WH says decision on elephant and lion trophies brought back to U.S. not final but…

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At the White House press briefing Thursday afternoon, spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters when asked about the reported policy shift referencing the ban on elephant trophies lifted and whether he changed his views on hunting, Sanders replied:

“Actually, there hasn’t been an announcement that’s been finalized on this front. Until that’s done, I wouldn’t consider anything final.”

Sanders then referred questions to the Department of the Interior, which oversees the Fish and Wildlife Service. Of particular interest when referring to what Sanders stated, it would seem the decision has already been made. The ban on elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia is expected to be reversed on Friday morning when the Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision is published in the Federal Register. Currently however, the decision is available for public inspection. It will take effect barring a last minute intervention.

November 16, 2017 – The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Service) will begin issuing permits to allow the import of sport-hunted trophies from elephants hunted in Zimbabwe, on or after January 21, 2016, and on or before December 31, 2018, for import permit applications that meet all other applicable requirements. More information on this decision can be found in our Questions & Answers.

The decision to allow trophy hunters who kill elephants and lions in two African countries to bring the endangered animals home as trophies continues to outrage humane groups, animal lovers and animal activists.
In an apparent “win-win” for the NRA and the Safari Club International, a hunting advocacy group, it was all  cheers about the reversal on Tuesday morning as their website recognized how the Fish and Wildlife Services claimed hunting is beneficial to wildlife and that these range countries know how to manage their elephant populations. There has been no legitimate proof supporting the claims that killing elephants is good for the species. One has to really wonder how much these trophy hunters will make on the profit selling the ivory tusks of the elephants they kill?
 The Humane Society of the United States contends many problems still remain with Zimbabwe’s elephant management plan, including corruption, lack of government support and poaching.

“Let’s be clear: elephants are on the list of threatened species; the global community has rallied to stem the ivory trade; and now, the U.S. government is giving American trophy hunters the green light to kill them,” wrote Wayne Pacelle, the organization’s president and CEO.

And there’s more. As (FWS) announced it was lifting a ban on the import of elephant “trophies” from Zimbabwe and Zambia, it also  published new guidelines that showed lions shot in the two African countries will also be eligible to be mounted on those trophy room walls in the United States.

President Trump has previously spoken out against hunting after photos of his eldest sons, Don Jr. and Eric, posing with trophies, provoked criticism. When a photo of Don Jr. holding a severed elephant tail went viral over social media, Trump addressed the issue on Twitter in March 2012.

“I’m not a hunter and don’t approve of killing animals. I strongly disagree with my sons who are hunters, but they acted legally and did what lots of hunters do,” Trump wrote.

Read yesterday’s article here.

(Photo of elephants to become trophies again Breakthrough.org)

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  1. I am sure this ban is attempting to be lifted because Trump’s skank offspring are trophy hunters. This ban MUST be upheld – the massive loss of wildlife needs to be top priority not The Donald’s sons want.

  2. Trump and his fungible wives taught his children to disrespect animals. Hunters, like the Trumps, the NRA and “Safari International” are unbelievably cruel and contemptuous of Heavenly Father’s beloved creatures.

  3. SCUMBAG!!!

    You know he’s going to allow it to go through because his entire administration has been anti pets, animals and the environment, and his sons, Beavis and Butthead, love to kill endangered animals.

    Saying ‘there’s no final decision’ is his usual way of denying that a final decision has been made so the suckers who still believe he’s human will be fooled while he does what he intended to do all along: push through an UNPOPULAR decision while making those idiots think he didn’t! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to set some of his cultists straight in the last year.

    I don’t like hating people. I don’t like feeling this much rage and hate and I am not used to it, even though there are people in my life I’m justified in really despising. He has to go. Either congress has to grow a spine and figure out that he’s not worth its soul or Mueller has to act, but he has to go. PLEASE!

  4. STOP THIS ….. This is one of the ONLY good things Obummer did President Trump!!! STOP, do not repel this law please, please, please!!!

    • Obama left a magnificent Land, Ocean and animal and environmental protection legacy red, Im not sure why you could make such a uninformed statement. every animal right protection trump reversed was put in place by Obama and was also ment to protect American forests and parks from being plundered and sold off for mining drilling and tracking.
      you owe us an apology.
      you need to catch up.
      you need to face your mistake and your terrible choices and join is in ending this now. the first step is knowing your wrong.and together we work on this. you don’t need us to forgive you. thsts not important. for give your self. renew your good energy and let’s fix this.his days are numbered and he knows it.
      its time to protect as many animal families as we can. now.
      We can do this.

  5. Are you FXXKING KIDDING ME????

  6. why do you lie Sarah!?
    you know its a done deal.

    first a slap in the face of common mercy and decency. then your lie about it.
    how do you keep a straight face?
    Trumps permission to import, export
    And harvest animal heads, and valuable, African ivory here in the state’s ??
    a slap in the face of all Americans who fought against this.

    Brovo! House of Deplorables.

    Hear my words and read my lips.
    we will fight this
    and all Obama era and presidents pasts will be reestablish, restored, and rejuvenated.

    its just a matter of time Sarah, that you and the elephant you rode in on….
    are not so generally kicked to the curb.

    keep your lies, and your pretty pearls,
    And pack ya bags.

    don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. and please don’t forget to turn out the lights.
    we the goid people of the United States stand up to your operation.
    Good luck sleeping at night.

    his days are numbered and so are yours.
    you know it.
    Hope you had a nice time in the white house.
    Enjoy your eternal just desserts.

  7. There’s a special place in Hell for Donald Trump and his sons who enjoy slaughtering innocent and endangered animals so they can feel like powerful men. Trump’s considering reversing the ban on bringing elephant trophies in the U.S. is completely to delight his sons and other murderers of animals. May they all meet with the karma they deserve for destroying God’s most beautiful creatures.

  8. I hate what trumps doing.I had to delete my last comment to get rid off troll remarks.Everyone goigle man breathing air from last tree on earth.Thats what trumps doing for us.


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