Man who nearly beat chained dog to death may not be charged

Chained dog beaten nearly to death with a hammer
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A Missouri man, who admitted that he viciously beat a dog with a hammer, is not expected to face charges for the cruel act. According to Fox 2 News, the chocolate Labrador retriever, named “Benny,” was beaten unconscious by his owner, but the man’s claim of self-defense will apparently keep him out of jail.

Benny, and his sibling, “Bowzer,” were surrendered to Rough Road Rescue, Inc., and since the time of the beating, which took place in late May, Benny has made a remarkable recovery. Steve Svehla, with the rescue group, told Fox 2 News how horrific the beating was:

“He [Benny’s owner] just told me he said he got fed up, the dog had chased a car.  He had to get the dog.  He flipped out, took the dog out to the woods, this is his statement:  chained the dog to a tree, stood on the chain, and thought he was going to kill him, thought he had killed him, but he knocked him out, so he walked away,”

Since nobody was present to support or refute Benny’s claim about the alleged dog attack, he is not expected to face charges. The rescue agency has expressed anger and dismay over the unjust outcome. On Thursday, a post about the situation was posted to the rescue agency’s Facebook page:

What else do we have to do? You heard that there is no charges filed because the man said he was attacked. As i stated before there was no evidence of injuries, no cloths torn and because no one witnessed the man actually doing it. The man gets off clean. And we are left with this poor animal. The man admitted doing it. The man was able to take this vicious dog, place a chain around it’s neck, walk him out into the woods while standing on the chain, beat him with a claw hammer until he thought the dog was dead. According to Missouri Statutes you are allowed to kill a animal if you feel your in imminent danger. But you must prove that you was. Also you must prove whether it was a provoked or UN-provoked.

Benny, and his brother will be made available for adoption – according to the rescue group, neither dog has exhibited signs of aggression.

Find Benny’s rescue group here.


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  1. The asshole needs to be charged he is a sick creep & I pray someone kills him & beats him to death with his own hammer sick mentally ill asshole charge him with animal cruelty bg

  2. Of course he was not charged!!! After all this is a state that the most puppy mills that any other state!!! So of course they will enable,condone and protect vicious animal abusers!!! This state is SHAMEFUL when it comes to companion animals! IMMORAL AND SICKENING.

  3. This is DISGUSTING!! If you’re going to let scum off according to the law, then FOLLOW THE LAW WHEN DOING IT!!!

    Since they didn’t apply the law, that bastard should be locked up, and as far as I’m concerned, the key should also be thrown away.

    • The POS owner should be beaten – the same way he did to Benny – the only difference is that no finds him and saves him. Let him die the way he left Benny to die.

  4. This is right down ridiculous ! It is obvious this ass hole just beat him up yo get rid of Benny. Why was it necesaa6to take him to the woods to punish him, I thought he said Benny attack him. Bull shit.!!!! This ass hole is guilty. I hope he had nightmares for life and had no peace in his mind, heart and soul. Karma to him.

  5. Thankful Benny recovered. As for the owner I’m smh as to why he did such a horrible thing to Benny……no excuse!

  6. One could only hope this sadistic defective human being gets his ass chained to a tree and beat to death. Sorry but that’s how I feel. The world does not need this sick perso it it

  7. No signs of aggression. That tells you right there that the “MAN” is lying like a rug. If they are smart They will watch this Cretan like a hawk. If he felt it was OK to do it once, HE WILL DO IT AGAIN. When he does, tie him to a tree and beat the crap out of him and tell everyone ” It was in self defense”.

  8. I’m appalled. He confessed. If the fog was attacking him he would not have been able to chain him. Evidence was the poor dog and a confession from the perp. If he had done this to a human would he have been exonerated? The poor animals slip through the cracks with inept Judges an inept system ; he should be on the registry for do not adopt do not transport do not foster and never be allowed to have a pet again. Personally I think the death penalty would be appropriate and lethal injection would be too humane. A few hours in the woods chained to a tree and let the animal advocates take care of this barbarian!! He will probably go on to be a serial killer as most start with animal abuse. Then the judge may think twice about his verdict.!! This is one of the worst states in the nation for animals , with all the puppy mills . I hope the dogs are adopted to a loving home with a home check and background check. Hell has a vacancy for the perp.

  9. Post the perps name and let him wander on someone’s property in a stand your ground state. If he doesn’t leave and gets shot it was in the resident’s self defense. Would be a shame wouldn’t. Death by lead poisoning and one less animal abuser and potential serial killer! Karmas a bitch!!!

  10. Imminent danger from a chained dog? So where does his proof that the dog was vicious come in? How is he proving he was in “danger” and “feared for his safety”! He sounds like the POS police officers that claim such nonsense, I guess if it’s good for them this fool can get away with it too! DISGUSTING!

  11. I would like to rip his heart out and show it to him before he dies. Disgusting that he won’t be charged. I have a chocolate Lab and the worst thing she can do is to lick you to death.

  12. I appears to get ahead in this world any more you have to lie, cheat, steal, rape, beat, torture, molest, murder, “SOUNDS like a COUNTRY SONG” instead of the HOPELESSNESS AND DISPAIR OUR ONCE GREAT COUNTRY IS IN!!!

  13. Im calling bullshit on this fucktard! This waste of space needs to be beaten in a circle until he stops stealing oxygen.
    Were there injuries to the shithole to support his claim? And when did beating anyone or anything in the head become acceptable? So if a 5yo kid did something annoying that 5yo kids are known to do bc THEY ARE A KIDS; do you chain them to a tree and whap them in the head with a hammer?
    NO BY GOD YOU DO NOT. YOU TRAIN THEM/TEACH THEM. Someone should slap that miserable fk in the head with a hammer and ask him how he likes it…
    WTF is wrong with people. Humans are way fk’d up. I really hate a majority of the human race.

  14. Quand la justice ne fait pas son travail, il faut que le peuple le fasse à ça place. Ce barbare ne doit pas rester sans être condamné. Il faut que justice soit faite pour cette âme innocente. Pas d’excuses, pas de pitié pour les monstres.

  15. Another prime candidate for the wood chipper – this bastard so deserves some vigilante justice since the authorities are literally taking this maggot’s unbelievable lie – no wounds, no torn clothing, nada – yet some idiot judge let this fck get away with beating a poor animal almost to death – O God, this skank is SO lucky I don’t live in Missouri –



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