Teen burglars accused of throwing bleach on homeowner’s dog’s face

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Two teenagers have been accused of burglary and animal cruelty in Mesquite, Texas after allegedly throwing bleach on the homeowner’s dog while robbing the home. According to the Dallas News,, the disturbing incident was reported to police on Wednesday when the homeowners returned and found their residence trashed.

The burglars also poured bleach and other items on one of the family dog who had been in her crate.The dog, named Laila had swollen, red eyes and was rushed to a veterinarian for treatment. The family has created a GoFundMe page for Leila’s medical bills; the dog has lost 80% of her vision. The family’s second dog was not injured.

“The thiefs (sic) poured bleach, lighter fluid and other cleaning chemicals on our family dogs’ eyes and entire body. We took them to the vet our chihuahua was fine but our pitbull suffered the most damage in her eyes. The chemicals caused cornea ulcers that cover 80% of her eyes. They’re doing everything possible to save the little sight she has left. We have to continue her medical care so they can save the last 20% vision she has,” wrote Erika Parra on the family’s donation page.

Mesquite Police Department have been investigating the despicable crime and have so far arrested two men. It is believed another two suspects are involved. Arrested were Zavier Humphrey, 18, and Jacob Hernandez, 17, both of Dallas. The teens face  two counts of burglary of a habitation. Humphrey also faces a cruelty to animals charge.

(Photos of teens alleged to have thrown bleach on family dog via Mesquite PD)

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Mesquite Police Department. Anyone wanting to donate directly to the family’s vet: Town East- Galloway Animal Clinic 972-613-9871

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  1. It dusnt matter how old they r they know th difference between right nd wrong no animal shud b abused they hav to pay for wot they hav dun all living feeling breathing just like us cowards that’s Al, they r

  2. Our pets aren’t safe no matter what we do. You leave them in the house supposedly safe in their crate and some disgusting thugs break into your home. rob you and do this to your poor dog! These worthless pieces of humanity will no doubt get more of a punishment for breaking into the house than they ever will for hurting the dog! Keeping this family in our prayers.

  3. How ABOUT A LITTLE TAR & FEATHERS , Don’t forget The EYES!!! as the BIBLE SAYS!!! “An Eye For An EYE”” !!!! I can’t POSSIBLY THINK OF A MORE APPROPRIATE INTERPERITATION of THE BIBLE so of YOUR POSTERS are so hell bent on quoting !!! CAN YOU???

  4. These fucked up thugs need bleach thrown in their eyes and then tied to the train tracks. Fucking bastards I wish I had my hands around their damn throat useless POS

  5. These evil monsters are young and have probably have been vile criminals for along time! Not only can they NOT be rehabilitated they ABSOLUTELY will continue and progress on to worse criminal behavior! The writing is on the wall….they are a danger to society! Too bad they are allowed to breathe air! Praying for poor Laila! The pain she endured was immense and the suffering unimanageable,these two evil shitheads are the spawn of the devil!


  7. Fucking scumbags like to tie them down and throw bleach all over their fucking faces and bodies pieces of shit

  8. OH GEE, another vile story brought to us by the sick sad state of TEXAS. What a mess of a state. Just another SOUTHERN group of assholes that get away with the most savage of behaviors with little consequence. I pray for some vigilantes!!!!!!!

  9. If the dog wasn’t crated maybe the dog would been able to get away, but confinement sometimes isn’t a good idea. I understand crating seems to make them safe unless useless asshole thugs who have nothing to do but to rob and had to hurt a defenseless animal. If these laws don’t get harsh on bastards like this something must be done because I am sick of this shit.and they get nothing but a little slap on the hand, How would the judge like it if bleach was thrown in his eyes. Now this poor dog is nearly completely blind because of some mentally fucked up thugs that are worthless and probably don’t have a job. I have no words for these POS other than I hope it happens to them and they get cancer now rot and die.

    • Well we have one Mexican and one Black::: I can’t WAIT TO HEAR THE TAIL THE “PUBLIC DEFENDER”S” for these MISUNDERSTOOD, Downtrodden, Underprevlidged, children of down and out LOWER ECONOMIC STRUGGLING PARENTS, attempting to raise these UPSTANDING, NON DRINKING>>> TO COMMIT ( FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES SUCH A HORRIFIC and VILE DEED)!!!

      • I am sure that will happen trying to defend these scumbag trash of a wasted human. I want just five minutes with these rotten punks who would rather steal and hurt and innocent animal than get a damn job.I wish I can pour bleach in their eyes. Mentally sick useless bastards.

    • I have a German Shepherd that if I don’t crate her I won’t have a house left to come home to. I do however have her big brothers to defend should someone break into the house. but does it really matter? Thugs will hurt or kill your dogs be they in a crate or running loose, we see it too many times. It’s too bad the family’s other dog didn’t take a “bite” out of these two thugs. I’m with Pennysdachsund, It will be interesting to see how the Lawyer spins this to get these thugs off with a slap on the wrist.

  10. It is time for Texas to wake up and start prosecuting animal abusers and punishing animal abusers for the wastes of flesh and blood that they are – these two punks Zavier Humphrey & Jacob Hernandez blinded an innocent animal for NO REASON WHATSOEVER – make them pay – no more probation, one year sentences in a juvenile facility, no more slaps on the hands. These two fckers need to be in a prison where predatory inmates can have a party on them – they love young blood – let them become the victims of cruelty – they so well deserve it.

    • I love that idea Nancy inmates do not like abusers so put them in the cell with those inmate and let them have it since I can’t do it.

  11. I knew exactly what those POS would look like before I saw their picture. They deserve life in jail before eternity in hell. Get them off the streets. Get well little sweet puppies. I’m praying for you.

    • OH yes! Any ethnic anymore is the “misunderstood, misunderstood, poor forgotten Soul”. According to them , when the authorizes find them with a knife in their hands bloodied after slaying an little lady for her $12.00 in her purse for dope!!

  12. Come on courts and judges…..SET AN EXAMPLE THAT WE ARE FED UP WITH KIDS ABUSING ANIMALS!!!! Stop slapping them on their worthless hands and letting them go. Minimum 5 years behind bars, $5,000 fine and life time ban on ever owning or living in a household with pets.


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