After long life on streets, critically wounded dog finds the ultimate kindness

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Life is difficult for street dogs in the small villages near Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Dogs often have to scrounge for a few scraps of food just to survive, and even if critically wounded are forced to quietly suffer while hiding from their predators. Friendly villagers feed many of the stray; it becomes a way of life when few can afford to have their dogs spayed and neutered. Still there are the rescuers who bring forth the heartwarming stories about dogs who never would have had a chance if not for the ultimate kindness; medical and emotional intervention.

Animal Aid Unlimited came to help Edith – an elderly street dog whose wound on her back was so severe and infected, no one even knew why she was still standing and able to walk. What survival instincts mean to our canine friends is often incomprehensible, but rescuers followed her down the street and wanted to help. When they gently laid a blanket over her eyes, Edith didn’t try to escape – she stood still and with a nervous wag of her tail allowed herself to be lifted up and brought back to the hospital area. 

It is not known how Edith survived all these years nor how many close encounters she risked during her long life on the street. She had been the mother of many litters and had walked the streets alone for much of her life. After weeks of intense treatment however, lots of quiet rest and a small army full of compassionate rescuers, check out the beautiful and elegant Edith of today.

Photos and video of critically wounded Edith courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited.  To help Animal Aid Unlimited with more incredible rescues, donations can be made by clicking here.

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  1. Edith is a survivor and I sincerely thank Animal Aid for their kindness and compassion – You are HEROES and I hope you never stop – the street dogs need you. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING EDITH.

  2. This rescue organization is amazing! I discovered them a few years ago and have been following them ever since. I must say some of the dogs that they rescue are in the most awful condition imaginable and the only way I get through watching the videos is knowing that at the end I will see the dog totally healed. They do amazing work! Good luck beautiful Edith

  3. These stories are so hard to watch, but the end results are amazing. Despite how horrible dogs are treated by most people in India, there are some human angels who go above and beyond for the ones most in need.

  4. Je vous suis régulièrement et vous faites un travail exceptionnel pour ces chiens des rues.
    BRAVO à vous et ne lâchez rien. J’espère qu’un jour je pourrais vous aider financièrement, en attendant MERCI, MERCI pour eux. ????????????

      • images of street dogs in india are among the worst. a street dog in a country that has hunger is treated worse then garbage.i have seen them thrown live into garbage trucks.
        The people of Animal Aid is a “no funded” group of people who who support them selves and thru tireless efforts practice mercy, rescue medicine and rehibilitation. they are the budding trap/rescue, spay, release program. This and a few other small rescue opperations are hard at work lessining the burden of hungrey street citizens who are dogs.


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