Horrible: Chinese zookeepers push scared donkey into moat

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Chinese zookeepers pushed a frightened live donkey into a moat at the Changzhou Zoo as prey for three hungry tigers in their enclosure. The panicky animal tried to hold on hugging his legs and hooves against the concrete precipice, but to no avail. According to the Daily Mail, the two men dressed in rain gear have not a moment of compassion for the donkey and heartlessly pushed the defenseless animal down the ramp where there could be no escape.

The donkey landed in the water, and even as he desperately tried to swim onto the shore and escape, he was no competition for the tigers as two jumped into the water and dragged the animal by his neck as they took turns biting its head. The third tiger reached out from the edge of the shore and swiped at the donkey with its claws deadly scratching out at the now defeated animal.

The camera then cuts over to four lions relaxing along the beach; the bloodied body of the donkey being dragged away by the tigers to be eaten completely. The video stated it took a half-hour for the tigers to kill the animal. Who can even imagine the pain and the complete dread the poor victim had to endure until he surely must have welcomed death.

The YouTube video is posted below. WARNING: Extremely graphic and not for the weak of heart. 

Photos via screenshots from YouTube video.

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  1. Evil asshole. Why did the creep do this he is a jerk I pray donkey will survive &. Get out of there I hope the zoo keeper dies & gets his punishment bg

      • China is a SICK country!! Seems they love to do this kind of shit, they love to see the suffering. They also have the Dog and Cat meat trade which they do this!!! Dogs and cats are typically abused and tortured,in the following ways, often through, prolonged or repeat torture sessions consisting of the following ways:

        Bound alive, with limbs tied together and mouths taped, wired or tied shut to make the torture easy.
        Blow-torched alive. Blow-torching does not often kill the dog or cat quickly, and blow-torch sessions can take place over several hours or even days, leaving the animal suffering accumulated burns.
        Boiled alive. In a metal pot or cauldron, it can take up to 30 minutes for the dog or cat to die through boiling. Sometimes animals are boiled, kept alive, beaten, and then boiled alive again.
        Burned alive. In fire pits and open ovens, live dogs and cats are speared, held by instruments, such as metal prongs and sticks, and jammed into open fire, where it may take 30 minutes or longer to die.
        Hung and beaten, or nailed to walls and posts and beaten.
        Stabbing and sensory organ/genital mutilation. Dogs and cats are repeatedly stabbed and cut, such as eyes gouged out or genitals cut to cause extreme suffering. They drag them behind cars also! If you would like to stop the Dog and Cat meat trade please join our group on FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/997078533746620/

      • These kind of BEAST are a DISGRACE TO THE HUMAN RACE. The poor donkey is one of GODS Creations & GOD doesn’t like ugly. May anyone who would do this to a living creature Burn In Hell !

      • I can’t believe these low lives would do this, cause they have no heart at all to all animals,,, someone should shove these men to tigers and see how the precious donkey felt of being terrified..

      • Its China, what do you expect. They have no compassion for humans much less animals. I know things are starting to change over there but not quick enough.

      • A chinese human of course. Those that pushed this innocent animal in the moat, the asshole who filmed this and did nothing, the bigger assholes that support this zoo and all other zoos. we really need to drop a bomb over there. soon.

    • Barbara. The donkey was killed and eaten by the Tigers! Horrible horrible monster zoo keepers! At the very minimum, humanely kill the poor donkey before it is cruelly thrown to the Tigers! Better yet go get already killed for consumption, chickens from the store.

      • I agree with you, this was a horrible painful way to die. May those fuckin zoo keepers meet the very same fate they put this poor defenseless animal to.

      • bba, do you think the international community of animal rights and welfare activists can do something about this?

      • Disgusted and heartbroken!! Wish I wouldn’t have read this. Tears for the sweet scared donkey. God Damnit this sucks. I hate the frickin people that did this. Is there any justice for the torture of innocent animals?? Fuck them all to hell.

      • There is no “Hell” and revenge never acheived anything positive. This behaviour is obscene and indefensible but put your anger and emotion into supporting institutions, individuals and ways of changing and preferably completely eradicating such behaviour.

      • I hope so. I once saw the beginning of a video where oriental children were throwing live baby chicks and ducks into a croc pen. When theirs was snatched up and eaten, the children laughed and clapped with glee.
        What a horrible horrible nation!!!

      • I would love to drop a bomb on these worthless pieces of shit and obliviate that whole country. Their all sick bastards and don’t deserve to exist on this planet. Hope they all burn in hell!!!

    • Barbara Garabedian, did you not read the story? As soon as the donkey landed in the water 2 tigers went straight into the water and attacked its head then 4 more joined in and dragged it away to eat it. That donkey died moments later when being eaten alive. i`m never eating \chinease again.

      • There is a petition on change.org to prosecute these bastards. Please Google it, I don’t have url now. Give this poor soul justice please

    • I hope those zoo keeper’s slip and fall into that same pit that they pushed that poor donkey and that those tiger’s have a field day with them that they rip those s-o-b’s into hundreds of piece’s that would be justice for that donkey, evil bastards.

    • Why rant these people getting in trouble these animals are living breathing just like us this is assault these people should be on jail why rant thay this is cruelty

      • How many commenting eat meat, dairy and eggs? This type of torture and death is funded in the billions by you if you do. Watch the documentary Earthlings to see what extreme cruelty your choice to consume animals and animal products leads to.

  2. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? With every story that comes out of China the news gets worse!! These people are a disgrace to the world!!! That poor donkey. He was terrified. How many more animals have been tossed to these lions to meet a horrible demise??? It’s time to take a stand against China. PLEASE SHARE SO THE WORLD SEES HOW HORRIBLE THIS COUNTRY IS TO ANIMALS.

    • Yes I agree too they are barbaric evil bastards we need to stand all against this country for all it’s evil against innocent animals and wipe them off the planet ????????

      • It is never appropriate nor valid to generalise from the particular. The Chinese people are not a disgrace to the World. Individuals who abuse, inflict pain and cruelty, exploit, and destroy, exist in *every country of the World”, among all races, religions, and nations.

    • It is never appropriate nor valid to generalise from the particular. The Chinese people are not a disgrace to the World. Individuals who abuse, inflict pain and cruelty, exploit, and destroy, exist in *every country of the World”, among all races, religions, and nations.

      • mikisdad……….I think it is fair to say that China is the worst country in the world for
        a complete disregard for animal welfare!! This country is where the worst and most evil animal torture takes place and on such a large scale to so many animals!!!
        Yes there is animal abuse and neglect in every country in the world but none on the scale that China has!!
        In Chinese society there is little or no animal welfare system therefore people who inflict pain for simple enjoymnent,monetary gain or medicinal purposes do so as there are no laws against it so no repercussions!!
        China being the most populated country in the world,of course there are plenty animal lovers and
        especially amongst the younger generation those who find the atrocities involved in the fur trade,the dog meat trade, using animals paws and bile for wine or medicine etc etc totally abhorrent. I do feel though that there should be a TRADE EMBARGO WITH CHINA and the rest of the world until their Govt introduces animal welfare laws and cracks down on these evil SOB`S who there are all too many of!!! Shame on you China!!!

  3. You FUCKIN BASTARDS!!!!! I can only hope your families meet a very slow and painful death and YOU HAVE TO WATCH!!!No heart,no morals!Karma is s bitch!!!!!!

    • What is shown here *is* horrific. However, hurling abuse will not stop it. Please put your energies into supporting those that can do something about it, such as animal welfare organisations, politicians, celebrities, educators, ethical zoos & zooologists, etc.

      • Please don’t ASSume that many of us haven’t put our energies elsewhere regarding animal abuse…….I have and I’m sure people on this site have as well. It’s ok to vent when we are angry, upset, and disgusted by those that abuse animals. Stop telling us what and what not to do. Mind your own business!!!!!!

    • Moderation of your language would be useful. Use of your intellect in considering this problem would be better still. A donation to PETA or a similar animal welfare group would be most beneficial. If you really care, rather than just mouthing expletives at zoo workers, put your money where your mouth is and do something productive towards ending such cruelty.

      • Mark, I haven’t assumed anything. I *have* responded to the appalling language and suggestions made in many of the contents of posts made here.

        Venting is one thing. Using venting as an excuse to villify 1.4 billion people on the basis of the actions of a few is NOT OK.

        I did not tell you what to do or what not to do. I asked that people put their energies into behaviour that might help to stop abuse, rather than into destructive anger, false hyperbole, and hysterical threats and notions of revenge.

        Why you think that animal and human welfare, ethical conduct, civil behaviour and countering bad with good is not my business, I don’t know. I think it is very much my business and should be everyone’s business, if everyone is serious about promoting a healthier, more generous, less cruel, and more harmonious world.

        Multiple exclamation marks are a poor device. In reality, they simply lessen the effect of the “stress” that a single exclamation mark is intended to portray. Your use of them will almost certainly reduce any merit of your content in the opinion of those who have a high level of understanding of the language and its devices.

        You might also consider the contradiction arising from your command to me to “Mind your own business”. What makes animal cruelty your business but nor mine? Not that I did so, but if I had, why should I “Stop telling us what and what not to do” whilst at the same time it is apparently o.k. for you to tell me “what to do and what not to do.”?

      • Actually multiple exclamations marks are acceptable in emails, texts. Not in formal writing. “Mind your own business” was a reference to you for commenting what people should do or not do. Have a blessed day!!!!!!!

  4. And once again the Chinese prove that they are the most cruel and heartless group of people in the world. Karma to those involved x1000. Absolutely heartbreaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • No, this proves no such thing. This callous act may horrify us but it is not appropriate to condemn a nation for the actions of some. Are “Americans” cruel and hearless because some of them are serial killers?

      • mikisdad……you need to get real with regard to China and it`s attitude to animals!!!
        It certainly is NOT just the actions of SOME!!! Animal cruelty in China is the worst of
        its kind in the world!! FACT!! For a country of it`s size and wealth it has a total disregard and
        disrespect for the animal kingdom in general….the fact it has NO laws regarding the ethical treatment of animals or their protection or their welfare in general speaks volumes about this country`s attitude towards them!! They are a commodity….to millions of Chinese….not just a few as you seem to think!!! They also hold the view in the vile dog and cat trade that the more the animal is tortured the tastier their meat will be…..there is NO other country in the world where animal abuse is so rife!!!
        oh and btw…..a forum is obviously for venting off(if someone so wishes) or just putting your point of view forward. it is v difficult not to use bad language when people do stuff as evil as this!!
        plus…these comments are vetted by the site prior to being displayed so obviously they are fine in their opinion!! perhaps you are a bit of a prude??

    • YES! The whole bastard country IS inhuman. You only have to look at what they do to dogs and cats too!! They are the most evil nation alive!! They’re arrogant vile bastards who think they have the right to do whatever they want to whoever they want and they should ALL be wiped off the face of the earth!!!!!

  5. This is China, a sick country, and I will not buy anything from there. They dont deserve to be called a country.

    • They are not only horrid to animals and also human beings too! They come to my country, guys working here and snatching our husband’s jobs, the women snatching our husbands and work as prostitude. Daily news are reported on how China destroyed families

  6. OMG. This is beyond disgusting……….. I am crying as I write this………

    RIP poor terrified donkey……..

    Those so called humans who tossed you into the tiger enclosure are going to burn in Hell forever for their cruelty……..

  7. Is this how Chinese “zoos” operate??? This is clearly animal abuse and is disgusting on all levels. This is not what zoos are suppose to be about. Who can I write to voice my disgust about this?



  10. This is so disgusting , what the frig is wrong with some people my friend has donkeys and they are the sweetest girls. The fear and pain this poor guy went through is unimaginable. What kind of frigin zoo do they run. Don’t they have food to feed these tigers that is not alive . Hate the Chinese and everything is made in china . Shut the zoo down if that’s what they resort to and to have it posted . Sick , sick , sick ????

  11. China is one of the most dose disgusting country, there are other countries that are disgusting too but china is one of the worst.

    • i totally agree with you on this, they are the most wicked and evil people on earth, with no love or compassion. I wont even speak to them, it is more than my pride is worth.

    • Your statement is fallacious. I can understand your horror at what is reported here – it IS horrendous, cruel, even barbaric. However, to equate it with what is characteristic of a whole nation is just not valid and will certainly do nothing to achieve more humane treatment of animals.

      Horrors such as this need understanding and considered action that persuades those responsible to see what they do and to show them that there are humane alternatives. What may seem to you to be obvious cruelty, may to others, be an accepted and socialised norm or the actions of a few unfeeling, uncaring, and noxious individuals.

      China, as dose ever nation, has the good, the bad and the indifferent. It can behave well as a nation and it can behave badly. Given its political system, wide engagement of the population in the political process or even in access to information may be severely limited.

      What one needs to realise and remember is that such is also the case in what are considered to be free and responsible, ethical and moral nations. What is apparent on the surface often disguises what is underneath. We now have a madman as President of the leading nation of the “Free World” and who has his finger on the nuclear button. He is signing legislation that is depriving millions of basic life necessities. He is alienating the vast majority of other nations and their peoples, and he has no more caring for people than the zoo employees in this video have for the donkey.

      Capture that sincere disgust you feel and channel it appropriately. Join an animal welfare organisation. Lobby politicians both at home and in China. Write to zooological societies and even the popular press. Promote awareness wherever you are of callous behaviour of this type. Don’t, however, make the mistake of blaming an entire nations of some 1.4 billion people for the actions of a few.

      • Oh PUHLEEZE! A liberal, no doubt. Trump has America’s best interests at heart, despite how liberals want to undermine him. Maybe china isn’t all bad, but I am sick of them stealing our jobs, breeding here like rabbits, tired of being offered their plastic crap for sale, and until they shut down their dog meat trading, I have no use for that god evil country. May it get wiped off the planet.

      • Debbie seriously what’s wrong with liberals? You commented at the same time how you think China isn’t bad and yet you expressed you’re dislike of what they’re doing….make up your mind. LOL!

    • You have no justification for such a generalisation. To judge and label 1.4 billion people on the basis of the actions of a few, is simply not valid.

      Were you to study some World history, you would perhaps have a greater understanding of how human beings act and have acted all over the World.

      Should we abuse and condemn the 365 million people in the USA because they massacred its indigenous people and have treated them poorly ever since? Should we condemn America and its citizens because many of its police forces continue to discriminate against Afro-Americans, even to the point of killing them unnecessarily? Should we hate and hurl abuse at America and its citizens for endorsing and deliberately arranging for detainees to be moved to Egypt for torture? Should we condemn America and all its citizens because some conduct dog and cock fights, run puppy farms where dogs are neglected, hunt and destroy the habitat of protected species, dump nuclear waste in waters close to major cities, etch…. The list goes on.

      What is reported here is, to most of us, an unnecessary and barbaric act. I am one of those who is appalled by it as I marvel at and have a fondness for all animal life. However, the wanton, uncivilised, and abusive rhetoric displayed by yourself and so many here reduces you all to a level no better than those that committed the very act which has created your ire. Some have even called for similar killing and torture.

      These hysterical, abusively emotive responses and their false demonisation of a whole nation, do nothing to make the World a better place or to contribute to better understanding among people and cultures such that animal cruelty is ended. Those who make them, including yourself, would do well to think about that.

      • oh my god debbie your just gross. trump dosnt have americas best intrest at heart he has the trump family fortune at heart.Period.
        how do you explain selling off of national parks and ok ing the dakota pipeline and taking animals off the endangered lists plus drilling and mining in unroaded forests off shore and in protected american lands and national forrests. americas best intrestes !!??

        He just walked out of the paris accord. What planet do you live on? hes a criminal, a cheet a molester, stole the election with the help of putin and has open war on animals both domestic as well as live stock. what part of america is benifiting from his double dealing, slime ball, low life money grubbing protected land stealing for oil little hands!?
        My god are so so easly fooled? or do you take comfort in being an easily led fool.
        trump means to do as much damage for america and its animals as he can in his short 4 yrs at the helm and trust me debbie. it will Only be 4yrs or less and hopefully we can undo his”americas best intrest scam ”
        Let me guess debbs. are you a texas girl.
        No Your almost as bad your a new jersey girl whos husband works in a newly opened mining town in New Jersey. You should be flogged. You will be , For being so trump stupid.
        We are just counting the days till his fat ass is kicked to the curb of the white house.

      • Roger we are all well aware of the animal abuse in all countries including the U.S. We have all commented on the heinous acts in this country. What’s your point? When we see any animal abuse we are free to express our views. Obviously you did not go further to research as to why this donkey was pushed into being fed to tigers. DO YOUR RESEARCH! Heads ups. Investors did it because they were pissed off.

      • ellen it’s amazing how some people are quick to criticize liberals when if it weren’t for FDR we wouldn’t be getting Social Security. Politics shouldn’t be used here. Just commenting on those that attack liberals. Yes Trump is trying to do so much harm to the endangerment of animals and our environment. DEBBIE what interest has Trump done???

      • Roger……you need to get real re China and the shocking atrocities that go on in that country regarding animal abuse,torture and unimaginable cruelty on a daily basis!!!
        its not just a few people committing a few horrendous acts of torture such as this case…..so needless too….they could have fed the sickos on death row to the tigers….or at least killed that poor defenceless donkey humanely first….but oh no….China seems to condone torture of animals and believe you me it is RIFE there……the worst country in the world!!
        shame on the Govt and shame on the Chinese community for having so many sick evil bastards willing to inflict pain and torture to millions of poor innocent animals…..YOU ARE A DISGRACE CHINA!!!

  12. What kind of a benevolent God would ever let these zookeepers have been born? I hope that they all die a terrible and tortured filled death!

    • don’t blame God for man’s evil. God gave us a choice! we can use it for good, or not for good. somehow commonsense went out of style years ago.

    • No ‘benevolent’ god would allow this. Indeed, this is one of the problems with the delusional belief in an omnipotent and loving god. If god is loving and omnipotent then he/she/it would not allow the suffering in the World. If he/she/it is loving but not able to stop the suffering in the World then he/she/it is not omnipotent. If he/she/it *is* omnipotent the he/she/it is a malevolent god.

      In fact, of course, there is no god. There is simply primitive superstition extended into the present day.

      • MIKISDAD…..that is the first comment you have made on this forum that I completely agree
        with you on! well said…….where was `God` when that poor donkey needed him/her???
        where was the oh so powerful one when the millions of people who die from cancer needed him most?? etc etc…..( or is that like the equivalent to one of the pl;agues he sent deliberately?)

        Not sure with all the atrocities going in the world why he has not sent another flood??? hmmm?

  13. Those bastards should be hung upside down and then let the tigers have their way ! What heartless people the Chinese are, they are cruel monsters who have no compassion for animals of any kind.

  14. You should all be imprisoned . I can`t stand men or women that think its funny or okay to harm any living thing may God punish you all . I pray for all living animals to be safe and taken care of by some loving person who cares as much as I do

  15. Really someone need to throw there ass in there these people are monster’s blow tht country up wtf is wrong w u devil’s poor donkey really u people are sick and to film it and not do anything ur just as bad as the aburser

    • put a sock in it debbie the people who filmed and witnessed did stop it. and made it a point of showing the world

    • I totally agree, I wish the terrorists would target China over and over!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are absolute sick violent monster bastards with no regard to anything or anyone!!!!!!!!!!! HATE THEM TOTALLY AND UNRESERVEDLY!!!!!!!!

      • you guys should be ashamed of your selves. spreading hate and destruction of an entire nation.what about innocent people?
        So your fighting one horror with mass horror? i dont know.
        Has that ever worked in the past?
        (please dont say.. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Please dont say.. Hiroshima and Nagasaki )

  16. They torture and eat cats and dogs. Why should this act of cruelty surprise anyone? The Chinese are heartless, godless and completely without compassion. Theirs is a culture of the inhumane. I am hating and despising anything Chinese.

  17. I’m sorry but the Chinese bring a new meaning to the word EVIL…. they are so horrible to animals there….and they did this in the day, you can here tourists there talking….TALKING LIKE THEY WERE simply watching a show. This poor baby had a horribly painful, frantic, death. May the men who pushed him/her into the water get a serious, painful, debilitating blow from KARMA.

  18. i fucking hate Chinese people not only do they eat dogs and cats and kills them in a barbaric way now they are shoving a live donkey to the Tigers. so they can be fed. They could had least killed the donkey first before pushing it into the water.

    • You may feel that shouting expletives adds weight to or justifies your argument. In fact, the opposite is the case. You need to learn to think before you write.

      • If people wish to use foul language that’s their right. It’s not always used to “add weight to or justifies your argument”.For some it’s an expression of anger. Are you the internet police? As I recall freedom of speech exists. I wonder sir or madame can you actually admit you have never been guilty of such anger as expressed on this post?

      • call it a discipline, but cursing is just low class some how mikisdad can make a vivid point with pictures.
        unlike your self. its not a right to curse its an assault of a different kind. im sick of it. i am sure mikisdad gets things done in the world while 90% of the people are here to just flip the finger and argue with a stranger.

        Heres the jelly,

        Because i know you missed it.
        Saint Mikesdad, knows the only true path to animal rights refor and has been shouting it in a whisper.
        Your shameful cussing and hate rants distracted you away from the solution.
        He has called to all that care to listen and who truly want and need to make change.
        Screaming, it in a whisper !
        but your all to busy venting your crazy hate. you cant hear the solution to the pain and horror because your all to selfish to really do anything productive.

        Audrey the most influential man in the history of mankind traipsed across the landscape and changed the world for ever with out anger, cursing and violence. so your clam to your right to anger and cursing is a poor one.
        you Audrey are really here to defend your right to be angry and use foul language. you call it a right.
        you are mistaken

        When you are able to calm down enough to be smart again reread mikesdads posts.
        there is a message to help cure your anger and despair.
        its called focus your magic powers. dont squander them,
        take a breath , get up and get busy. it helps dull the virus of the intrusive images freaking you out.
        when you finally decide to get on board you will make change and inspire others to make change.
        Many people here are new to the dog meat issue but mike has been fighting it for well over 6 yrs now.
        He is one of the Americans who has changed the landscape of animals in Korea.
        He would like you to come on board now. Are you ready friend?

        a note to mike,
        dont be offended by the saint and obvious Jesus reference.
        i know a holy atheist when i encounter one.
        god bless you and your son.
        Sun Ra.

      • ellen sadly you are mistaken. I am calm. Are you confused? Where have I used anger and foul language in here? May I suggest you read all the comments.Yes it is a right we may not like it, but, who are we to dictate to people on what and how to comment. ellen keep in mind people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

    • Your post has a diferant flavor now audrey. you are wrong about a right to vent bombing , screaming and arguing with people who fight for the same outcome.now your calm and i can respect you because your rational and aprochable.its working im intrested in what you have to say.you should have ended your comment right before the glass house bit. im trying hard not to laugh at that one. I live in a glass house.

      • i did audrey. I should not post, drive and text at the same time. If you will accept my apology in the future i will aim my sass around you to someone who deserves it.

      • ellen thank you friend. btw few minutes ago just saw on the news a dog in Stowe, Vermont got stuck on the roof of the owner’s house. Photo was shown and it was a sight! He/she went through a window. Fire department rescued the curious trouble maker. Lol.

      • Hey Audrey!!
        Thanks for the visual.
        His best day ever!!
        Hilarious, Hell do it again.
        Its the only way he gets to meet the neighbors.
        (hide, the car keys)

  19. Are the actions of the these zoo keepers evil and negative? They absolutely are. But the sad truth is that whether to feed a hungry human or a hungry animal, there is no human way of killing an innocent animal for food consumption. No matter what method is being used, the innocent animal does and will always feel the overwhelming physical as well as the psychological pain beginning moments before and during the frightening process of losing their lives.

    • disagree….this was for sport n show…slitting its throat would have taken seconds…even the second tiger tried to jump on its back and drown it first….sad it was more evolved…how do these people justify being zookeepers..ie caring for all animals?????? sadists..in it for the sick satisfaction and cash….dont think the other animals aretreated different they dont care period

    • you sir hamlet speak the only real and vivid truth.
      the utter and painful crushing truth. the only indisputable truth in the whole feed.

  20. The Chinese people want to be respected but they will never get it this way. I raise my pinky to them. These people are nothing!

  21. Chinese people in general ARE cruel and very inhuman to all species.
    That INCLUDES other humans.
    They abuse children, kill the unborn, kill the just born if it is more than one- now two children born to one family.
    They have no scruples AT ALL.
    Never HAD, look into their history and you will see how horrid they are.
    Woman treated as subhuman, children even worst.
    They cook alive dogs, eat body parts of all sort of animals for sexual reasons according to them.
    If something moves, they eat it.

    MAY G-D destroy the beasts that threw the donkey to such cruel death in any way he see got a their lack of humanity.



    • Your post is nothing less than defamation of a nation. Your claims are false. I challenge you to provide any valid evidence to support those claims.

      Perhaps you should educate yourself before you post. At present you sound very hateful and nasty.

  22. Where’s the petition to sign…that any westerner or other countries don’t send live stock to China anymore or government against this should fine and imprison for cruelty…this is animal cruelty and a horrible death…SICKENING

  23. What the hell is wrong with these people that they have no empathy for living creatures and no regard for their suffering? ASSWIPES

    • they are not human….humans are civilized not naturalized, thats what separates us from animals, put the sickos in an enclosure behind glass let the tigers go…lets observe the real animals in the zoo

  24. Wow, some of these comments are utterly retarded. I agree that the zoo keepers are assholes, but really? Kill their families? Bomb the entire country? Are you guys mentally stable? Do you realize that this was being filmed by other Chinese people who were against it? If it wasn’t for the fact that there are Chinese people in the same country who are utterly against what happened here, you wouldn’t even know about it…

    • I agree! There are horrible human beings in every country, of every race. I hate it when people generalize. There are plenty of people in the USA doing things just as barbaric! There are tons of Chinese people fighting against animal cruelty everyday.

      • I have not found a dog festival in the US where the dogs raised in cages too small for them, some are stolen pets, are beaten, burned alive, or hung, killed in the most violent way because it is believed the adrenaline in the blood makes the meat taste better (HOW MUCH MORE IGNORANT CAN YOU GET). The CHINESE YULIN DOG FESTIVAL … I am pretty sure we don’t have anything that compares to that … BOYCOTT SHIT FROM CHINA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Generalize? these people kill whales, dolphins,( they have dolphin coves) hire poachers to kill rhinos, elephants, tigers for stupid ancient rituals wake up and do research! Yes the US have done harm to animals, but, not to do the extent of them killing every animal in their path as they have!. And yet they protect the pandas…..go figure.

      • Very few of the Chinese are rescuers of animals. My niece who is Chinese tells me the new generation is against animal abuse, however, not enough to stop because most follow their old traditions. Get a life and do your homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • What did I say that wasn’t true? Fact: There are Chinese people who are fighting against animal cruelty. Fact: “We” meaning Americas are responsible for killing many different animals in the US. Bison, wild horses, fox, bears, bobcats to name a few. Oh coyote or wolves killing your livestock…no problem you can annihilate them because of course you have to protect your money interests. Wildlife services (part of the USDA) killed 2.7 million animals in 2016 (1.6 that are native wildlife). They use poison, firearms, snares, leg traps, etc. They kill off the predators, then have to kill off the prey because then natural balance is now not being kept in check. Not to mention we kill around 9 BILLION land animals a year for food. Do you think these farm animals have a good life? Ha! If you are housing that many animals you know conditions are going to be bad. How about all the Americans who go big game hunting in other countries. How about all the puppy mills and dog fighting operations here in America. My point is you can’t just shake your fist at China and say they are all evil without doing some self reflection on our own country. China isn’t the only country involved in animal abuse. It’s a global problem. To label all Chinese as evil only further separates us as a society instead of being able to pull together and make the positive changes we want to see.

      • Patty – how about hens that are shoved in battery cages and can’t even move. Ducks who are in cages no bigger than their bodies and have metal pipes shoved down their throats so people can eat foie gras, sows who are put in gestation crates that they can’t even move around in, calves tied up in veal crates so they can’t move. These animals are often abused by the workers because of the horrible work situation. I have seen animals punched, kicked, stabbed with a pitchfork and worse. They are denied medical care because it would cut into the profits. The difference is we don’t publicize it in the US like they do in China. As a matter of fact some states now have ag-gag laws in effect meaning if you film animal abuse on a factory farm you go to jail and of course nothing happens to the people doling out the abuse. Approximately 10,000-15,000 dogs are killed in China during the festival. Approximately 24,000 chickens are killed PER DAY in the US at a rate too fast to be humane as most are killed while still conscious. Oh and all male chicks that hatched are either stuffed in a garbage bag and suffocated or thrown into a grinder at 1 day old. Plus we have puppy mills where dogs are shoved in small wire cages and bred to death. Oh we also kill about 9,000 dogs and cats in shelters everyday. Also, not a day goes by that I don’t see another article of a dog or cat set on fire, dragged behind a car, etc. We have some pretty sick individuals too and a public that wants to point the finger at all other countries but themselves.

      • AND BRANDI ….. SHAME ON YOU IF YOU ARE WITNESS TO ANYTHING AND NOT DONE ANYTHING !!!! We are NO WAY perfect … There are sick people everywhere …. We DO have no kill shelters and rescue groups and people who donate money and time …. Last time I checked we haven’t started any DOG MEAT FESTIVALS !!!!!! They have NO respect for life ….. You are no better if you have been witness and done NOTHING ….

    • yes, but what are they doing about it ken ? Besides posting the video on you tube. what are the steps they are taking to assure that live animals are not dumped into an encloser with carnovores. Are they able to stop this practice? this is the practice at this zoo isnt it? live animals being thrown to meat eaters. its not just this donkey/
      What are they doing about it?

      • patty,
        you need to open your eyes to the cruelty of the food you put on your own table. Do you eat chicken? factory farmed look it up please. do you eat beef from Walmart? trap door and throat slit while hanging from one leg. fast food from anywhere!?investigate the source and the scandal . Patty is informed. shes not a witness to a back wood slaughter house shes exposing a truth about american slaughter. it also aint pretty. so now you know. what are you gonna do about it.

      • Ellen, I am very familiar with the cruelty that consumes our sad world. I have rescued 5 horses, 4 dogs and about 15 cats. I have a few different dog rescues that I follow and contribute to regularly. I volunteer time to the local shelter walking dogs. I DO NOT buy meat from Wal Mart !!!! I do NOT agree with the method in which they fed the Lions …. There are some pretty sick people out there. I have been turned off and ANGRY at the Chinese since I learned about the Yulin Dog Meat festival. It is a deplorable, barbaric annual “festival” (?) ….. You are preaching to the choir ….. move on … BOYCOTT CHINESE SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • i agree with everything you say except the use of the word retarded. as a sensitive, righteous and observant baby-boomer you should know better

      • oh, well ok patty,

        I commented because you screamed at Brandi in an absurd comment about what she is doing about witnessing chicken factory farming. she made a valid point. you do eat chicken right? you forgot to confirm the obvious. plus your getting hysterical and accusatory which just never seems to accomplish anything. we are all on the same page here so why the hate? and the many untruths in your hysterical comment. why are you yelling and why at us.

        But heres the biggie.
        what exactly are you doing about it? not asking you about your family pets or donations to your local rescues. that is the norm and the least you can do. you are screaming at people on your side, all the while your home and fridge are filled with Chinese products and produce.

        Its funny you seem to equate hysteria with actually doing something but your utter frustration comes from the powerless feeling knowing you haven’t done anything to help. Open your eyes to people in china who are on the front line.
        You have never been in a dangerous situation in animal rights reform. Maybe you never will. Maybe ,
        When you stop arguing with people you may accomplish something. other than screaming at the world,
        boycott china ( im sorry, ” Chinese SHIT”!?, classy)
        incidentally patty, its the Chinese who are making the changes. Not Americans, not the Dutch. We are doing it online, in our pajamas.
        Dont lie and say it aint so patts.

      • pssssst,
        patty . are you aware that 44 states allow cat and dog meat conception. also a right , to some. just feeding you your own hot sauce.

  25. Totally horrific! How can a human be so heartless, lack complete feelings, care nothing about the fear, pain, terror they forced this innocent animal to endure? They just stood there watching like the donkey was nothing, like it was a piece of garbage. They are Devils from the depths of hell, they are not human. Those people, each one of them need to be punished beyond any normal punishment, they need to be tortured as they inflicted torture upon the donkey. Imagine the pain it was forced to endure, the fear, the horror… there is no excuse for such behavior, no justification, no morals what so ever. I pray they are sentenced to long prison terms, harsh prison terms, painful terms. They need to feel what that donkey felt, every ounce of pain, every tear, every heartbreak. I’m sickened by their actions, appauled at their lack of compassion. Devils…. Devils who walk amongst us, free to repeat these actions on whom or what ever they choose. We the public must demand they serve proper justice… demand they do at least 15 years locked in prison. Rest east little donkey, I’m so sorry you were treated so horrifically by those who were disposed to care for you. Run free across the bridge sweetheart, we love you deeply!!!

  26. That is just Fckd!!
    Ok that is how they do it in the wild, but these tigers are not in the wild & that’s why it took so long to die!!
    Hope the joint gets shut down & the keepers fed to the animals until they are relocated to a proper zoo????????


  28. maledeti cinesi pezzi di merda umana ma quando la bomba attomica vi farà scomparire dalla faccia della terra????

  29. The Chinese nation in general are one of the most disgusting, evil, rank nations on this earth. Their cruelty knows no bounds

    I dont know the answer to dealing with this race of “people”.

    Poor sweet little donkey. I just pray his/her death was quick-but I hope the people involved had the most painful, protracted agonising death possible. 🙁

  30. Guys? – How do tigers eat in the wild? its not sick…. its a show of the real side of Nature, at its best…. Maybe it will flip a switch that Tigers are actual predators not big cute cats

    • Tigers chase and catch their prey it’s not handed too them. This is a zoo since when have you seen live animals given as food?

    • At least in the wild, prey has a chance. It’s not natural to have these big cats in zoos (or any animal for that matter)

    • Psssttt,
      hey guy. these animals were not born in the wild. Its a zoo, the farthest thing from the real side of nature. where exactally is that switch again?
      Dont try to paint any other picture other then this being a flip horror show where a helpless donkey is eaten alive by a bunch of enclosed meat eaters.at a public zoo.
      Nobody needed a lesson. Here or there.
      Least of all the donkey..

  31. Fees people eat so many different things that they think is good for them is doing something to their brains that makes and do things like this to all animals they are evil Senseless bastards

  32. This is the Chinese for you .heartless backward thinking nation who will.eat anything and kill anything with a heart beat they are the cruelest country on planet .I hope they suffer at some point in their lives a slow excruciating demise would be good

  33. Appalling. But is this site just posting atrocities without actually trying to get these things stopped/ people punished?!

    • We post atrocities like this to bring them out to the public. If we don’t know what is happening how do we make changes?

  34. Pure sadism is the only reason I can think of why the men threw a live donkey to the tigers…..tigers and lions will eat meat that is already dead, and in fact that is usually what they receive in zoos.

  35. china needs to realise these are animals need care not just throwing out when they feel like it ,just throw the people in the water instead,cruelty peole cruelty country


    • Do you really believe that hurling expletives and demeaning the nations of a whole continent is “human”. It would seem to me that, on the basis of your post, if anyone is even approaching a sub-human or inhuman state, it is yourelf.

  37. I want these (zookeepers) heads on a plate! I want them dead!!!! How horrible. I hope karma comes to these sick individuals very quickly!

  38. May GOD Have. Mercy on their heartless minds.
    We Americans need tougher laws and punishment to show the world. We will not alow anyone. to do cruel acts.

    • ‘You’ Americans already have some of the strongest laws in the World & some of the toughest punishments. Your nation has not benefitted from it and, in fact, it has committed some of the gravest injustices in history. Apparently you choose to ignore your own attitude, the attitude and suggestions of so many who have written here, and the fact that America has a massive prison population and vies with Saudi Arabia for the dubious merit of being the nation to commit most executions.

      This, leaving aside the fact that it is the only nation that has dropped atomic bombs on civilian cities – probably the most horrific event in history, and that it still reviles Afro-Americans and has a massive population of homeless and people living in poverty whilst it spends trillions on weapons.

      America is no example for the World and, since the election of a misguided, narcissistic and vacuous president, the government has embarked on a program of regression that will undo most of the positive progress the country has made in terms of positive human values.

      • NO, WE Americans’ are NOT perfect! You have come on here telling us not to judge a whole Chinese nation for the actions of some and yet here you are judging a whole nation of “American’s”! Yes 72 years ago we dropped atomic bombs to end WWII, so keep on holding it against us! I don’t know where you hale from but I suspect if there is a disaster there you will be begging for assistance from guess who, the “American’s” Say what you will about our country, It’s still the best country to live in and don’t hold it against us for our “misguided, narcissistic and vacuous president” many of us did NOT vote for him!

      • This is NOT the place for your political rant.

        IMHO you are way off topic……..

        Please stick to the ANIMAL issues under discussion……..

        Thank you very much.

      • Fe fi fo fum I smell the blood of an English Men and worse a Canadian.
        and your great accomplishment to the old or new world?
        you forgot to mentioned china and Korea for mass execution roger and dont for get your host country in conquering the many countries and their peoples , who have since thrown your ass to the curb.
        now lets get started. you owe us and everyone of your freedoms starting with you being invited to share your thoughts and spew your some truths and bad opinions now matter how out dated and unreal to “we “Americans”.

        we the people of the United states of america.
        Must be nice living in the protected bubble between america and french Canada and safe between the Atlantic and the pacific.
        Must have been Real nice as My ancestors marched off from Brooklyn as teenagers to fight in the world wars while your family’s stayed home and iced fished.
        So Shut Ya Pie hole Hawcroft before I come up there and show you a proper East Strong Island, New York beat down!
        Have a nice day.

      • hes a crusty old Britt from Queensland , Australia About 80yrs or so.
        He considers himself an online activist. He Has had the luxury of viewing the world from the stolen aboriginal key hole in Australia. We all know of the great Australian contributions to the modern world.
        Its called ,
        standing in judgment.
        With no ligament investment.

      • Yes, and unlike your country who we threw out of this country in the late 1700s .
        We can get rid of a bad president in 4yrs or less.
        And trust me we will .
        So bow to your queen,
        My Aussie friend and remember England’s history of land and mineral theft or your own Australia’s ugly past while your dictating.
        From your safe white loft

      • Barkley’s Mom, you need to read my post in context before you attack me inappropriately for things I’ve neither said or done. My use of the term “You” Americans [note the use of the inverted commas] was a direct response to the post of Jim, who used the term “We Americans”, not “Some of us Americans” as would have been more accurate. The inverted commas follow normal written convention in drawing attention to that fact.

        You also need to check your history if you think that the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki brought about the end of World War II. It did not.

        My comment regarding your president did not “hold it against [you] us but was used in the context of Jim’s banal assertion that: “We Americans need tougher laws and punishment to show the world. We will not alow [sic] anyone. to do cruel acts.” My comments regarding America’s transgressions and cruelty as a nation were similarly aimed at suggesting to Jim and those who express similar views that, to use the colloquial, his words and those of most others here are a case of “the pot calling the kettle black.”

        I notice that others have joined you in berating me and done so in extremely abusive terms. This is a reflection on their inability to reason rationally and apply logic to their arguments. For instance: a handful of Chinese zoo keepers kill a goat in an inhumane, cruel and heartless way in order to feed some other zoo animals and, as a result, there are numerous nasty and abusive diatribes here that slander the whole Chinese people and, what’s even more bizarre and illogical is that many of those feigning anger at the horrible end for the donkey, actually propose the annihilation of the whole Chinese race and, in at least one case, the whole of the population of Asia.

        If you cannot see the problem with these simplistic, indoctrinated, and uninormed rants then I am sorry for you because you are standing on the wrong side of all that is morally sound and ethically justified.

        As for Bunny Peters and Ellen Cottone and the others who choose to demean England, Austrlia, the Queen and myself, among other things, you all need to read what I’ve written rather than what you think I’ve written. You also need to turn your anger into a productive direction, rather than hurl stones at someone who has long fought to rid the World of animal cruelty, race hatred, disadvantage, bigotry, intolerance, ignorant nationalism and other attitudes that only make our world a WORSE place and create far more horror and devastation to all life and the planet itself than the actions of these zookeepers, which actions I also condemn.

        22000 children die unnecessarily every day in the majority world and barely a word is written about it. 7000 women die in childbirth every week in the majority world because of lack of effective hygiene and, again, barely a word is written or said about it. Why is it that the people here who are hurling expletives, calling for mass genocide, deriding a whole nation on the basis of the actions of a few, and effectively calling for America to become a nation of murderers, i.e even worse than those [the zoo-keepers] whose actions they condemn?

        Do you want me to believe that those writing this malevolent and hateful rhetoric are all intellectually disabled, uneducated, or incapable of rational thought? That is certainly the impression given by many of the raves here. Thankfully, there are a few who have expressed their sorrow and pain at what took place at the zoo and who have condemned it, but done so in a rational way. Sadly, it is far too few who have done so and I would suggest that such is why your nation has now elected a president who is an egocentric narcissist who has engaged in criminal activity, filed for bankruptcy some 12 times, mistreated and under paid the very workers he now seeks to deport, and who brings more shame on the American nation than even Nixon or Bush managed.

        I strongly suggest that before putting pen to paper (so to speak) once again, all those who have written hateful, aggressive, bigoted, irrational and unproductive rants here should learn to read with comprehension and develop some humanity and understanding of differences in culture and the complexity of bringing nations together in their thinking.

      • Mr Hawcroft, Well aren’t you just “God’s gift” to the civilized world and the “written” word. I was able to ready your lengthy response and comprehend what you say (even though I most likely have been lumped in with your “intellectually disabled, uneducated, or incapable of rational thought” category. What all you say has to do with this story about zookeepers pushing a live donkey in a moat of tigers I don’t know. As for the “malevolent and hateful rhetoric” by some on this thread, last I knew they are entitled to their opinions and of course so are you. Lets just leave it at that!

      • Executions in America? May I suggest you do your homework!!! You need to educate yourself. Now I am laughing at your comment!

      • Roger actually dropping the bomb did bring an end to the war against the Japanese with the U.S. The comment “Give them hell Harry” !!!!

    • Barklay’s mom, my comments have everything to do with what’s been written here. Yes, everyone may have an opinion but there are opinions based on evidence and opinions that are baseless. Most of what’s here is of the latter kind and reflects neither thought, nor understanding, nor even a grasp of the simplest concepts. No, I will not stand by whilst people hurl abuse and make unwarranted, absurd and hateful remarks.

      Tina. It is not I who needs to become educated. You clearly have little understanding of the realities underlying the events of WWII, no understanding of the Japanese culture and character, and an absence of knowledge about your own nation’s current history.

  39. The feeling about China and the people there and the treatment of animals in that country is beyond hatred. I wish nothing but pain and suffering to all of them and hope they all get what they deserve. If it were up to me … I would push each of those assholes in with the tigers … just like I would take pleasure in hurting all those workers in the slaughterhouses.

    And the people that take the videos and do absolutely nothing to stop the abuse need to be punished as well.

    Shameful human beings. It makes my heart break that they teach their children this shit and the kids think it’s normal.

    • “Shameful human beings. It makes my heart break that they teach their children this shit and the kids think it’s normal.” –

      What message do you think you send to your children when you write such hateful and criminal notions as: “I wish nothing but pain an suffering to all of them … If it were up to me … I would push each of those assholes in with the tigers … just like *I would take pleasure* in hurting all those workers in the slaughterhouses.”?


  41. China is showing the civilized world every day the extent of the LACK of civility they as a nation… As a culture they ,By their deeds prove every day! They are an evil race a cruel despicable race of demon fueled monsters! They are no friend to life! This world gets worse every day with their presence! No animal is sacred and safe in there presence! The only way to slow these monsters down is by sharing our collective knowledge to the rest of the world. Eventually the very mention of CHINA will send a message to ALL people and by so doing we will collectively STOP contributing anything to there evil economy!

  42. The video is horrible to watch. However, this is what happens in the wild. Tigers, lions, bears, whatever, they all take down what they need to eat and it always takes a long time for the prey to die.

    • This has nothing to do with nature or the wild. It is one thing for a tiger to hunt down its prey in the wild. At least the prey has a chance. This is people forcing an animal that has no chance into a situation in which it is terrified. Why don’t we leave wild animals in the wild?!

    • no sherry, bigger animals like tigers are able to break the neck of prey in the wild but these tigers were never wild. they are factory bread by china. they are not captured in the wild.

      Tigers in a zoo dont eat live prey. pack animals tend to eat prey alive because they are not strong enough to kill instantally.
      tigers are single hunters and breaks the neck or his prey.these are zoo animals.these tigers never killled anything and they were not trained to kill effectively . no the donkey was eatin alive and took well over a half hour to die. dont confuse nature with zoos.

  43. Nothing new in this with the sick slant eyed bastards, when in zoos they allow the public to buy live chickens and sheep along with other animals so they can thrown them in themselves.
    I have seen other videos like this where they drive into the tiger pen with a full grown cow in the back of a van and just uptip the van for the cow to await it’s fate.
    Despicable and i find it hard to call them human beings, but their animal cruelty involving many species is one where karma needs to bite them hard.

  44. I am so sick and tired of China treating animals like trash – this country keeps right on proving it should be blown off the face of the earth. BOYCOTT ALL CHINESE IMPORTS – check labels – if made in China dump it.

  45. Hello to all: I am from Singapore. Couldn’t finish up on how much things China people have done to us citizens here. They don’t just treat animals as trash, they treat humans as trash too. The man snatching our husband’s jobs, women goes around spoiling families. My parents got divorced because of fuck China bitch. Not just the USA, the whole world should ban China!

  46. Hey all you Chinese people, you are some sick evil beings and Gods revenge is going to come down on you hard, get ready.

  47. I wonder if all the people commenting on here would be just as sickened if they watched a video of a factory farm here in the USA and all the abuse that goes on. Not to mention most of it is perfectly legal because farm animals don’t have the protection that domestic animals (dogs, cats) and even wild animals have. Is a terrified and injury cow really any different from that terrified donkey? I hate this video/article too but there are plenty of people from all countries and all nationalities that do these barbaric acts – not just the Chinese.

    • True, however, domesticated animals as well as farm animals are not protected. I am a vegan, however, lets us not forget most us us grew up eating beef, pork, and chicken not knowing what slaughters occur. Are you a vegan?

      • I am vegan. That is my point. Farm animals have to protection so it’s free rein to do whatever you want and now they are making it illegal to videotape the abuse. I grew up eating meat too but we are too desensitized to what is going on in our own country. Everyone wants to turn a blind eye because it “tastes good.”

    • You are so right. I wonder how many of the posters here eat eggs? Of those that do, I wonder how many know that male chicks are dropped alive onto a corkscrew that grinds them into bits? The sexing of chicks is quite difficult so those that do this get well paid. Does the fact that these people inhumanely slaughter male chicks every day make the whole nation “evil”?

  48. WTF you Chinese people are the worst in the world for abusing animals. That poor Donkey tried so hard to fight for his life what your country does to animals is a fucking disgrace to mankind. The least you could do is kill the animal humanely then feed it to the lions. Sick bastards hope God wipes your country off the face of the earth.

    • Charming. I’d like to see your evidence for your statement that “Chinese people are the worst in the world for abusing animals.”

      Were you to actually research human cruelty to animals I think you would find that the Chinese are no worse than most other nations, including the modern “first world” democracies.

      As for your hope that a [mythical] “God” wipes China “off the face of the earth” – how do you rationalise that with your supposed anger at the inhumane slaughter of one donkey?

      Don’t join the pathetic hypocrisy of unthinking critics – use your intellect and think before you write.

  49. The Chinese have no heart with animals. They are the worst cruelest people on earth. AND, doing this in public view.

    • Let me start by saying I hate this video too, however, there are lots of Chinese people who fight every day to stop this kind of animal abuse. This stuff, unfortunately happens in every country. Do you live in the US? If so take a look at what we do to farm animals. Just youtube undercover factory farming videos. It’s way worse than what happened to this donkey and it happens every single day. Before pointing the finger at other countries, take a look at what is happening in your own. People just hate “china” more because they do it to dogs and not cows/pigs/chickens. It doesn’t make the abuse any less cruel because it is against a farm animal and not a dog. Food for thought.

      • Well said. The extent of bigotry and ignorance displayed in comments on this topic is as horrifying as seeing the donkey dumped to its death.

      • Not really. Bigotry IS wrong, but, the donkey being dumped to it’s death is clearly more horrifying than the out pouring of anger on this post. People are expressing their anger. Who are we to criticize them for doing so.

      • I disagree. Anger is a wasteful and destructive emotion. The people expressing anger in posts here are predominantly expressing one or all of: a lack of reason, blaming all for the actions of a few, outright bigotry, calls to actions that *are* more horrifying than throwing the donkey to the tigers.

        It may not be popular to point out fallacious argument and misguided comment but that does not mean it shouldn’t be done. Brandi is one of the very few people who have responded here who has made any valid comment.

        Instead of shouting expletives, demonising a whole nation, and calling, (ironically), for treatment of the zoo keepers that is as bad or worse than that meted out to the donkey, those who are offended and angry about this action would be better advised to support organisations, individuals and movements whose aims are to prevent animal cruelty wherever it occurs. A donation to PETA, for instance, would be useful – cursing or demonising the Chinese nation is not.

        Other actions that could be taken and that would cost them little more effort than that put into their posts here would be to write to the officials responsible for animal welfare in China and other countries around the World, as well as the United Nations, their own political representatives and other influential people.

    • The Chinese are not as you suggest. As for “doing this in public view” – are you suggesting that it wouldn’t be as bad if they’d done it out of public view? You need to think before you write and know that generalising from the particular is not valid.


    • Of course, using missiles to destroy the homes of innocent civilians is “good”, is it? The Chinese are one of the least aggressive peoples in the World and have one of the oldest and wisest cultures. You need to think about what you say before mouthing off. I don’t like the killing of this donkey in this way any more than you do but that is no reason to condemn a nation of 1.4 billion people.

      Do you condemn your own nation because it has serial killers and a military that regularly kills innocent civilians and uses the euphemism of “collateral damage” to describe murder?

  51. I am so sick of all the barbaric animal abuse from thise fucking chinks, they’re
    either eating dogs or any other normal persons pet. I wish someone would drop a nuke on the whole place and be rid of them, theyre all wasted skin, sneaky, slimy and you can’t trust any of them. It’s totally disgusting whst tgeyre able to get away with….kill them all!!

    • The language you use in your comment is bigoted. The content of your comment is bigoted. Your suggestion is of mass murder and yet you supposedly are concerned about the killing of one donkey. You are mixed up and need to learn how to reason rationally.

    • It seems to me that China needs to have laws against animal cruelty. A society is judged morally by how they treat and have compassion towards their animals. However China seems to be lacking in this department by how they allow this deplorable behaviour. I couldn’t watch this disgusting event as it is disturbing and sick.

  52. We need to Boycott evil China,I hate these evil,evil people,they are inhumane,they need to be taught they cannot get away with the sick,sick Touchure they do to fur babies,all animals.Stop buying,going,eating from dirty evil China.Place of Hell for animals.

  53. The Chinese also are demanding rhino horn, which is now higher in price than gold. Consider that due to their stupid demand for the horn, one of the last remaining five rhinos was recently murdered in a sanctuary! The Chinese are also flying pregnant communist Chinese broads into our country EVERY MONTH where they stay in group homes till they dump out an anchor baby. Even the wealthy ones refuse to pay all their bills so the American taxpayer gets stuck with the hospital bills and everything else. Once their anchor baby has been dumped out, they then send for all their friends and relatives to come here. REVOKE ALL CITIZENSHIP AND DEPORT, DEPORT, DEPORT!

  54. BOYCOTT ALL CHINESE PRODUCTS! These “zookeepers” need to be fired and then arrested and jailed for LIFE. If necessary to feed the big cats, they should have euthanized the donkey first.

    • Yes, euthanising the donkey prior to feeding it would have saved its suffering. However, your calls to boycott all Chinese products is in no way justified by the actions of these zoo keepers. Should you bother to think for a moment, you would also realise that a large proportion of the material items you use are made in China and that without them your life would be very different.

      You also seem unable to appreciate that what you advocate for the zookeepers is a set of actions as bad, if not worse, than the sacrifice of the live donkey, to which you supposedly object. Can you not see the contradictions in your own words?

  55. another reason to boycott China. Are there no rules in place to protect animals?? how could they watch this. it scares me how many societies on this planet enjoy harming animals. makes me sick.

    • Yes, the cruelty to animals across the planet is enough to lead any caring person to despair. However, this action does not provide a reason to boycott China, nor does it reflect on all Chinese. If you are to boycott China for this action then you would have to boycott virtually every nation on earth, particularly the wealthy ones such as the United States for wherever the fundamental aspirations inculcated in society are to make money, corruption and criminal acts are the result.

  56. There are not words for this unthinkable, horrible cruelty. How have these zoo keepers gone unpunished? This is shocking. Even though there were only a few responsible for this heinous cruelty, an action like this reflects on the entire country of China and its people.

    • No, this act does not reflect on the entire Chinese nation. There are many Chinese activists and others who deplore such an action and work hard to stop such events. Before you throw stones at the Chinese and lump them all into the same basket, perhaps you should take a good look at your own nation and its meat trade, its treatment of foreign workers, its attitude to Mexicans, its expenditure on weapons as opposed to its expenditure on its own disadvantaged citizens, and its callous treatment of animals at rodeos, dog-fights, cock-fights, in horse-racing and many other areas.

      • I think the Yulin Dog Meat “FESTIVAL” far surpasses all of the activities you mentioned combined ……….. Oh … then there is the single handed extinction of the Rhino for its horn which of course possess medicinal properties … OMG ….. TURN THE PAGE CHINA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  57. I already read about these Chinese: they are NOT civilized; how they handle cats and dogs, and now this?!? These ‘people’ are walking tumors, pieces of cancer! And there are no words, NOT any excuse to treat this poor donkey and other poor animals like this by these cancer-types! Punish them by throwing them into this water! NO One will cry or feel sorry for ‘cleaning’ the society from these worthless pieces of cancer.

    • where does your hate begin and end? im confused. you have no compassion.
      you ,
      are part of the world of hate and uglyness.
      stay away . please’

      • Excuse me, but not all Asians are like the cruel jerks who pushed a helpless donkey into the Tigers enclosure. I am speaking for myself and my relatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Many Asians are animal lovers (especially my generation and younger)…….

        I have Chinese relatives, Hispanic relatives, and Scandinavian relatives who ALL are animal rescuers!!!!!

        It’s the person, not the ethnicity, who is or isn’t cruel……..

      • Bunny I hope your comments were a reference to michelle’s bigoted statement. Your replay was written under my comment. Perhaps in error?

      • bunny peters is one of the animal good guys linda, her thoughts and words are a sharp sword as she charges at the opposition.
        now, lets you, me and bunny p. glare at michelle with our arms folded untill she slinks out of the room…..

      • ellen I know she is. I figured her comment was toward michelle. It confused me when she replied under mine. I’m aghast and shocked that people have balls to use such racial and bigoted words, but, then would they have the balls to say to someone’s face? Not! It’s hurtful and unforgiving. I cringed when I saw her (michelle) comment. Bunny I’m so sorry you were exposed to such a horrible and despicable comment. My cousin married an Asian and she has been bullied…she tells me she has to laugh because the average American can’t tell the difference which Asian country she comes from. Btw she’s from Hong Kong.

      • If she is from Hong Kong, then she is a Big City girl from China.
        I worked for a Japanese company and I worked with many Asians. They like us Americans and are often intrigued by our upbringing and personality. Many own small dogs.

        Thank you for telling us about your family and putting a face on the “also” suffering Asian American.
        And their suffering at the hands of American Morons. Most I have met have been no better or worse then my American friends So whats the big Whoop?

  58. It might even become somewhat of a weight if you contemplate it.
    I like to drive to Epcot and Disney’s Hollywood Studios, but I find it is
    more convenient to travel by bus to the Magic Kingdom and Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

    “There have been three major grants for the project.

  59. The chinese people like this are so evil and cruel. I can’t imagine how black their hearts are. Where are the laws for these innocent creatures. Why didn’t the man fall in instead?????????????????????/

  60. May God’s full wrath bring the ultimate torture and slaughter to these cold blooded heartless murderers! May each day they suffer “hell” on earth with every breath they breathed until they are plunged into the fiery pits of
    never-ending torment and suffering!

    I am sure this little angel donkey now has a special place in heaven!

  61. Every year in June as many as 15,000 innocent defenseless dogs (and cats), including pets, are tortured and slaughtered in the most excruciatingly painful ways possible at the Yulin, China Dog massacre.

    The only way to stop this “hell” for animals is to support and sign petitions at the following organizations, of course, including Pet Rescue Report:

    Force Change
    Animal Petitions
    Animals Asia
    Care 2
    Greater Good network


    Thank you for caring.

  62. Have a look at the labels on MOST of your products, dear viewer. Does Made in China keep appearing?

    The only way you’ll stop this barbarism is by hitting the slit-eyed b*stards where it hurts – in the pocket!

    As an ‘old-fart’ I wish you well in your endevours – but don’t hold your breath, as money will ALWAYS triumph in the end!…….

  63. Fucking vile and evil animal torturing China. What else would you expect from these sadistic and callous Chinese monsters from hell. China is known as the vilest of heinous animal torturer and suffering Worldwide. I absolutely hate and detest the vile and evil Chinese race. They are the filth on our planet earth. They are definitely not human they are the monsters on our Planet.
    If I ciould get to those vile and evil Chinese animal torturers they would be next on the Tigers menu and would be made to suffer in excruciating agony as the Lions feed on their filthy animal torturing bodies. Die you vile and evil animal torturing Chinese monsters. The filth on our planet earth. I just hate you Chinese monsters so much and pray that you all die screaming in excruciation agony.
    RIP dear little Donkey. No precious animal is safe in this filthy country of hell and terror for all the precious and innocent and helpless sentient beings.
    Just look at the unimaginable heinous torture and suffering they commit against the precious and innocent Dogs, Puppies, Cats, Kittens and all the other precious and innocent sentient beings they deliberately torture to death heinously. Skinning alive, burning alive, boiling alive, hanging bludgeoning and then skinning alive, butchering alive and all the other unimaginable heinous atrocities they deliberately commit against such trusting and innocent sentient beings.
    Remember Mao Mao a beloved Golden Retriever who had just had beautiful puppies who was stolen from her beloved family and sold to one of the vilest of Chinese animal torturers who deliberately made this precious and beautiful girl suffer in excruciating agony and enjoying cutting of her legs while she screamed in unimaginable agony then hanging her by her neck while still alive then skinning her alive. The unimaginable excruiciating agony Mao Mao endured was the vilest of animal torture and suffering that this psycho Chinese monster could commit. This monster got away with this sadism and evilness when this vile and evil monsters should have been put to death heinously as poor and innocent Mao Mao endured. The animal torturing Chinese must be eradicated from our planet. They are the vilest animal torturing Race on our planet. Die you vile and evil monsters from hell. Burn in hell for an eternity. This is what you Chinese animal torturers deserve.
    RIP Mao Mao and the billions of precious and innocent sentient beings who have died in excruciating agony by the hands of these vile and evil filthy animal torturing Chinese monsters from hell. Fuck you all. Die you vile and evil Chinese monsters slowly in agony. My hatred against the Chinese Race is deep within me.

  64. Unfortunately for many animals across the globe, this kind of thing goes on every day all day long! Cruel humans are everywhere. I understand why in the “old days” there was the “eye for an eye” mentality. Maybe it should return and be used to punish people like this. That poor animal suffered miserably.

  65. ASIANS. Can be CRUEL AND DESPICABLE RACES!! China and Japan among the worst. Abusing maiming, and killing numerous animal species DAILY!! Cats, dogs, rats, sharks(fins) and monkeys, among others for thier sick consumption. And in such horrible methods. Livestock treatment is ATROCIOUS in both countries!!! The fur, wool, and leather industry is so cruel and tortuous to livestock.
    Killing whales, dolphins by the MULTI-THOUSANDS to increase fishing industry supply without predators, and MOST annually caught in nets. Overfishing is a major issue there, as they steal fish from the rest of the world’s waters!! They kill tigers and deer for thier penises. The deer are castrated while still alive too!!! A REAL MAN uses viagra not another species penis!!! Some mental evolution required there??? I have supported animal rights for years and the Asians appear to be the WORST ANIMAL ABUSERS WORLDWIDE!!!! I am not prejudiced as I can respect some Asian cultures and practices. They will ALWAYS DISGUST ME in thier animal treatments!!! What’s wrong with YOU PEOPLE!!!

  66. There is something SO EVIL with most Asian countries. There is SUCH LACK OF RESPECT for ANY living animal!!!! They eat everything that has a pulse and kill the rest for trophies!!!! OH I almost forgot! THE DOG/CAT MEAT INDUSTRY IS THE WORST!!! and that is coming from an equine lover! ANYONE involved in any of this, GO TO HELL SUBHUMANS M-F’ers!!!! I had no idea this happened and way behind the 8 ball. RIP to all animals coming in contact with Asians!!!



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