Teen accidentally shoots through dog’s body, killing his grandmother

Teen accidentally killed grandmother
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A Louisiana teenager is accused of accidentally firing a gun inside of his home on Bubba Street, in Plaquemine, on Thursday afternoon. According to the Daily Mail, the bullet passed through the family’s dog and into his 67-year-old grandmother, who died immediately.

The teen, identified as Blaise Horton, phoned 9-1-1 to report the incident – though his own description of what happened indicates that the shooting, which claimed the life of Kathleen DuPont Fulton, was accidental, Horton was arrested for negligent homicide. According to reports, Horton had removed the magazine from the handgun and then pulled the trigger, believing that the gun was empty.

The dog, believed to be an adopted great Pyrenees, survived the gunshot and was taken to an emergency veterinarian for surgery.

(Image screenshot via the Daily Mail)

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  1. Fools and guns! This is the result of someone having a gun that obviously doesn’t know what they are doing. This boy will have to live with the fact he killed his Grandmother, not to mention shot the family dog! Not something that will be forgotten easily.

  2. It’s a truth…gun play kills. Many fine people are gone because of it. I hope this young man will be able to live with what he has done. May his grandma RIP.

  3. Sadly the dog did not survive. News channel wbrz has an update provided by an easily confirmed family member in the comment section.

  4. So this kid killed his grandmother and a dog – he is now facing prison time and will probably become a victim himself – the inmates just drool for white boys they can victimize – Blaize made a huge mistake and will pay for it – guns are dangerous especially in the hands of stupid people.


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