Reward nears $50,000 for information about cruelty to Sage the cat

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The Humane Society of Northern Utah crowd sourced nearly $50,000 as a reward for information  leading to the conviction of the person or people who tortured Sage, a family cat, in Clearfield last week. In an emotional gathering of people at Kiwanis Park last Sunday, more than a 100 people came out to pay their respects to the family of the six-year-old cat brutally tortured. But the gathering meant more, and according to KutvNews, residents in the area fear the person(s) involved might do this again:

“There’s just been a lot of people from day one who have been so awesome in sharing their support. And I think the community feels for our situation. They have a lot of animals in the community as well, and I think a lot of them are worried for their animals as well…” stated Ron Estes.

Sage, was found on March 8, badly beaten, with broken paws and ribs, eyes swollen shut and his whiskers cut.  The friendly gray and white tabby died the following day.

“They broke his ribs, his little toes, beat his face, glued his eyes shut, tried to glue his penis and anus shut, burned him with hot glue and put silicone on him,” said Debbie Barnes, president of the Humane Society of Northern Utah, in a news release. “This is the worst abuse case I have ever seen.”

The Humane Society of Northern Utah continues to accept donations on Sage’s behalf:

“Though many people feel the reward is “excessive” for an animal abuse case, there is a proven link between abusing an animal and domestic abuse, or worse. The individual(s) involved are in need of counseling, before the problem increases, potentially involving people.”

Read more about this heartbreaking story here.

Photo of Sage via Facebook.

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  1. That reward is certainly large enough to entice someone to come forward and turn the bastard(s) that got their sick kicks by torturing an innocent defenseless cat. ANYONE who does this to any animal should just bypass the crappy justice system (which will to do little to nothing) and take these maggots right to the wood chipper. Their punishment deserves to equal what that put Sage through – a slow painful death. I have 0 empathy for animal abusers – they are gutless cowards who would run crying for Mommy if confronted by someone their own size. I’d love five minutes with these hunks of sewer slime.

  2. The thing or things have to be punished for what they did to Sage! As for the reward being excessive who decided what a reward should be? This poor cat went thru hell! The terror the pain! Why?

  3. The people who feel this is “excessive” had better get a clue! There’s a MONSTER walking around in their midst, who has done this BEFORE, is probably doing it NOW, and will CONTINUE to do it until caught! If those assholes think this vermin will stop at family pets they need to THINK AGAIN. Anyone capable of this kind of evil and malicious violence against another living creature will NOT stop at animals: sooner or later, his next victim will become human beings! Those cold hearted jerks also need to understand that Sage was part of a FAMILY, and viewed as a FAMILY MEMBER, and probably as much a part of the family as a child.

    In other words, they need to screw off. That attitude is part of the problem.

    Too bad the evil scum won’t get the true punishment that monster deserves when found. What i wouldn’t give if it were possible, because it would be the only true justice for Sage.

  4. The reward is excessive for an animal abuse case since if caught the person that did this will most likely get away with a slap on the wrist. Where are people’s consciences, they shouldn’t need a “reward” for coming forward and turning in the monster or monsters that did this! . Here’s hoping this reward works, here’s hoping Sage and his family get some sort of justice out of this. Someone knows who did this and they need to come clean!

    • How can you say the reward is excessive…..if it were your pet you wouldn’t say that and neither would I….after all it’s not coming out of your pocket is it? This person or persons need to be caught & right away before they do it again & maybe next time it could be a person or child.

    • Who cares how much the reward is! If I knew who did this to Sage, I wouldn’t, without a second thought, accept that reward money. It’s about morals, ethics, compassion, and justice.

  5. Throw the book at these people when you find them, and do exactly the same to them. I really hope you find them soon. RIP precious Sage.

  6. Future serial killer on the grow.
    Young perverted future human kidnapper and torchor growing in the neighbor hood.
    Presentally working animal suffering and gaining confidence and evil skills, perfecting evil skills.
    Missing animal and found animals parts have been part of this community for some time now.
    Do the math.
    With 100 people gathering. Time for data entry. how many people of the 100 have lost pets? spread sheet.
    When did they start loosing pets. now add 6- to 8yrs (my inner voice screams add 8, add 8!! ) focus on the spacific age group.
    get a map of the area. Pin point where animals have been found. now the dates. This is the area and age grop you focus on. go door to door. interview every kid away from its parents. inspect: bedroom , attic, basement, garage under porch.
    This creature is so far gone he will not know what to hide. Talk to every kid in that age group. They know who it is.
    So does the creatures parent. I pray for your delivarance. this is really bad. your community is in danger.
    Act now!! The creature is boared and will soon move onto babys in its realm. A young monster walks among you.

  7. Omg this is horrific.. Omg, who would do something like that..their evil..I pray their caught..if they will do that to a animal,its just a matter of time before they do this to a human..they new to b caught ..omg..this poor cat suffered.. N they need to suffer

  8. This cat torturer has to be caught because he/she might do this to people !?! To hell with people! People can fight back and it was a people who did this! The little cat could not fight back! $50,000 is not excessive. You can’t put a price on any life! The person/people who did this need to be more than counseled. They need to be locked up forever. They do not belong in society. They are garbage. They need to be disposed of.

  9. This breaks my heart. I can’t begin to imagine the fear and pain that poor Sage went through. As for the $50,000 reward….it is NOT excessive. They need to find the POS who did this…and I would say to do the same to him/her

  10. This reward IS NOT EXCESSIVE. The scum(s) who did this need to be caught and punished to the very FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW…. preferably by vigilantes who will do everything to them they did to this poor cat. COME ON KARMA…. get them! $50k is enough to make some scum bag turn on their friends who most likely bragged about his horrible torture.

  11. Counseling…? Who ever did this knew what they were doing. They need jail time and a good ole Chicago ass kicking…! $50,000 to catch this POS is priceless…!

  12. I don’t think the offer is too excessive. You need to find who did this and PUNISH THEM just like they did to this poor little baby.


    • people send themselves to hell and st. michale delivers them to the gate and make sure the gate is shut . god and jusus are to busy aiding the good’
      Pray for the diliverance of utah from an amimal killer who will become a general killer.
      You should pray to god to help a person in that crowd of 100 concerned cittizens to be the one who discovers the demons laire (his parents home, where he practices) his identity is known by some Now. The battle between good and evil is being negociated by this secreat small intimate group ( thats right a spacific family… knows).
      pray to god to find the person who will rescue this community thru him (god) not by him.
      pray for the strenth for a good family member
      We pray to god for help for others and to do good.
      never pray to send someone to hell. its not our place and its misspent spiritual energy. God will trial, convict and sentance.hes on it. ask him for someway to help.

      Here we pray for the creatures discovery, capture and deliverance to our judicial system.
      for what ever reason. a demon was born into a human family. he is a hybred demon. a curse and a test to the family. its sad but it happens. they walk among us.when they get him and you see a picture you will know what they look like.
      Pray to be in the know.
      and yes keep talking to god.

  14. There is a special place in hell for this animal abuser. I still can’t wrap my brain around this cruelty, nor the terror and finally, resignation, this poor cat went through. This honestly hurts my soul.

  15. This/these are psychopaths and counselling don’t work ever. They just find more & more evil and descipable ways and means to add to their modis operandi. Laws across all countries worldwide need to change so that any animal abuse means the death penalty immediatly, without years on deathrow and no bail or parole. Once convicted give the bastards a day and then the green juice, doesn’t matter whether juvenile or adult or gender. Enough is enough. The peoples of this world needs this to happen. Someone who knows how to get a petition to the right Courts & the UN needs to do this please.

  16. Could possibly be someone close to the family???? It is so unlikely that this sweetheart got out and went FAR away!!! I have 2 cats and they DON’T wander too far!!!!! Look into the family…. they could be “protecting ” someone!!!

      • Now thats some good sluthing guys.
        There is a saying .
        your neighbors know more than you think you know.

      • Has any good solid information been found or come forward to catch the horrible people who did this…’s hard to imagine someone hasn’t come forward ….someone know something…..

      • I would like to know also debor 33.
        I think they more than adressed the problem and I think the cash reward is unprecedented. Clearfield Utah means business.but remember we may not find out till its all over and they have their monster. To keep people posted could drive the monster into hiding or a different location. It is a murder mystery and im happy they treat it as such. Try and get a 100 people together for any reason in the dead of winter in Utah. It says alot about this town. They know they have an animal abuser but they really know they have a rising serial killer in the neighbor hood. and they are willing to pay for it and nip it in the bud. They know they need to get it now before it becomes smarter and more dangerous

      • This town is harboring (NOT BY CHOICE) a repeat of Ted Bundy or Jeffery Dauber !!!! HE/SHE will continue killing and soon the prey will be a child, teen adult or elder!!! This is not a game It IS SERIOUS SHIT!!! They need to continue to be PROACTIVE!!!

  17. The fact the reward is “excessive” is a testament to the love we have for our animals. I personally think the reward fits the crime. This person is a danger to all.

    • WELL THIS MONSTER must have a bunch of Loyal Monster Follower’s or does the torture and horrific deeds in a “cloak of secrecy ” so NO ONE KNOWS … Can’t tell me another individual Would Actually be so loyal as to not turn this COMPLETE PSYCHOPATH IN :::: THEY are a TED Bundy and Twilight Killer combined:::::: Whom ever did this NEEDS to be removed from Society!!!

  18. If you look at the map of where the city is … there are some VERY remote, surrounding areas. It could be that no one heard or saw anything. Tragically, it may have to happen again before they find the monster who did this.

  19. Very tragic but I am going to say this for the millionth time and I don’t know all the facts cats need to remain indoors!!!!!! This is just one of the many reasons why. Don’t argue with me on this! I do rescue and have for years. RIP poor little baby. Lets burn the POS that did this. They are future serial killers in the making!

    • Emma you are singing my song… I’ve said this for YEARS…. Animals are safest in their homes….ANd when they let their dogs out to do their business, they let them out & don’t watch them… I do not believe in leaving any animal or child alone & unattended!!! it takes only SECONDS for something to happen!!!

    • Agreed. cats were neverment to live out doors. they by nature have no knowlage in building a shelter. no nest , no cave. this means they are truly domestic animals. strays are abandoned animals. all of them. the myth of a lost cat . is just that a myth. they seek human contact and perfer food warmth and shelter.
      I am also a trapper and tracker, part of my countys trap , spay , release program especially in winter im allowed to keep them in my kitchen untill they are ready to be put back . exactally where i found them. every one should feed strays. they hang out by dumpsters to have there babys. they all must be spayed, chipped untill there are less dying from lack of food untill they are so few of them that they walk into the arms of a kind heart who sees them winking at them trying to meow.
      strays dont know how to meow at people. if they do . thats a former house cat dumped or thrown out of a car by a bad person. open your heart and your car door.
      emma we have to get our ideas together and submitt them to those who can make changes. All cats and dogs need to be chiped. even strays. now we can change this in a life time of a cat. ( change it in 10 yrs) im sick of seeing hungrey cold cats begging for food at cvs, timid, afraid,
      and unaprochable because they fear man. Afraid of help and pleading for help.

  20. Keep your cats inside and a watchful eye on your dogs when outside. It only takes a second for a perp to nab them! The sooner these monsters are captured the better! I say we torture them????????????????????


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