Puppy left to suffer inside of 133-degree car

puppy rescued from 133-degree car
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Someone, either intentionally cold-hearted and cruel or horribly ignorant, left a young puppy inside of a parked vehicle in Riverside, California on Wednesday. By the time that officers with the Riverside County Department of Animal Services arrived, it was 133-degrees inside of the car.

Officers were nice enough to unlock the doors of the white sedan that held the black and white puppy…the owner, whose identity has not been released, did not have any windows broken out by the two officers who rescued the pup.

The puppy was taken to a veterinary clinic and provided with a cool bath and time in front of a fan – the staff was able to bring her temperature down (it was over 103-degrees when she was rescued), reported the Press-Enterprise.

No word on whether or not the owner will be getting the puppy back.

This puppy was fortunate – she was rescued before the unthinkable happened. Please be on alert in parking areas and notify the police if you see a dog or puppy who has been left inside of a parked car. To the owners who haven’t paid attention to the repeated warnings – DO NOT LEAVE PETS IN PARKED CARS.

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  1. Why IN THE HELL Should the Moronic Bastard/Bitch that left this Poor pup in the car TO POSSIBLY DIE A HORRIFIC DEATH GET the LITTLE GIRL BACK!! They should be placed and 133 degrees car and left to sit there for a MINIMUM of 30 minutes without opening a door , window or turning on the air conditioner. The should have a drink of cold water either….. live by the sword die by the sword!!!! ASS HOLE

  2. Penney Eims “Officers were nice enough to lock the doors………” Misprint? Thankful the pup was saved and should not be given back to the owner.

  3. Where’s the fucking piece of shit that left the puppy in the vehicle throw their fucking ass in the car let them fucking suffer for a whole hour maybe they become brain-dead oh I forgot they’re already brain-dead that’s why they left the puppy in the vehicle piece of shit

  4. Sick assholes I hope they die why did they do this how awful evil people l hope they suffer & die in the car & suffer bg

  5. The puppy is lucky to be alive. There’s no way that she should be returned to the person that left her in the car under those circumstances. Congratulations to the police for releasing her, and the vets who saved her life by such quick thinking. This could have been a tragedy.

  6. It is so easy to neglect and torture animals and children. They are so dependent, vulnerable and only want to please. Cowards, psychopaths and other humans feel that they have “power” and feel strong. They are the losers, their lives mean nothing. Their lives have no value, they better be dead!

  7. The heat from a hot car does internal damages and it cooks a dog slowly from the inside outward. This is why people think hot is uncomfortable but is doable because often the dog doesn’t die immediately, but they are wrong, the dog doesn’t feel well, begins to slowly fail and months later suddenly succumbs to a heart attack–for instance– or dies in his sleep. Puppies or an older dog probably would perish before a dog in excellent condition, but a dog in excellent would be having his life span shortened unnaturally and would not be a well dog after his experience. I never hear much about people driving around with dogs in the back of trucks that have metal truck beds for them to stand on during times of hot summer days–see it often and this is also abusive and stupid

  8. Are people really that ignorant? With all the news stories and even using common sense, why are dogs being left in hot cars? The owner needs to be named and shamed, and NO the pup doesn’t need to go back to this ignorant person! I’m glad the pup will be alright, thank you to whoever noticed and called for help!

  9. Puppy needs to be removed. This should be a law. Look at the anguish in those little and expressive eyes. How can people really be this STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Please don’t let the owner have the puppy back…..he could do this again & the puppy might not be found in time.

  11. Some people are so dam stupid! This puppy should not be returned to the owner and the owner should be charged for endangering the life of puppy. He would have been charged if the puppy was a human baby.


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