Three puppies stuck in hardened tar for hours

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Three puppies had been stuck in hardened tar for hours in Udaipur, India; their hours left to live were limited until a Good Samaritan alerted the rescue organization Animal Aid Unlimited for a last ditch effort to help.

When the rescue team arrived, they could immediately tell the three little ones had been suffering in the black tar – unable to move and set to work on a plan.

“Three tiny angels were trapped in hardened tar. They were so completely stuck, they couldn’t move a muscle. It looked like they’d been engulfed for hours, and one little baby’s mouth was even stuck open. Neighbors had heard their heart-wrenching cries for help and had called Animal Aid,” the organization posted on their Facebook page.

And then the rescuers went into action.

“Prying them loose was impossible for the tense rescue team, so we had to cut the tar loose from the rocks below and bring the puppies and the tar and gravel they were stuck in back to the hospital. Determined volunteers and staff spent hours to soften the tar with oil and dish soap, with time out only to plant kisses on the puppies’ noses. Multiple warm baths later…and wow. For babies who had been on the brink of death, this is what happiness looks like.”

For the next few days, the one-month-old puppies were massaged with oil and bathed until all remains of the tar were removed. What makes the story even better – the mother of the babies was found, and all have been rejoined and kept until they are old enough to find new homes of their own.

Spend a few minutes and check out this glorious story of rescue – work like this is what we all love to see and read. The video has garnered worldwide approval.

(Photo of three puppies stuck in tar screengrab via YouTube video)

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  1. India ! What chance will these little ones and the mom ever have!!! Even after being rescued in that country of blight, famine, brutality!!! A rescue Needs to move the family to a civilized country for them to survive being killed, maimed, or eaten… it’s a very sad fact… look at the rescues showing the faces of starving human children and begging for monies to supposedly feed them… so it is a given these little ones won’t be on the TOP PRIORITY LIST

  2. THANK YOU ANIMAL AID! If not for your determined staff these babies would have died – now the whole family is together – how anyone could see this and not do something is a total mystery to me. Apparently India does have some kindhearted humans.


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