Update: Dog with huge ulcerated tumor undergoes surgery

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It had been one week ago when Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs announced to their supporters a small beagle was in critical need of rescue after arriving at the New York City Animal Care Centers with a huge ulcerated tumor – one so large volunteers were taken aback and in shock.

“The tumor is one of the worst we have ever seen on a dog before. This poor animal suffered for a long long time, carrying around this huge tumor which is attached to his head. How can anyone look at a dog like this, and not do anything to help him? We are completely appalled and heartbroken that Kratos suffered for so long in this condition,” the organization posted on their Facebook page.

According to the shelter, the eight-year-old pooch dubbed Kratos, was brought in as a stray, however it is suspected whoever brought him into the shelter knew far more than they claimed. His surgery had been postponed because he had been showing signs of an upper respiratory infection, which he most likely picked up at the shelter. His medical team wanted to make sure he was in good condition to be put under anesthesia; as surgery is always a risk for any dog.

On Friday morning, Kratos’ life changed – and for the better.

“… we have some beautiful news and photos to share with you all….. Kratos is tumor free. It is with such joy that we share the good news with you all. His surgery was a success, the huge tumor was removed from his head yesterday afternoon. He did very well during the procedure, and he is up and feeling well this morning. The doctors did a phenomenal job, thank you Dr. Jill Caruso- Faithful Friends Animal Hospital in Brooklyn, for taking such amazing care of our boy. We are overjoyed that Kratos is free from that hideous tumor that was causing him pain and discomfort for so long. Dr. Jill reported that she was able to get good margins around the tumor, and it was closed up beautifully.”

Kratos is now resting and is expected to go to his foster home over the weekend and begin his rehabilitation. You can follow this lucky dog’s recovery and the joy advocates and rescue personnel feel knowing they have saved another precious life.

Read previous article here.

Photos of dog with ulcerated tumor via Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.





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  1. Thank you, Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs, for helping this poor Kratos, hopefully, he will recover and live a long happy life.

  2. I hope Krato makes a full recovery and gets the safe loving home he obviously never had. He deserves the very best and thanks to Dr. Jill Caruso for saving him.

  3. WOW!!! Just….WOW! He looks amazing,Kratos doesn’t look like the same dog! Dr.Jill Caruso did a superb job! I must say I didn’t think it was going to be possible to get the results that we are seeing now! Kratos must be feeling unbelievably amazing! I’m thourghly impressed with the results! Kratos is now well on his way to his new and amazing life,a life that will now be filled with love,kindness,good health,and respect for his well being! Some days I want to say that I hate humanity but I always stop myself from saying it because of all of our wonderful animal rescues,animal advocates,and animal lovers that are a part of humanity that do so much to help our many,many suffering dogs in need,instead I say I loathe the evil humans we have living among us that hurt,abuse,abandoned,neglect and kill our fur babies in the world. It’s these abusers, that reek havoc upon these furry little souls, that I have such deep hatred in my heart for,and it’s our animal rescues and animal lovers who are left to pick up the pieces of these evil abusers crimes! I want to thank everyone involved in the rescue of Kratos,including Kratos foster parents! Such a great outcome for this little treasure! ❤️GET WELL SOON KRATOS❤️

  4. Thank you for helping Kratos, I can’t believe someone would allow their pet to suffer like that. You guys are heroes, and I hope he has a speedy recovery and get adopted soon.


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