UPDATE: Boden left in abandoned apartment to starve to death

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The question still remains how anyone could have turned their back and just leave a dog in an apartment with no food or water? When Baltimore Animal Care and Rescue Shelter (BARCS) reached out to Rescue Dogs Rock NYC on April 8, it was to help with a young dog, dubbed Boden, left alone who nearly starved to death in the abandoned apartment.

Four-year-old Boden, never made it to the shelter, as BARCS personnel transported him directly to their emergency veterinarian. He could neither stand nor walk. At the time when he was found, no one knew how long Boden had been deprived of water and food. His body score condition had been recorded as a “1” on a “9” point scale.

“We cried when we read the report,” Jackie O’Sullivan, co-founder of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC stated. “Boden has oral lesions and paresis (weakness of voluntary movement caused by nerve damage or disease, partial paralysis). “Due to his body temperature and his condition, his chart reads, ‘prognosis poor.’”

And what a difference a few days have made with the best of help from a staff who have been determined to help a beautiful dog in distress. On Monday, Jackie updated Boden’s condition to followers on the organization’s Facebook page. The news was hopeful:

“Boden is the sweetest dog on the planet. At a measly 26 pounds he is so lucky to be alive! His prognosis has gone from poor on Friday to “hopeful” today. He’s eating and on IV fluids. His liver values are concerning, but his blood will be continuously monitored to make sure we are doing everything possible to get him healthy again.”

Since being moved to New York City, Jackie and her young son were able to meet Boden on Monday, and did convey to Pet Rescue Report, even though the lovable pooch tried his best to stand and walk, he just isn’t strong enough, but did manage to crawl onto Jackie and Jack’s lap for rubs and kisses.

“How is he so sweet, so forgiving, so full of love, we have no idea, but it’s one of the reasons we fight so hard for these dogs-their never ending capacity to love and forgive,” Jackie stated.  “We can’t change Boden’s past, but we can and will promise him an amazing future; the future he deserves!”

To help with Boden’s veterinarian expenses via PayPal: [email protected] or www.rescuedogsrocknyc.org/donate/ or mail: RDR NYC PO BOX 101 NY NY 10028.

(Photos and video of Boden courtesy of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC)

Check out Boden’s short video here:



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  1. Just amazing to me that anyone could be so cruel and heartless to any living creature let alone their own dog. Karma x1000 to you POS who did this!!

  2. He’s so cute! I am partial to speckled dogs. I am praying he recovers completely and the perpetrators are punished to the fullest extent of the law.

  3. You go Boden baby !! You show the creeps that did this to you that you will win!! Speedy recovery Boden…nothing but love and fun for you fur-ever!

  4. I’m literally in tears at the description of this sweet boy who almost died in that apartment. I’m crying as I read that he’s trying to stand up because he knows he’s loved. I pray he can make a full recovery. There HAS to be a way to catch the POS who did this – who was renting the apartment?

  5. Such a beautiful,precious boy! So glad to see he is receiving all the care and love he so richly deserves!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. How beautiful it is to see that your son was brought up and taught to have such great respect and love for all animals. You can see it in his eyes and touch how much he cares about this beautiful dog. Thank you again for everything that you do for these animals. I rescued a dog from your organization and I can honestly say she turned out to be a beautiful and loving pet.

  7. He was found in an apartment…. SO WHO WAS ON THE LEASE AND ARE THEY BEING SOUGHT? The courts and police have to start holding monsters accountable! These lowlife tenants should be found, convicted and jailed for a MINIMUM of 10 years +$100,000 fine and LIFETIME BAN of ever owning a pet or living in the same home as a pet. START INFLICTING PAIN TO THESE MONSTERS AND THIER POCKETBOOKS and maybe it will help a little. Just letting them go or slapping their wrist is only a license to continue the abuse.

    • I agree with Red 100% – these animal abusers get away with no punishment too many times – the hunk of sewer slime who left Boden needs to be held responsible – and for all I care, they should be hogtied to a leaky raft and dumped in the Baltimore harbor – good for nothing else but fish food.

  8. Beautiful boy, I’m sending you hugs, kisses and lots of love. You are safe now in great hands., you’ll make it one day at a time. Much love, be happy!


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