Owner arrested: Rope embedded in dog’s neck

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A Kingston, North Carolina man was arrested on Thursday after police discovered a rope embedded in his dog’s neck so deeply, the animal required surgery to remove it. Tommy Heath, 55, faces charges of felony animal cruelty in the case of a dog named Angel.kingston man rope 2

According to WnctNews, a concerned citizen called 911 to report an abused dog living in the area of the 300 block of East Blount Street last Friday. When Kingston Police officers arrived. they found the dog with a rope embedded so tightly around her neck, her face became swollen to nearly twice its normal size appearing to look more like a guinea pig than a dog. Authorities tried to remove the rope at the scene but were unsuccessful.

The dog was transported to the Lenoir County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and then to the Five Oaks Animal Hospital for specialized care where she underwent more than three hours of  emergency surgery. Angel has since been moved to a foster family where she is recovering.

Heath was booked into the Lenoir County Jail and a $5,000 bond, He has since bonded out.

(Photos of rope embedded in dog’s neck screenshots via WnctNews.)

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  1. Seriously we don’t need to see a guinea pig next to the POS photo to understand the dog’s condition. We have an idea! And to put a black dog (pictured) has nothing to do with the story is unnecessary.

    • That photo was Angel before surgery and the other picture was Angel after surgery. Yes, she did look like a guinea pig. The photos were supplied by the Kingston Police Department. I hope that explains your reservations about the pictures.

  2. Heartbreaking and Horrific! It’s a shame and unjust that this evil monster was bonded out of jail. He should have been locked up for a minimum of 5 years. The poor innocent dog suffered agonizing pain, despicable torture, cruel mistreatment, and profound betrayal from the person who was suppose to care, protect, respect, and love this sweet dog. While in the hands of that monster this poor dog must have suffered much more cruel abuse and disgusting mistreatment that we are not even aware of. My heart bleeds for all the horrible physical and emotional pain this sweet dog suffered from that evil monster! Thank God the dog was rescued from that heartless despicable monster! This innocent dog deserves justice and that dangerous evil monster MUST be severely punished! Prosecute that monster to the maximum extent!

  3. That poor dog! This beast needs to pay the vet bills and be punished! Until the judges in this country start handing down stiffer sentences for this sort of thing, it will keep continuing!

  4. It’s too bad we can’t hang him by his balls in front of the court house and people get to come laugh at him.They should have kept his stupid ass in jail without bond.These laws need to change THEY Need To GET TOUGH ON THESE COWARDS.IT IS A FELONY ,TREAT IT LIKE A FELONY.Thank You To The Person Who turned him In.Poor Dog.Animals are so loyal to us scum like this shouldn’t have a animal.If you can’t treat a animal with love then you don’t deserve one.IT SHOULD BE MANDATORY THAT FROM THE TIME WE ARE VERY YOUNG CHILDREN WE ARE TAUGHT TO TREAT ANIMALS WITH LOVE AND COMPASSION .I’m SICK AND TIRED OF THESE COWARDS GETTING SECOND CHANCES.LOCK THEM ALL UP IN ONE BIG PRISON AND LET KILL EACH OTHER.

  5. The United States is making great strides to punish animal offenders, but there is so much more that needs to be done. I’m glad to hear that at least this idiot was jailed and will be prosecuted. Good for that Judge!!


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