One of Bieber’s dancers adopts his dog, raises money for surgery

Bieber's former puppy, Todd
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According to Wednesday’s publication of TMZ, one of Justin Bieber’s dancers adopted the pop icon’s young dog, and then raised money to pay for an expensive surgery the puppy needs to live a pain free life. Dancer C.J. Salvador’s family recently adopted the seven-month-old Chow Chow, named “Todd,” who originally belonged to Bieber.

The puppy was diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia and a veterinarian stated that without surgery, the puppy would not be able to walk by the time that he reached a year of age. Unwilling to let the puppy suffering, or worse, be put down, Salvador set out to raise the funds needed for Todd’s surgery. Salvador set a goal of $8000 on a GoFundMe account and the money has already been raised.

Other media outlets are using the situation as an opportunity to bash Bieber for giving up his pet (he got rid of the puppy because he stated that he didn’t have enough time for him), but Salvador is defending the singer. On an Instagram post, Salvador stated,


Todd is a Salvador. My parents adopted him which now gives US the responsibility for taking care of him. I did not ask JB for money because he has nothing to do with the situation. I have had an amazing professional relationship with him for over 5 years and I plan on contributing to his camp for as long as I can.

Salvador goes on to explain that the breeder did not disclose the fact that the puppy had dysplasia and that his parents discovered the problem when they took him to a veterinarian to be neutered. He also expressed gratitude to the people who donated funds to make Todd’s surgery possible.

(Photo screenshot via GoFundMe)


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  1. SO let’s SEE THE ERRANT<SELFCENTERED < SPOILED PIECE OF COW DUNG< could ROG HIS PIGGY BANK to help of the little dog he had tossed away like a piece of trash!!! Yet if could spend thousands and thousands on the fur coat he wore in California for Christ Sakes… He was definitely a total waste of SPERM … HIS parents should hide in Shame for the worthless scumbag they produced Thankfully his more than likely under paid dancer has compassion, and a heart… I hope Mr. Cow Dung has throat issues and loses his VOICE like forever!!!

    • Well said pennysdachshund, I agree with your assessment of Justin Bieber 100%, Sure Salvador isn’t going to bash “Mr Bieber” that’s where his bread is buttered. So maybe Bieber didn’t know the dog had hip dysplasia, but when he did find out, the kind, responsible thing to do would have been to offer to help the Salvador’s pay for the surgery. Just another irresponsible POS!

      • I agree with you Barkley’s Mom, why couldn’t J.B. pay to have the dog get the surgery he needed he HAS the MONEY!!! I like to call him Justin BEAVER! And he is a POS! That stupid fur coat he bought cost more than the dog’s surgery would of cost, I feel sorry for the poor animals that had to DIE so that fur coat could be made!!! Too bad Justin can’t be skinned and be used to dress animals!

  2. What are you talking about Bieber Bieber is a piece of s*** talking trash punk ass thinks he’s a tough mother f***** I mean jack s*** f****** garbage he’s trouble he thinks he’s a gangster he’s a piece of s*** little boy that think he’s growing up and he’s got a long way to go mother f***** thank you for being so kind as the dancer together still the second chance God bless you and f*** Bieber

  3. Beiber deserves to be bashed for buying a Chow Chow, of all breeds, and failing to give him the proper love, attention, guidance, and bonding necessary for him to become part of a successful dog / parent pair and possibly a successful dog, period. Chows need time, patience, love, and guidance from their owners or they can become the stereotypical aggressive Chow, overly protective and guarded. It sounds like Bieber would have been the stranger and Salvador’s parents were the parents of this puppy in dog’s eyes because they’re who he bonded with. That might have a lot to do with why Bieber would get rid of him to begin with. If he’s not going to take care of his dog, he should not get one. If he insists upon getting a dog, and he’s still going to be that irresponsible, he needs to do research on the breed before he gets one that could lead to disaster for both of them. Chow Chows are beautiful dogs, but they are NOT dogs who can be purchased and simply left. If he’s going to buy a dog, he needs to do research on the breeder (though a responsible breeder might not want to sell to him anyway). It sounds like he’s simply an irresponsible jerk all around, which has always been my impression of him anyway.

    So happy Salvador and his parents love this puppy so much and adopted him. It’s wonderful that people donated the money so he could get the surgery he needs so he can walk. The breeder who sold him is an unscrupulous POS who should be exposed and put out of business. There’s a place in Hell for scum like him or her.

  4. R…U…F’N… KIDDING… ME!!!??? I don’t give a damn!!! That ASSHOLE Bieber doesn’t want 2 either care 4, or HELP! ??? But he can afford fur coats, etc! ???
    FUCKING SCUMBAG! I’m telling the world what a piece of SHIT I always knew he was.

  5. How many animals has Bieber failed now? He honestly needs to be banned from having any other animals. Seriously. His attention span when it comes to his pets is less than that of a gnat. I’d like to squash this mindless idiot like a gnat….. Glad the dog is with a loving family now, and yes – Bieber SHOULD pay the bill. He took on the responsibility of the dog, failed that, and has more than enough money to pay for the surgery the dog needs. Maybe Bieber could sell one of his fur coats? He’s a fur hag and an animal abuser.


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