to humans.

  7. FIRE this hunk of sewer sludge – Eric Pogue has proven is lack of humanity towards a tiny kitten – and this is supposedly a MAN??? Hardly, especially someone in the position of a Animal Services Officer whose job it is to help animals – a kitten bit him – what a damn punk he proved himself to be – this is part of a job when you work with animals and he is unfit to be in this position. I implore the courts to throw the book at him – he is a damn disgrace – treating a tiny kitten so cruelly – and this being Texas I seriously doubt the spineless judges will do much to him – so therefore, I hope there is an encounter with an 18 wheeler in his near future. He deserves it.

  8. I hope that bastard gets charged and throw his stupid ass on the concrete and see how well he will survive. He is a worthless piece of shit.


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