Stray dog soaked in tar makes amazing recovery

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Two men spotted a stray dog soaked in tar in Lanus, Argentina and refused to walk away and ignore him. Instead they reached out to authorities, and police and a local veterinary clinic immediately contacted Zoonosis Lanus for help. No one knew if the dog dubbed Petro (petrol in Spanish) had been intentionally covered in tar or had it been a horrific act of animal cruelty?

Petrol’s plight soon became one needing extraordinary amounts of patience and love. No one had ever attempted to remove tar saturating a dog’s body from head to toe; it was as if he was dipped in a vat of the sticky and gooey substance. After five hours of scrubbing and repeatedly shampooing, most of the tar had finally been removed. Petrol was scared and exhausted. Obviously feeling better, after having endured such a stressful rescue, Petrol’s sweet personality began to show.

On the Facebook page of Myriam Otellado, who posted Petro’s photographs during his ordeal, the dog’s story of the amazing recovery has gone viral:

“Each day he’s better and happier,” wrote animal rescuer Myriam as she updated Petro’s progress.

Weeks later, Petro is still resting, but with the love he is receiving and as his strength quickly returns, this handsome boy will soon be eligible for adoption. Petro holds no grudges and obviously loves his new life. Share Petro’s story and how love bonds us with our special companions.

(Photos of dog soaked in tar via Myriam Otellado Facebook)

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Read the update on an abandoned 3-month-old puppy hit by a car. 

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  1. Thank you for taking the time and effort to care for Petro!! You certainly saved his life. And to the POS who did this to him….Karma x1000. I hope you receive the same fate

  2. I’ll never understand the limited & remorseless mindset of people who do something like this to any animal. Thank heavens for good people like the men who rescued him & the volunteers who saved him.

  3. I have to wonder what goes through the dog’s mind when he is comfortable in the care of those that helped him, then he is handed over to new people (adopters). Doesn’t he pine for those that gave him love and care in the first place? I ask this often as I see dogs going to rescue, then adopted from them. It has to be hard going through the process until they land in their forever home.


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