Man caught on video slamming dog’s head into wall given slap on the wrist as punishment

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A man caught on a closed circuit surveillance video slamming a tiny dog’s head into the wall of an elevator pleaded guilty to animal cruelty on Monday in a Windsor, Ontario court. Mark Randall was charged in January after the disturbing video was forwarded to the Windsor/Essex Humane Society showing the man slamming a small terrier’s head into the wall and then repeatedly hitting the dog in the face and the head.

And the animal abuser’s punishment after pleading guilty to a charge of permitting an animal to be in distress? Randall was fined $500 and ordered to pay $115. in court costs. He and his wife had been caring for the two dogs while their owner was in the hospital. The dogs have since been returned to their owner.

In a Facebook post by the Windsor/Essex County Humane Society, the organization expressed their disappointment:

“Yesterday Mark Randall pled guilty to permitting distress to an animal and was sentenced to a $500 fine plus court costs of $115. We are disappointed that the sentence imposed was so low. With a possible sentence of a $60,000 fine, two years in prison, or a lifetime ban on owning animals, a $615 fine is utterly disappointing and hardly seems like justice for Andy.”





Check out the video of Randall in the elevator with Andy. What do you think? Did the punishment fit the crime?

(Photos and video of slamming a dog’s head into wall courtesy of the Windsor/Essex County Humane Society)

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  1. Well here we have it AGAIN! A less than worthy punishment for a POS that thinks nothing of harming a dog he is entrusted to take care of for someone else! When are our judges going to get “with it” and dole out a punishment that means something. Until they do, this sort of think will keep happening!

    • Perhaps if the judge “owned” dogs and someone did this to his beloved family members! Randall better watch his back being he was “entrusted” by his friends to watch their dogs while in hospital..they know what he did and where he lives…judge did not hand down a worthy punishment let’s hope owner does!!!

  2. Pathetic! That disgusting POS belongs in JAIL!! He was helping out a friend in the hospital, and instead abused that trust by abusing that person’s babies! What a turd!!!

    • I hope the owners are suing the pants off this moron, he needs to pay somehow and it’s apparent our judicial system isn’t going to do it!

  3. I’d really like that abusive subhuman to care for my pets when I was in the hospital! I hope the pet’s owner has severed ties with him.

  4. That’s a bunch of BULLSHIT!!!! If he can do this to a little dog, ha can sure as hell do it to a child or any other person. This is so F**** STUPID!!!! He needs to be put in Jail and left there.

  5. hope someone seeing this piece of shit and what he did,,bangs his face against a wall then kicks his balls so hard they have to snip them off ,he aint nothing but a bitch anyways

  6. That sorry son of a bitch. I cannot believe he just got a slap on the hand for what he did too that poor baby. I hope someone does something equal to him as punishment. That poor baby didn’t have a chance in hell. Please GOD let there be justice for that baby. If I was there I would hurt him badly. Hopefully. Someone up there will see him and make him pay the price. Please I beg of you…..

  7. WHO WAS THE JUDGE ON THIS????? It’s time to start putting the Judge’s in the spotlight? What did this dog do to get such heartbreaking punishment??? If he did it then this dog probably paid a price when this idiot got home from court. My God, what was this Judge thinking??

    • He and his wife were “caring for” the two dogs for a “friend” in the hospital. The dogs are back with the owner.

      • If I was the owner of that poor baby and saw this video, I would make this man’s life miserable!!! I would make posters and hang them around the community with a detailed description of what he did. I am happy that the dogs are back home.

  8. What a sob let’s pound his head w a baseball bat show him how it feels poor baby he shouldn’t be alound to keep her or any animal for that matter it pisses me off the people get away w animal abuse just cause they don’t have a voice bull shit but if it was a human u bet it ass they would of took the kid out of the house same gos for the voiceless laws suck and the judge does too

  9. You could tell that did was afraid to be near him! That wasn’t the first time he’s done that. I’d want him out so he could be smacked in his head and face and drug around by the neck for a while ! Asshole

  10. What is wrong with our legal system that a grown man 100 times bigger than these pups only gets a slap on the wrist for purposely hurting a precious little dog who did nothing to deserve that or even if the pup did do something that man was wrong…..I hope he reads this post because I will call him a coward…I would like to call him something else but I don’t talk that way…any person and I use the word person loosely….that could hurt a sweet little dog who did nothing, would not hesitate to beat a child or a woman….I hope the owner of the pups has someone go beat him up & let him see what it feels like.He knows he was wrong because he did it in hiding in an elevator with the door closed…..for the life of me I don’t know how he got off so easy.

    • State an federal whining amount money slap a hefty fine on EVERY single animal abuser instead of this piddly small amount and stop with this slap on wrist BS and toss a brick at him after you get the $10,000 fine!! Hello JUDGES do you get it??? The bigger the fine the bigger your pension! There are cameras everywhere if caught brought to justice REAL JUSTICE fined heavily…. things will change WAKE UP JUDGES WAKE UP

  11. The jerk is a real freaking hero able to hurt a 10/15 pound dog..
    I hope Karma finds him and is really paying back exponentially! Rot in hell loser.

    • Karma doesn’t exist because there is a God. Perhaps God will punish him. If I was the “friend” he and his wife were “caring for” these two dogs for I would certainly sever ties with them. It’s a disgrace that people can be not only irresponsible with other people’s pets but even abusive.

      • Karma does exist. Stop imposing with your religious bullshit and kindly stay on track…….this is a site for animals.

      • Linda – If you know the true definition of karma and still believe it exists, then you do not believe God exists. Accepting a saving relationship with Jesus Christ is not “religious bullshit”. Obeying God’s commandment to go about doing the great commission is not “religious bullshit”. Trying to prevent people from spending all eternity suffering in extreme anguish in the lake of fire is not “religious bullshit”. But, God gives us all free will so you are free to believe whatever you want – including the lies of Satan, the father of lies.

      • Rev. That’s correct I don’t believe God does exist. But I’m sure people who follow Pet Rescue Report are all not followers of Christianity. Your religion isn’t the only one that exist. So try being kind and keep that in mind.

      • Linda – If I didn’t care about folks, I wouldn’t expose myself to all kinds of hate mail by trying to win souls for my Lord and Saviour. God bless.

      • Stop imposing your religion on others, you wouldn’t want anyone imposing on your beliefs, therefore you are not justified in imposing that situation on others. Stop the bullshit and have a wonderful day.

      • Severe ties???? How about severe his balls and serve up on a platter to the wife!! Hope wife of abuser dumps him too how embarrassing to be married to a man who beats a dog mr and mrs loser! Stop hiding the names and addresss too post it for all to see share an copy so people who work with them, are related, lived near….everyone sees wht a POS their friend r family member is

  12. I would like to slam his head into a wall, the dog didn’t do a damn thing wrong, this creep should go in for anger management, the judge is an idiot as well.

  13. OMG CLEAR ABUSE AND A SLAP ON THE WRIST OMG…if he broke this little dogs neck would they have charged this feces????OMG hope the owners go after this sub human OMG
    another crap place promoting Animal Cruelty POS FEVES,,,,

  14. Il est inadmissible que ce barbare ne soit pas en prison, la souffrance est toujours pour les mêmes. Il doit être condamné sévèrement, les propriétaires doivent le poursuivent en justice et ne rien lâcher. S’est un danger pour la société, un parasite qu’il faut éliminer.
    J’espère que ce pauvre bébé s’en sortira.

  15. Once again a brain dead judge has given an animal abuser literally NOTHING for the cruelty inflicted on this little dog. I hope Mark Randall gets the street justice he so well deserves – I am so tired of these idiot judges treating animal cruelty as serious as littering – Mark Randall should be nailed to a tree and used as target practice.

  16. What could that poor little dog have done to deserve that treatment? Nothing! That is the #1 “A” answer! I will never get used to how cruel people are. He deserves to ride an elevator for about 10 minutes with a guy 3 times his size liking the shit out of him.

  17. Hope someone really mean and strong knows this POS and pays him back for what he did since the justice system is letting him off!!


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