Update: 5-month-old Opie succumbs from abuse and neglect

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In Fulton County, Georgia, the photo of Opie,  a neglected puppy, so emaciated and too weak to stand, had been emailed on Tuesday morning to Jackie O’Sullivan, co-founder of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC. Jackie was overwhelmed with sadness, but also with an intense anger as she relayed the heartbreaking story to Pet Rescue Report. Opie cover photo

Opie was a five-month-old puppy who never did anything to anyone, other than to have been born, yet someone hated him so much, they neglected him to near death. Weighing only ten pounds and with a body temperature not even registering on a thermometer, had it not been for the kind staff at the Fulton County Animal Shelter reaching out to Jackie and Rescue Dogs Rock NYC,  no one would have ever known the sweet little dog ever lived. And for the past four days, everyone at the animal hospital tried their best; from the veterinarians to the staff who 24/7 did everything they could to save his life. Tragically Opie remained in critical condition, despite intravenous medication, nutrition and plasma transfusions.

“We really thought he would turn a corner and get a little stronger every day, but unfortunately he pretty much remained in this weakened state,” stated Jackie. “Every possible test was conducted by our medical team to decipher if there were any underlying issues causing Opie’s weakness other than being emaciated. Each test performed was inconclusive for any abnormalities.”Opie 3

Early Saturday afternoon, Opie quietly passed away. It is suspected the puppy had just been so neglected before he was rescued and the damage had been too extensive for his tiny body to overcome.

“If only we found him sooner; we would have done anything for him, – anything to keep him alive,” Jackie posted on Facebook as she sadly updated the rescue’s supporters.  “We are saddened, we are defeated and we are angry. Opie’s life mattered, and he will never be forgotten.”

Rest in peace Opie. We are saddened that humans let you down. You were just a puppy with an entire life meant for you to enjoy.

Read more about the updated condition of the puppy Benjie attacked by three large dogs here.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.


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  1. I am heartbroken, rest in peace little Opie, know you were loved in the end by all the wonderful people at Rescue Dog Rocks NYC, They tried to hard to save you, bless them!

  2. Tears streaming like rivers. How anyone can abuse an innocent being like this baffles me. I hope they suffer horrific illness, become homeless with no one to help them, sleep under bushes in some vacant lot, beaten daily, starved and any imaginable thing that could happen. Opie runs in fields of thick lush grass now, happy and free. No more hunger, no more sadness, no more illness, no more fear. All he knows now is love, tenderness and compassion. Run like the wind little boy, you will never be forgotten!!!

    • Linda I wish daily that I lived in a world where the people responsible for these kind of actions would be the subject of televised public execution so as to send a clear and concise message that this shit will NOT BE TOLERTED

  3. RIP Opie. I wonder if you ever knew one day of happiness in your short life. I hope you could feel the love of so many people who never met you and from everyone who tried to save you at the veterinary facility. Now, you can run free at the Bridge, little one.

  4. You mattered. You where loved . I’m sorry sorry that someone let you get like this. RIP OPIE. No animal should suffer the way you did. I pray that for the short time good people had you that you could feel the love

  5. I am heartbroken to learn this sad news. RIP little angel. You never had a chance to be loved and love…… You deserved to live a long happy life and be a treasured family member……

    I hope that whoever harmed you is caught and held responsible….. if nor on Earth, then I hope this POS burns in Hell forever………

  6. We shed tears for you Opie. Tears because we’ll never see you running in the sun, with wild abandon, something so many like you experience day after day, with their guardians watching over them, and too again, something so many like you little innocent creatures, maimed and left to die, who will never, never have the joy of feeling any joy before their final breath…God, how wrong your world seems to be for so many who do not deserve this intolerable cruelty!

  7. I’m CRYYYYYING now. Poor, POOR baby! He looks like he was a Black Lab…and they have a special place in MY heart. ???? Rest in Peace and fun free of pain at the Rainbow Bridge, sweet Opie! ???? ????

  8. So sad and so sorry that any animal, especially babies should be treated like this and makes me sick that anyone could even do this to such an innocent animal. I’m so angry, I don’t know what else to say except I hope who ever did this gets whats coming to them.

  9. Devastated to hear this update I have been following Opie and I am completely heartbroken. What beautiful eyes that told the story of this angels soul.
    I am so disillusioned with mankind:(((

  10. That makes two puppies you lost so far, why can’t you help them the way Patrick the miracle dog was saved. Patrick was starved to near death yet the Vet in NJ revived his life. Please start saving their life for once. I’m so angry over this… GRRRRRRRRR

    • You obviously haven’t been following this organization, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC take on the worst of the worst and have saved many more than they have lost! I don’t think your criticism is warranted here!

      • I am someone who has followed this organization and donated to them. they take in horrible cases that nobody else will. Why don’t you go on their page and look at some of the success stories these people have had instead of accusing them of doing nothing to save these poor abused dogs. Sometimes there is nothing that can be done they have suffered too much abuse!

  11. RIP sweet love. So sorry you experienced such horrific acts of the human race. Glad you were able to see that not all humans are cruel.

  12. @Pet Rescue Report do you know if the people responsible for this are being brought to justice? They can’t possibly get away with doing this to Opie.

    • I do not know if charges have been filed for neglect. I have been paying close attention to this however and if and when, I will be sure to update.

  13. I am heart broken reading about Opie, so sad what these so call humans did to him. I hope these people have a life of pure hell, RIP Opie. Sorry you had to suffer on this earth. Run free my love and have a life like you never had before

  14. I cried as I read this. ABUSE NEEDS TO STOP! Justice needs to be served upon the abusers!! At least Opie received love, compassion and kind hearts around him in his final days.

  15. Poor Opie. He was too good for this world. Rest in peace baby boy. Now, go arrest his owner and put him in prison!


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