Box Elder County man hurls cat into road and posted video on Snapchat

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A 21-year-old Box Elder County man is currently under investigation for animal cruelty after a disturbing video was posted on Snapchat throwing a cat over a silver vehicle out into the darkness and then laughing about it.

The 12-second video showed a red-haired male identified as Kyle Smith, who allegedly told the investigating officer the incident happened on May 15 and that his decision to throw the cat was a spur of the moment thought. Kyle was charged with Animal Cruelty in a Reckless Manner. His girlfriend, Kylee Allen admitted she was the person who filmed the disturbing incident. The officer’s police report stated the following:

“Kyle then told me that he was initially just playing with the cat, and she [Kylee] had been filming him but he didn’t know. Then the thought came to mind is throw the cat, which he immediately acted on, which after it happened he realized she had recorded him on her Snapchat, and put it on her “Snapchat Story,” which later he found out that someone captured the video from her story and put it on Twitter. I told Kyle that judging by the video and how quick it happened, I don’t believe she really had time to stop him, and for those reasons I don’t find her liable for aiding him in the incident.”

According to KutvNews, the video had been posted over 40,000 times and students at Box Elder High School as well as the community were outraged, while others, even though they all agreed throwing a cat is inappropriate, that the harsh comments on social media have gone too far.

Smith later posted a photo of the cat he says is fine.

There are no excuses for animal cruelty – never.

The video can be viewed at this link.

(Photo of Box Elder County man tossing cat via screenshot Fox News)

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Man arrested after going swimming, leaving dog to suffer in hot car – read more here.

Owner went swimming, dog left in hot truck


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  1. No mention as to whether or not this hapless feline was REMOVED FROM THIS SPHERE OF INFLUENCE???
    If he has such poor impulse control and lack of common sense/morality/compassion, HE HAS NO BUSINESS NOR RIGHT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR A COMPANION NOR WILD ANIMAL!
    Perhaps his “girlfriend” should heed this warning sign…

  2. What an asshole I pray kitty was not hurt & escaped & find a home what stupid ignorant creep I hope he gets thrown out of car & dies bg

  3. These actions deserve serious consequences! Hope there is follow up!
    Should be jail time and/or a serious fine!

  4. Absolutely disgusting.

    This total POS has a reserved spot in Hell waiting for him to burn forever for his cruelty……

    If this poor cat were my cat, that POS would be my “ex-boyfriend” & I would be in jail for what I did to him for harming my precious furbaby…..

  5. Take pictures first, then ask questions? Stupid people and just shows how much free time these scums have on their hands to even contemplate doing this to a cat. Hope the cat is ok and taken from him.

  6. even kids can have impulse control, if taught by parents, sure it takes a long time, but it can be done. most folks don’t know or have not been brought up to respect animals. I would gladly do the same thing to that thug.

  7. if it is a sour of the moment thing .. Can I tie you to the back of a car and drag your worthless ass down the highway?? I mean .. it’ll just be in “FUN”. Oh .. I mean .. I’ll have fun .. and .. you would NOT be laughing. You POS .. you would NOT survive it

  8. This punk is just trying to get out of trouble – impulse control my ass – he is a miserable example of kids whose parents never bothered to teach them kindness to animals – and his actions prove it. He will do something similar again if not held responsible – he could have cared less until it was posted on the internet – both he and his brain dead girlfriend need a major ass kicking.

  9. Our society today is so pissed off, hateful, racially filled that parents should be REALLY DISTURBED AT HOW THEIR KIDS ARE ACTING OUT !!!
    I am a “senior” but when I was growing up, we loved animals….the thought of hurting or terrorizing one was so far fetched…no one would ever have thought of it. It is terrifying what kids of all ages today find fun/funny to post on social media!

  10. DUMBASS. I hope your “peers” have made it clear you are just that, a super DUMBASS. I am so thankful the cat is ok, but not safe if left in the home with you…the DUMBASS.


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