Abused 8-month-old shepherd left in cage in veterinarian’s office for weeks

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No 8-month-old shepherd should look like this. The Trio Animal Foundation in Chicago was asked  by the Garrido Stray and Rescue Foundation to take on Brady and the shepherd puppy’s medical care.

Animal advocates  agree just looking at this German shepherd puppy makes our hearts hurt. Fortunately, his new life began on Monday as the 8-month-old shepherd’s story began to unravel.

“This poor 8 month puppy has not only been abused by his previous owner but left in a cage at a vet for weeks until someone would pay the $179 bill. I can promise you that we will be looking into it.

Brady is this puppy’s new name, as his former name was disgusting. It truly showed the character of his previous owner,” posted the Trio Animal Foundation on their social media page.



Brady is 20-pounds underweight. At this time, the emphasis is on nutrition and his severe skin condition. He is being administered two weeks of oral medications as well as medicated baths to make him more comfortable. Since he apparently lacks socialization skills, the staff will be working on Brady’s trust issues.

“I know that we have a lot of German Shepherd supporters out there, and I am sure that you have never seen a case like Brady’s. It is so sad to say that we are so used to seeing cases like this in pitbulls but are truly blown away when we see it in another breed… so unfair on so many levels.”

In addition to the multiple skin issues, Brady’s eyes continue to bother him. Parts of his skin feel like sandpaper while other parts of his skin tissue is paper thin and bleed when he scratches – a puppy just looking for some relief.

“The only time Brady looks like he finds any relief is when he is rubbing his face on you or burying his head in your arms. To think that he has been in such bad shape for so many months is incomprehensible… he is a frickin’ puppy!”



Any donations can be made at www.trioanimalfoundation.org. If you are making a donation via a smartphone and are unable to earmark your donation, please forward your receipt to [email protected]

Videos and photos courtesy of Trio Animal Foundation.

Follow more animal related news on the National Pet Rescue.

In the news yesterday: Heartbreaking news about starved dog found in parking lot – more here.

The cutest video you’ll see this week! Adorable otter has to cuddle her stuff in order to go to sleep – watch here.

Sweet kitten says thank you for being rescued – check out the video here.


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  1. Where was the vet? Not taking care of this pup but leaving him in a cage? Hope a GS rescue takes Brady and makes him the pup he should be.

  2. A vet was aware of this??. Holy crap! I would NEVER go to him/her for anything!!He/ she should be relieved of veterinary “skills” and close this office!!!!No one gave a shit for this baby! ! Shameful, absolutely shameful!!!To treat this innocent animal all for $179! Karma Dr, karma!!

  3. Absolutely disgusting .. vets should know better .. why does everything come down to money .. poor bubba needed medical help

  4. So why is this dog in this shape if he was in a Veterinarian’s office? I don’t care how much they owe the Vet the dog shouldn’t be going back to the owner if this is the condition that brought the dog there in the first place. And the Vet letting this poor pup get or stay in this condition and not calling someone or doing something about it! The whole situation is disgusting! Prayers for Brady, he deserves a loving home.

  5. Looks like an extreme case of Demedex. We bought a Tenterfield Terrier puppy at 8 weeks old and she had pustules erupting over her face which eventually completely covered her body. She lost all her fur and was just scabs and weeping sores and cracked skin. We spent thousands of dollars getting the right medications and treatments/creams/bathing salves over the first 10 months we had her but she eventually fought her way back with our love perserverance and dedication to giving SALLEE our beautiful brown eyed girl the peace of having a normal body with soft fur regrowth and no scratching. Demedex is transmitted to the litter through the mothers milk and most pups die a shocking death because it is a very expensive disease/skin mite to treat. At her worst she was hairless and red raw with pustules weeping sores and scabs and looked like she had been dropped into a barrel of boiling water. Everybody told us to put her down/to sleep/why bother and how could we bear to touch her but it is not comtagiuos to anyone. When we finally got SALLEE well and healthy and gully furred after almost 12 months of treatment we had her desexed as that is the only way to break the cycle of Demedex. If she had puppies they would be carriers of the disease too. Backyard breeders have a lot to answer for and to think the VET had this shepard puppy for 8 months in a cage is beyond reprehension. He should have lost his licence and been fined.
    Our vet here in WESTERN AUSTRALIA was fantastic and worked with us and even ended up doing a thesis paper based on SALLEE and the treatments it took medically to get the mite out of her system which involved dosing her daily with a medication to slowly poison the mites in her blood and skin follicles until she tested clear.
    We had to bathe her daily with a special wash and completely cover her with a thick creamy balm to stop the itching and cracking skin and wrap her in bandages daily.
    Our two daughters and my husband loved and cherished this little brown eyed girl just like we did with any other of our animals because we felt we were meant to be her furever home. We are huge animal advocates and have rescued countless animals over our lifetimes and ran our own native animal and bird rescue service as well as working but SALLEE who has now passed over the Rainbow Bridge at 13 years of age was one of the special little 4 legged angels that needed us and gave us 13 years of her pure unconditional love and trust she was one in a million and lives on furever in our hearts and minds. We paid to rescue this little girl and then went through the system of finding the owners of the other 4 puppies to alert them of what disease they were carrying and our vet made sure the breeder was held responsible and the breeding bitch/mother of the puppies was made to be desexed by the local Shire Ranger as it turned out when we tracked down all the people who had bought the puppies at $600 AUD the Ranger himself had bought one of the little boys so at the end of it all the puppies all came through and were desexed too. The Shire Ranger made sure that the breeders were fined and black listed as well as having all their dogs desexed which stopped the Demedex from ever being passed onto another puppy or an unsuspecting buyer.
    We don’t for one minute regret buying SALLEE as she was just such a top little dog and gave us years of pleasure and that was worth it all.
    Everytime we hear the song ‘Brown Eyed Girl’ we think of our sweet little SALLEE girl!
    RIP swertheart. ????????????????

  6. WHO is the Vet who forced this puppy to remain in this condition. This is ANIMAL ABUSE!!! This Vet needs to be identified and should have his license taken away from him/her! Have charges been filed against him? His office should be picketed! Justice for Brady!!! Everyone should know to never take their animal there! This case needs justice!!! What if a human were kept imprisoned for weeks with skin on fire from an infection like this??? Animals feel the same pain. It is animal torture especially when the Vet inviously had the skill and medicine to treat this PUPPY!!! May justice come to the Vet swiftly and true!

  7. What a greedy piece of slime to keep an animal in a cage. I don’t give a damn for money or whatever the reason is this useless vet is a POS and is in the business for the money only. Identify this asshole so he will lose his business and license. What a heartless subhuman leaves an animal in the cage until he got his money. What the hell did the animal do and why should the animal suffer the consequences for doing nothing. Hopefully he will have his license taken away and some animal lover will throw the bastard in a cage so he can piss and shit all over himself and starve. Don’t forget to leave the cage in the sun while it is in the 90’s without food and water. I wish I was in the area for this low life slimball.

    • Man, you expressed my thoughts to a tee. I know you can take a vet’s license away for that but you should be able to. you know the people involved know who he is. so you could drive this asshole out of business by getting the story out and the result would be no one would go to him therefore starving him out of the business.

  8. Our family wants to adopt Brady…..We don’t care the cost, or the time it takes to rehabilitate him. Please message us!!!!! Our hearts can’t take it.

    Cami and family


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