Human waste dumped into ocean, what is the impact on sea life?

Waste dumped in the sea?
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Did a cruise ship discharge human waste into the ocean near Baja California Sur, Mexico? According to Vanguardia News, a huge swath of brown in the waters near Los Cabos prompted testing and the results apparently showed that the ugly sludge tested positive for fecal matter.

The brown substance in the water was tested by the State Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks and the results tested positive for fecal waste. A portion of the news publication has been translated to explain:

According to these means, and because of the pressure they exerted, in Coepris they had to take a test, of the until then supposed dirty water, to verify why it had that coloration.
In the first instance they tried to cover up the fact that it was only a liquid spilled by some boat, however after the samples collected it was verified that they were really fecal waste.

PlumasAtomicas has reported that a large cruise ship was in the area during the period of time that the waste was discovered in the sea. Ships are set up to dispose of waste (human and otherwise) onboard, but violations have been reported in the not-too-distant past (click here to read an alarming article about waste being discharged into the ocean).

As for the contamination near Los Cabos, agencies have been dispatched to help remove the waste and investigators are working to find out who is responsible.

Read how waste impacts the ocean here.

(screenshot via Vanguardia)

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  1. This is disgusting, if this is the way cruise lines handle human waste they need to be made to clean up the mess they made, this isn’t only unhealthy for sea life but for humans who use the beaches!

  2. Absolutely disgusting!!!!! Cruise ships should NOT be allowed to dump untreated waste directly into the ocean.

    I hope the cruise company responsible for that particular ship is fined for the cleanup from that horrible mess…..


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