Police find dead dog in Walmart bag after neighbor reports abuse

Dead dog found in Walmart bag
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A dog, who may have been suffocated, was found inside of a plastic Walmart bag at a home in Fresno, California. According to the Central California SPCA, on Friday, a neighbor reached out to the authorities after hearing someone beating and kicking a dog.

When a humane officer arrived to a residence in the area of Fresno Street and Ashlan Avenue, the homeowner denied having a dog – evidence at the residence, including food and water dishes, indicated otherwise. The brother of the suspect confirmed to the humane officer that a dog did live there and could be found in the backyard.

The Central California SPCA stated:

“Our Humane Officer requested and received assistance from the Fresno Police Department to conduct a search of the back yard. There, she found a sealed plastic Walmart bag with a small, deceased dog inside. There were no obvious signs of trauma and it is feared the dog may have been suffocated.”

The suspect, whose identity has not been released, was arrested and is facing a charge for Malicious Intent to Harm an Animal. The deceased female Maltese will undergo a necropsy to determine the cause of death.

Malicious Intent to Harm an Animal, and was transported to the Fresno County Jail by Fresno Police Officers. The victim dog, a female Maltese, was transported to Tulare for a necropsy to determine the cause of death.

The shelter would like to remind area residents to call and report any possible cases of abuse or neglect:

If you are aware of an incident of animal cruelty or neglect within the city or county of Fresno, please report it to the Central California SPCA at (559) 233-7722 (SPCA).

(Image via Central California SPCA)

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  1. Let the inmates have their way with him and turn a blind eye to what they do to him.That would be fair retribution for what he did to this innocent tiny Maltese.

  2. Poor precious treasure. Sorry humans failed you in so many ways….. I hope your POS owner suffers in every way possible for the rest of his miserable lifetime. There is a place reserved in Hell where he will burn forever for his cruelty to you. I hope he gets there ASAP after dying a traumatic, painful, lonely death…….

    RIP precious treasure. Please look for MacKitty in Heaven and he will introduce you to his wonderful group of snuggle buddies…..

  3. This scum bag should have a plastic bag tied around his head and let him feel what it is like to suffocate and feel the fear. Then kick the crap out of him until he’s almost dead. Then throw his sorry ass in a cell to rot.

  4. How horrific! Poor helpless tiny little dog! Why hide the monsters identity? Plaster his name and face all over the news so his community knows that a dog killing POS maggot lives among them! And I’m not liking what this monster is charged with! How about charging him with felony animal cruelty and lying to police…..not that any charge will result in a decent harsh punishment,which contributes to this rampant brutal crime!! The brother is just as disgusting for not stepping in and stopping this horrific crime! What a big bad ass he must think he is brutalizing a little Maltese…..too damn bad this sewer scum gets to continue to breath…..I hope the next time he attempts to cross a street he gets run over by very large truck. I’m completely sickened by this story! ????????RIP SWEET FUR BABY????????

  5. I will never understand why someone who is hearing an animal being abused does not intervene – calling the cops is one thing, but no way could I ever hear or see animal cruelty and not step in – I may be putting myself in danger but that is the chance I will take. Animals are perfect victims for human trash – they have no defense, and no voice – I will never stand back and let some human maggot hurt an animal and not do something. This piece of maggot shit (who they won’t name) should be strung up in public.

    • I agree about doing more than just calling the cops. Then I stop and think – maybe the person who reported the abuse is elderly or handicapped and isn’t capable of physically intervening but even if they yelled at the POS doing the abuse and told them the cops had been called, it might have saved the dog’s life.

  6. Killing a tiny defenceless dog is a cowardice unforgivable act. What in the world did this little maltese do to deserve to die in such an awful way. Absolutely nothing. The scumbag owner probably was having a bad day and decided to take it out on the dog. Hog tie the lowlife, tie a plastic bag over his head and throw the POS in the dump site with the rest of the trash. He won’t be missed!


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