Someone killed family’s dog with an arrow

Dog killed with an arrow
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A family in Floyd County, Georgia, is heartbroken after the unexpected death of their beloved dog, Sadie. The black Labrador retriever, who belonged to Josh Jarrell, died last weekend after someone shot her with an arrow, reported WSBTV News.

On November 26, in a GoFundMe account, Jarrell recounted what had happened to the family’s dog:

Our dog Sadie has been missing for seven days. Today my wife and I went out looking for her as we have done everyday. We found her out behind our house on Our property shot with an arrow. The scum who did this walked onto our land and broke off as much of the arrow as they could. The police officer who came out said that it looked like she was just trying to get home.

Sadie’s body was found on Sunday – the arrow was through her heart. Her owners have speculated that a hunter may have trespassed onto their property and shot her after mistaking the dog for a deer. The fundraiser was created to raise funds for a reward – click here to read more and/or donate.


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Deformed dog or not? Strange photo is driving people crazy! I’ll admit, this one took me awhile to figure out.

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  1. They need to find this murderer immediately and make sure that a severe punishment is levied! RIP Sadie and may you rest in peace!

  2. A person’s family, pets, or even their property is not safe in this State of Entitled Criminal’s and Animal Abusers!!! Out West you could find yourself dead for coming onto someone’s property with a weapon and without permission !!! How very sad for this family and their loving companion… maybe the individual who committed this atrocity WILL ACCIDENTLY step in an illegal trap on of his buddies place out in the fields, fall and shoot themselves… ONE CAN ONLY HOPE!!

  3. Why couldn’t the person have told the family it was an accident and take responsibility for what he did (if what the owner thinks happened did). So sad to think this dog was trying to get home and couldn’t. Hope they find the scum who did this and given him jail time and the cost of what this family had to spend on trying to save their dog.

  4. So sorry about Sadie – another innocent victim of a miserable example of a human being whose only concern seemed to be covering up their cruelty – some of these friggin’ hunters have no respect for other’s property and feel they can go wherever they want and kill anything that moves. I love hunting accidents – hopefully, one is in store for the scum that killed Sadie – that would be justice.

  5. Too bad this family didn’t have security cameras around their property… should not have to do that BUT There is no longer respect for other people , their property , their livestock, and hunters can be the worst of the lot… hell out here people get cows, horses, shot ! Now tell me do they look like Deer!!! go figure!!

  6. HEARTBREAKING, HORRIFIC, AND TRAGIC ???????????? Please locate the evil monster that murdered this poor innocent dog and prosecute that scumbag to the maximum extent! Angel Sadie, I’m so very sorry. Rest in Sweet Heavenly Peace, you are now in the tender loving care of Jesus. Play and run with the Angels in Heaven’s soft fluffy clouds. Angel Sadie, I’m praying for your deserved justice and that despicable monster is severely punished! Angel Sadie, you are loved. RIP Baby. ♥️????????????????????????????????????????????????????♥️


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