Teens terrorizing and torturing small kangaroo caught on camera

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Two teens charged with terrorizing and torturing a small kangaroo in Western Australia were arrested on Friday afternoon and charged with animal cruelty. Their disturbing actions were caught on camera after one of the boys posted the video to social media. Police were notified shortly before the video was deleted.

According to 9NewsAustralia, the boys, aged 13 and 16, appeared on the video approaching the small joey kangaroo in the Kimberly Region. One youth could be seen slapping the marsupial hard in the face. The second boy grabbed the animal by its tail and dragged it along the ground; the first boy repeatedly punched the defenseless animal as it tried desperately to escape. The boys, however were not done torturing the frightened and cowering kangaroo, and as the animal ran towards the fence to escape, the boys continued to kick, punch and hit it. Just before  the end of the video, one boy tried to strangle the animal. The tortured lasted more than a minute.

The teens were charged on Saturday with animal cruelty and are scheduled to appear in children’s court on January 10. Police also state they know who videoed the attack, and the investigation continues. There has not been any update on the joey; we hope he escaped and recovered.

Anyone found guilty of animal cruelty charges in Western Australia can face up to five years behind bars or a $50,000 fine.

The video can be viewed here. Viewer discretion is advised as parts of the video are extremely graphic and disturbing.

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(Photos of small kangaroo via freezeshots of video and Channel 9 News screenshot)

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  1. The 2 devil’s spawn need to go to juvi until they are 18, while in there hopefully they’ll get horribly abused and learn a lesson. Meantime charge the idiot parents and hit them in the pocketbook with a large fine, unfortunately you can’t fix stupid and they gave it to their kids.

  2. Give these vile scum physical labor to keep them busy. The obviously have too much time on their hands to be productive future citizens. Can you imagine them becoming career criminals or hard working citizens. What beyond stupid kids and I hope the parents take care and make sure their kids learn from this.Large fine so parents and kids feel the financial burden;

  3. This is ridiculous…..what possessed these kids to try to hurt & kill this precious Joey…..they are the cutest animals….these kids must be taught a lesson, so that they don’t hurt anyone else….

  4. These teens are part of the evil pack of teens who treat animals like this. Their parents need to learn to reel these demonized kids in.

  5. Whats with these young kids, so many of them torturing innocent animals. If they were my kids I would tell the judge to lock them up for a good year or two. Teach the little monsters a lesson they won’t forget !

  6. Sick Sick Sick???? Kids nowadays are SO FXXKING MEAN & CRUEL!! NO PARENTALE GUIDANCE AT ALL!!!ugh. Shit like this makes me glad to be old,,,, it’s only gonna get worse!! SAD????

  7. I don’t care one bit about the age of these fucking punks – they knew what they were doing and to treat an animal so cruelly deserves SEVERE punishment – lock them up in juvenile jail until they are 18 then stick their useless butts in adult prison and let them become the victims of abuse – they deserve it. There is no hope for these inbreds. They proved their total lack of humanity and they deserve to be treated like the trailer trash they are. They should have been aborted not birthed.

  8. Throw the parents in prison too for not teaching their kids right from wrong! Guaranteed if more parents pay the price for their kids wrongdoing, they would be teaching their kids right from wrong.


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