Chinese rescuers save one-month-old baby elephant from ditch

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On Sunday morning, Chinese rescue workers in southwest Yunnan Province saved a one-month-old baby elephant that had fallen into a ditch. According to the China Daily, the department of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture’s press release stated forest police and nature reserve staff rushed to the site after receiving an emergency call about an infant Asian elephant that had fallen into a ditch from a 180 foot high hill.

The baby elephant weighed about 130 pounds and was seriously injured. Rescuers waited until the herd momentarily left the area and pulled the injured animal out. He was placed on a stretcher and has been moved to the animal reserve area for emergency treatment.

“The baby elephant has been taken to a wild Asian elephant rescue center for observation and treatment. It is frail and still in critical condition,” the local police told the public.

Asian elephants are protected in China – it is estimated there are barely 300 surviving.

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  1. What a terrible and horrific accident!! Falling 180 feet has to have had devastating injuries internally . I hope for the best for this little one to be able to overcome and survive with the help of the reserve workers


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