Staten Island man tortured neighbor’s cat

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A Staten Island man videoed himself torturing his neighbor’s cat in his Arthur Avenue apartment, and then posted the gruesome video on Facebook. Tyrike Richardson, 21, is shown on the June 29 recording dropping a chair on a cat and waving a knife in front of the cat’s face while the defenseless animal swipes at the weapon in order to save its own life. Richardson is then seen jamming a long stick into the motionless cat’s belly and face.

According to SI Live, Richardson was arrested on Thursday and charged with aggravated cruelty to an animal and torturing and not feeding an animal. The cat, a two-year-old male named Chester who belongs to Richardson’s neighbor suffered multiple injuries including blunt force trauma, rib fractures, live and kidney injuries and injuries to his lungs.

Chester is currently in the care of the ASPCA.

Richardson’s criminal record dates back to when he was 14-years-old.

(Photos of Staten Island man arrested for torturing cat screenshots via SILive)

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  1. His criminal record dates back to when he was 14 years old and yet he is still walking the streets able to abuse innocent cats! This POS needs to be jailed and away from society, but I doubt even this will do that! Prayers for poor Chester, I hope he is able to recover.

    • 100000000+% agree!!!

      This POS is headed straight to Hell and will burn forever for his cruelty!!!

      Hope this kitty recovers ASAP and is rehomed into a new furever home as far away from the current situation……

  2. A criminal record that goes back 7 years and he has had no sever punishments. This is crazy! When will judges see that these criminals need to be put away. Please continue to share this poor cat’s recovery. I hope somebody give this kitty a great life!!

  3. This degenerate needs to be away from society!!!
    If let out, he will torture again!!! The next time
    it will be another animal or a human this time!!!
    Law inforcements needs to take these crimes
    against animals seriously!!! Keep him in jail for
    a long time!!!

  4. Tyrike Richardson is a COWARD who needs a massive dose of his own medicine – this fnking punk can torture a cat, but I bet he would piss his friggin pants if he was confronted by a human – I truly truly hope his life is very short, very painful and he suffers immensely – not much will happen to him by any judge since he has been a menace since the age of 14 and still on the streets – the judicial system does little to nothing to animal abusers so hopefully, there is some serious street justice in store for this maggot.

  5. Pas la peine de le juger, la peine de mort. C’est un criminel irrécupérable, aucune excuse, aucune pitié pour les assassins.

  6. Here are your NY liberal judges (& I live in NY). He should have several arrests but no extensive jail time? What do they wait for, until he tortures and kills a human? This poor animal has gone through so much and I pray he survives what this “thing” did to him. I hope for this he does get jail time and those inmates do to him what he did to this cat and multiple times. Torture is the only type of treatment this thing knows (he is not human). Punishment should fit the crime and have done to him what he did to this cat. Big, nasty thing torturing an animal who is 1/10th his size.

  7. I wish they would hang this miserable excuse for a human. I wish they would do to him what he did to the defenceless kitty. I wish he would be skinned alive and locked up and the key thrown away. I hope he is on the wrong end of a gun or a knife or a stick and a chair and I hope they put him in the ground and let the worms make a meal of him. There is no place in the world for such people.

  8. Just another instance of a young person torturing animals at a very young age and absolutely nothing was done to stop him until now. May Karma visit him in prison!

  9. This low life POS would be safer in jail. What I’d LOVE to do to him is for starters: Break both his arms/legs and a few ribs and his face.. Then strip him naked and hang him from a tree upside down and let people whack him with sticks like a pinata. NEXT: . using a razor sharp knife; Slice off his reproductive organs (Because shit piles like this should NEVER EVER be allowed to reproduce). Then take a nice HOT branding iron and brand the word EVIL across his forehead to show the world what kind of thing he is. And finally throw his ass in jail .. tell all the inmates what he did. Hopefully there are some animal lovers there .. and let this puke get a daily dose of an anal prodding done on him for the duration of his stay!!!! Wonder if “He’d enjoy that”???? I sure as hell would laugh like a hyena!!!!!!

      • I “HATE” these assholes that do this!!! They are sick fucks and deserve no mercy, sympathy, compassion to be shown to them. Far too many of these cases showing up and almost nothing is ever done to these shit piles! My compassion lies with the animals they hurt or kill

    • Great for starters…… then let’s let the cat lovers at him…….

      If that poor tortured treasure had been one of my cats, I would be in jail for killing this disgusting POS……… & happy I avenged my precious treasure (my furbabies are my precious treasures AND I will get even with anyone who harms one of my precious furbabies)……..

      • Hopefully they are there in the prison he should rot away in. The inmates who care about animals….. don’t like people who hurt them. so “if” there’s any luck. They’d teach him a lesson on a daily basis.

      • I’m sure many would join in on the laughing. And thanks!!!!! I’m just fed up with all these evil assholes that take up their vicious acts on defenseless animals. They are cowards who pick on the weak. They deserve no mercy or compassion shown to them. They most certainly will get NONE from me. I still don’t know of the status of this poor cat and I hope he will be ok.

  10. i hope your cell mate is a cat lover and hates all people that torture cats or any animals… so sad … we will poke you with a stick after he gets done with you… what an ***hole. oh yeah bend over jerk.

  11. This is just sick…If he does this to an animal he will advance to a child or adult…And screw you Donoradvocate…i dont care what color he is…He is a sick individual..Just glad it wasnt my cat..I would probably be in jail also…WTH is wrong with people in our country? Im ashamed…

  12. Animal abusers are very ill and don’t deserve to integrate in our communities. Disturbing video of a man with an allegedly long prior rap sheet who should be imprisoned for a long time. Given his deep-seeded anger, violence and unstable mind, he poses a threat to the innocent. Prayers for Chester’s recovery and a forever loving home. Have two rescued cats who are so loved and give back more than I can ever receive. Cannot comprehend bullying violence toward defenseless animals and children. It is sickening such individuals exist in society and should be locked up forever.

  13. Impressive criminal record! Okay judicial system….what will he need to do next before you put this primordial ooze in jail and forget him? Rape a child? Perhaps then you’d take this puke off the street. I listened to the ridiculous rant of his sister. Logic and intelligence passed over that family.

  14. Look at that ass wipe, trying to look like a bad ass for the camera. Well, It does not take much strength to beat up a defenseless cat, you cowardly piece of DUNG. I don’t want to share the streets with people like this; They are sucking up good air.

  15. This pile of garbage is an insult and a disgrace to any decent human being. It would take a foul, evil, evil heart, to starve a vulnerable, defenseless little animal, than when he’s at his weakest, to violently attack the little one where he had no strength to defend his self. What a weak, useless pile of trash that grotesque looking thing is.

  16. Watching the video of his idiot sister trying to blame the Cat, ” The cat was hissing and was being mean” WTF A Family of Idiots!! We don’t believe your lame ass story, your Bro is a Animal Abuser!!!! He needs to be locked up, if he can’t find anything better to do then abuse defenceless animals then the SOB needs to be caged!!!


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