One last drink together – brother left behind is scheduled to be put down today

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Update 6/8/17: Kenny has been rescued!

Kenny and his brother were bonded to one another, but that made little difference to the person who adopted one dog and left the other behind. An image was captured of the dogs sharing one last drink together.

For Kenny, the dog left behind, this could be the last photo of him because he is scheduled to be put down…euthanized…killed.

There is little information about the dog on death row. Early Tuesday morning, a woman who coordinates rescue efforts for animal control agencies in the Corpus Christi, Texas, area wrote:

Call now to save.
Being euthanized today.
If you can help, please call: (410) 608-2195

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Stranger makes an incredible donation to help save homeless animals – read the heartwarming story here.

Dog stolen from family and then discovered at fighting operation – read the story here.

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  1. Please God Save this doggie someone adopt him both if u can please do not let him die please help dear god I pray he will be saved please bg

    • Thks Sis 4 reminding Humans on Family Bondage. Some1 out der-hv a Heart & Adopt both boys. Dont separate them. Dont let 1 of the boys die. It will b on yr conscious forever. Help Adopt Both Boys 2gether

  2. I can never understand how someone can adopt one and not take the other too. I will be sharing this boy’s plight and hope someone will help.

  3. Someone PLEASE go get his guy …. I appreciate the person who adopted, but HOW could you be so heartless separate these boys??? !!!!! PLEASE SAVE THIS GUY !!!

  4. Please – someone come forward – why does one have to die over another – isn’t there a rescue shelter that can help – please

  5. For CHRIST SAKES GIVE Harlem a CHANCE to FIND A HOME of HIS OWN… he lost his brother yesterday and NOW FACES LOSING HIS own LIFE in a DAY… It was too bad that the person that saved KENNY felt they couldn’t take on the two , but that is not the fault of Harlem who was left behind…. I SWEAR TEXAS is the most uncaring, ruthless, STATE in THIS UNION … Would HAVING THIS LITTLE GUY a few MORE DAYS OR WEEK be SUCH A BURDEN on YOUR SO-CALLED ANIMAL SHELTER>>>Maybe you need to have a NEW DIRECTOR or BOARD of DIRECTORS SHUC AS IT IS!!!

  6. How do you leave one dog who is so bonded to his brother? I just don’t understand. Poor Kenny – I hope his life is spared.

  7. Sweet Jesus – give Kenny a fighting chance – he lost his brother and now this friggin kill shelter wants to kill him – he deserves a chance to get adopted – PLEASE SOMEONE STEP UP FOR KENNY – You will never regret it. This is heartbreaking.

    • I just called to leave a Msg for Governor Abbott and spoke with a live person… She informed me the Governor has little control over the animal’s shelters etc. as each county handles their own and it is not in the Constitution of Texas where the Governor has power to intervene… She gave me Gulf Coast Rescue 1-361-225-0845 to call and Pals Corpus Christi 1-361-884-0366. to call to see if they could pull this little Harlem a chance…. I am not good at this but I will try, if anyone else sees this I would appreciate your help….

      • I actually got to speak to the shelter this afternoon At 1-410-6o8-2195. they wouldn’t even speak to me about finding a rescue transport! Also said I had to come in person and I said I live over 1000 miles away and couldn’t get there by the time they were going to euthanize Kenny. Didn’t bother this Lisa Bockholt a bit … I was at a loss as to who else to try!!! I feel helpless about it all… & can see why Texas KILLS/ so many dogs and cats…

    • Animal control states they only have one Kenny and it not what I have described. there is no Id # to go by. I also called the # on this post. and got the mail box is full….. now I am at a loss … I only hope someone went there and got this little fellow

      • LINDA ::: THANK GOD!!!! I have felt so bad about this little guy!!! and this makes the upcoming WEEKEND SOOOOOOOO much better knowing he was saved!!! These little guys reminded me of a beagle Bing and his sister BO a neighbor and I had about 20 years ago… they were also Bonded,,, when I let Bing out in the mornings he would run down to the neighbors and they would let BO out and the ran the fence line sniffing … of our 4 acre properties… When Bing died Bo grieved herself to death….

    • Audrey, there is a Facebook page. Look at the comments above yours and someone put links; that will take you to the Facebook page. Share!

  8. How could they split those brothers up, there was someone out there that would’ve taken them together, so not only did you separate them but now you want to kill one of them that is such an atrocity I’m just so angered by that

  9. Should have been both or none. If they had to die atleast it would have been together instead of one mourning thre other.

  10. Why didn’t this women take both so heartbreaking. I just don’t understand people especially when these two dogs were os bonded. So sad.

  11. We should not criticize the people that adopted the one dog. They saved one dogs life. Perhaps we should stop and think they may have other dogs. Could you people have adopted BOTH dogs!!!!!

    • Agreed. I was appalled to see negativity for an adopter. It could be both of them dying, but now at least one is safe.

  12. This is one of the saddest situations I have read ????????????. Im praying for this little guy! Please, someo e help this innocent, precious life. ????????????????

  13. Swp from Florida fostering saves lives. I really hope someone opens their heart and saves this boy. He deserves to live. Heartbreaking

  14. We humans are a heartless, hopeless, and helpless race. We really do suck (as a whole) on how we treat other humans, other beings , and this planet in general. I am embarrassed and ashamed.

    • I got thru to the shelter and they wouldn’t even consider a rescue transport bringing him North. I am over a thousand miles away but told them I was willing to pay for boarding and the transport, NO they said I had to be there in person .. Not willing at all to work with Me. He is more than likely gone if they held to their schedule yesterday…

      • That shelter doesn’t seem interested in saving any lives, the people running it would rather put them down. I guess they don’t care about these animals in the least because they are making up rules that prevent some people from providing help. I hope someone local was able to pull him.

      • I adopted a dog from Neuces Cty last year. I paid for his adoption, shots, neutering and transport to Florida with my debit card over the phone. My dog made it to Georgia and the transporter stole my dog. Animal Control in Georgia, police in Georgia wouldnt help me. I have yet to find my dog. Nobody is talking except to tell lies and cover each others butt…

      • Jenna ! I guess I am Lucky I wasn’t able to get any assistance down there… Texas is a HELL HOLE AND A HALF!!! I feel very sad about the difficulty you had in attempting to give a need animal a good, loving, caring place!!!!

      • Jenna, this is heartbreaking, not only are you out the money you spent, the poor dog you wanted to rescue is missing and it’s fate unknown. I wish I had some insight as how to help you, beyond hiring a lawyer and suing the transport people.

  15. Please save Kennys life ..he needs a home to be loved not put to death ..kill shelters should not exist ..God Bless Kenny and find him a forever home..Now it’s not like he has a lot of time..

  16. Let it be known that if you adopt one Dog, Please Adopt the other Dog. The Two Dogs were Family. How would you like it if your Family Did the same to You. Karma will get you in the End. Karma is a Bitch.

    • after talking to 3 different people there yesterday I somehow don’t think the outcome Was a Good One!!! I bet he was gone by closing. they were total assholes….

    • I spoke with the shelter in vain on the day Kenny was to be put down ..trying to find a transport and rescue to get him a thousand miles north . They had absolutely no compassion… he is gone I am sure… and it pains me to think that.. there was no way I could drive to Texas.

  17. It’s bad enough to not be a “no kill”, but how do these people work with animals & not care to answer calls or anybody trying to help get a poor animal out & they are turned away with excuse after excuse. To not check their messages. This dog could be saved & they all too lazy to not care you my as well say & rather just kill a dog, that could of had a chance in getting out.

    • This was the first experience I had with dealing in trying to actually get a dog out of there… I do have friends in ElPaso and I had planned to call them to drive down and get the little guy for me. These total jerks wouldn’t even discuss the issue… the only person nice to me was the woman I spoke to when I called Governor Greg Abbot’s office.. She actually took the time to look up the Corpis Cristie Animals Control Number for me as she said the #given in the post was wrong when I read the whole post to her!!!


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