Veterinarian charged for fatal shooting of neighbor’s dog

Veterinarian fired for shooting dog
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A Louisiana veterinarian is facing animal cruelty chargers for allegedly shooting her neighbor’s dog, Bruiser. According to WGNO News, Kelly Folse, a veterinarian in Jefferson Parish, is accused of causing fatal injuries to the 15-month-old bulldog on December 13.

After the shooting, Bruiser’s owners took their dog to Abadie Veterinary Hospital – the business where Folse was employed prior to the shooting. Despite veterinary care, the dog succumbed to his injuries.

The shooting was apparently the culmination of Folse’s frustration over the dog’s “incessant” barking. Aside from the barking, the dog was never reported to be vicious.

Investigators with the local sheriff’s department determined that the veterinarian was behind the fatal incident and Folse was arrested in December 19. At a press conference, Jefferson Parish Sheriff Joe Lopinto commented on the situation:

“This is why we’re having a press conference today. A veterinarian, shooting the dog of a next door neighbor. I wouldn’t expect it of you, me, of anybody else, but for a vet, give me a break people.”

Abadie Veterinary Hospital has fired Folse.

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  1. This Narcissistic Psychopath is no Professional and needs to have her Veterinarian License Revoked FOREVER!!! She broke every oath she has taken UNDER The Ethic Code for Health care professionals… NO different that if a Physician, Nurse, Dentist killing a Client… this is murder !!!! there is not other way to look at it…. I am a health care professional and I too took the oath over 25 years ago… It has not changed … May her Soul Rot in Hell!!!

  2. I would expect a veterinarian to be more patient with a dog barking than this! If she had a problem with the dog then why didn’t she approach her neighbors so they might remedy the problem. I’m glad she was fired, there is NO way this woman should be near any animal if they irritate her to the point of murder!

  3. The vet should have her license revoked and never be able to practice veterinary medicine again. The owner should sue the Vet for the wrongful death of his/her dog.

  4. Wonder if this so called caring person for animals ever contacted the owner and if so, how many times and what was done by the owner to stop the dog from barking. Yes, dogs barking can be incessant but it can be controlled and that is the responsibility of the owner once they have been notified of any ongoing problem.A vet, who supposedly deals with all types of dogs, should have been professional and tried to help the owner with their dog barking.So many people leave their dogs outside barking loudly and for a long time and do nothing to stop or control this behavior. Many of us have to deal with this same situation but don’t shoot that dog dead. Owners of the dog may not have taken what was said about their dog barking (if anything was said) and were defensive. Hopefully all the facts come out but nothing can warrant or excuse what this vet did.

  5. Good Lord above….. you can not even trust a vet? This reminds me of the monster in Texas who shot the cat with a bow and arrow and proudly displayed it on face book…… AND KEPT HER DAMN JOB?!??!

  6. Oh this is good, now a Vet shoots her neighbors dog???!!! Just like the Vet who bow & arrowed her neighbors cat. I wonder what these Vets do at their practice with pets that irate them? Take away her license and post her name every where. She can’t be around animals.

  7. Kelly Folse – one piss poor example of a veterinarian much less a human being – I’d LOVE to knock those pearly whites right out of her fucking mouth. DOGS BARK YOU ASSHOLE – to do what she did shows no one in Jefferson Parish should EVER trust her with any animal. She is unstable and irresponsible. Her picture should be posted in every animal clinic, hospital, rescue, shelter and veterinarian office in the whole state of Louisiana – her license should be permanently revoked and should never be near any animal ever again.

  8. I’m sure that’s her license picture…..lets see her booking picture. Hardly think she would be smiling! I hope she loses her license to practice. What a BITCH!


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