Someone shot family’s young dog inside of her owner’s fenced yard

Young dog shot in her yard
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A Texas family is searching for answers after someone shot and killed their young dog inside of a fenced yard in Cibolo. According to News 4 San Antonio, Bailey, a year-and-a-half-old boxer, sustained fatal injuries late last week when someone shot her while she was inside of her owner’s fenced yard.

Bailey’s owner, Rudy Molina, told the news agency about his deceased pet, “She loves hugs, she loved kisses. She’d just sit at your face and stare at you until you do something. Just the happiest little thing in the world.” Molina was outside washing his truck last Friday when he heard a “crack” and then saw his dog run to hide beneath his vehicle.

Dog shot

Bailey was rushed to a veterinarian for emergency care, but the damage from the shotgun blast proved to be fatal. As of yet, the identity of whoever shot the young dog remains a mystery – something which keeps Molina on edge. He told News 4 San Antonio, “I’m afraid for my kids. I’m afraid for my neighbor’s kids. I’m afraid for their animals.”

(Screenshots via News 4 San Antonio)

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  1. What brazen scum to shoot and kill a dog when the owner is in the front of the yard. Hope police have all the forensic evidence they need to hunt this thing down and dispose of him the way he did to this man’s dog.

  2. Maybe More to the Story than is being told!!! Gangs? Revenge? Feud? Drugs? Old Dispute? the law had best become seriously involved … This beautiful dog did deserve this horrific death for ANY reason… The Putrid Low-Life Scums that did this will not hesitate to shot, children, spouses, next ! Especially if this is some sort of WARNING!!! I hope the authorities are checking every possible reason for this needless death. this families children must be living in deep rooted fear day and night!!

  3. Rudy Molina, I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope the authorities find the monster who killed Bailey and receive the punishment he/she deserve. It’s horrible that so many pets are killed in their own backyard. I’m sure Bailey will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

    RIP Bailey, I’m sorry your life ended so soon.

  4. RIP Bailey. What cute ears you had! My condolences to you family.

    This whole thing is beyond frightening. At first, I thought maybe the owner had left Bailey in the backyard all day while he was gone (which is never a good thing to do) but he was there and outside with her. WTF???? They need to find the POS who killed her and find him NOW.

  5. TEXAS = OPEN CARRY: WTF do people THINK is gonna happen?
    And they want to extend permit-to-carry rights across state lines?
    NO EFFIN’ WAY! Keep your crazies outta Minnesota: We have enough of ’em right here, already!
    Rest-in-peace, sweet Bailey… I pray some OTHER gun fanatic (perhaps a closet companion animal aficionado?) finds you before the authorities do…
    and exacts Texas-brand frontier justice!

  6. Praying the horrible person who did this is caught..what’s wrong with people….shooting an innocent puppy who never did anything wrong to anyone. And who rides around with a shotgun in their car……too many people have guns who should not have guns……someone knows something about this and if they aren’t caught, thewill do it again.

  7. How sickening! Some POS shoots your dog while she is supposed to be safe in her yard! How does someone go on after witnessing something like this. I hope the Molina family find out who did this and get some justice for Bailey!

  8. Another example of WHY gun control should be in place in every state – too many assholes who shoot because they have a damn gun and don’t care what they hit. Bailey was an innocent animal in his own yard and killed because some subhuman punk carried a gun. This bastard will hopefully become a victim of a drive-by – does not deserve to breathe.

  9. If that would have been my baby that he shot, I would have to do the 3 s’s Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up. And even that is too damn good for him. He needs to be punished to the max.


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