Homeless man just wants his ‘Lamb of God’ pup saved from euthanasia

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In the Dallas Municipal Court in Texas, a yellow Labrador retriever named Lamb of God, life remains in limbo as animal lovers, city officials and an impressive list of attorneys came to the pooch’s defense on Monday. Last month,  Lamb of God was ordered to be destroyed by Judge Michael Acuna after the dog bit a 13-year-old boy, who the owner said just got his face too close to the protective pooch.

Sean Baugh, the homeless man who is dog’s owner, contends she is a good dog. According to NewsCw33, there are people who disagree how good Lamby really is – city attorneys and staff at the Dallas Animal Services including a veterinarian state the dog is a “ticking time bomb.”

Lamby, however has worked her big brown eyes and her desperate tale into the hearts of animal lovers and activists throughout the country – so much so she has attracted a most prestigious legal team who have stated a homeless man with no legal training and expertise was no match for the city’s attorneys who convinced the judge to make the decision to kill the dog. City attorneys cited cases where the dog had bitten three people in the last year, contending they could not release the dog to a sanctuary since the judge had deemed the dog a threat to public safety.

A lead activist in the huge movement to save the dog’s life said the child continued to put his face in front of the dog despite Baugh continually warning the child’s mother asking her to tell the kid to stop.

On Monday, the lawyers met with Judge Acuna for 90 minutes with lots of questions; it was not clear which way the judge was leaning. The lawyers – two former Dallas County prosecutors cast doubt on the boy’s case using the photos of the boy’s face. And to add to the impressive credentials of Lamby’s legal team, came Don Feare, an animal rights attorney and professor who pleaded with the judge:

“Don’t take advantage of the disadvantaged.”

As to the dog’s background, Baugh, a panhandler, would dress his dog up in costumes with hats and sunglasses and offered her to pose in photos with people for a few coins in the downtown area of Deep Ellum. Although there have been multiple stories of Baugh abusing the dog, he denies all the allegations and refers to the dog as having been bestowed upon him as a gift from God. In March 2016, he said he found the “mangy” dog scavenging through the streets, and for the last two years, Lamby has never been hungry and always has a safe shelter.

“People didn’t see when it’s cold outside and I only have one sweater, the dog gets it,” Baugh said. “People didn’t see my little puppy waking me up with kisses.”

And so the battle seems to be two-fold. The child was seen by witnesses taunting the dog. Come on, we all know not to get in a dog’s face – especially a strange dog, and surely a 13-year-old kid dangling a dollar bill in the face of an unknown dog should have been enough for his mother to stop the inappropriate behavior. Combine that with a homeless man who may have abused the dog, then pops the questions?

“Is the dog to blame? Does she have to pay for human errors with her life? Where is our humanity?”

Will Lamby get a reprieve or will she die? Will Lamby be returned to her owner? Will Lamby get a new home at a sanctuary?

We’re waiting.

(Photos of Lamb of God via Facebook, Kattie Vittetoe)

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  1. My vote would definitely BE a CARING HOME at a Sanctuary !!! This little animal should have proper shelter, bedding, nutrition, and Not be at the hands of Generalized Population who are making jokes and teasing her, as in all probability this 13 year old ” Know it all Kid ” did and his Mommy allowed!!!! the judge is ordering her to pay with her life because of life circumstances this poor animal has NO CONTROL over.

  2. Probably both sides are at fault here, but IMHO maybe the dog should go to a sanctuary since the homeless man doesn’t seem to be able to impress upon people that they should not go near his dog and the people that want to go by the dog are going to do it anyway and they don’t listen either. That kid doesn’t seem to be taught anything from his parents, he’s going to do what he wants to do no matter what anybody says. Maybe the man needs to volunteer at the sanctuary to be near his dog.

  3. I’d have taken that idiot 13 yr old over my knee, he knew better. commonsense! someone swats something in front of my face, I’d bite them too!

  4. Just another vendetta against a dog and a homeless man that has nothing so they feel they can do what they want against him! The kid got bit because he was taunting the dog and his mother stood there and let him do it, so now the DOG must pay! I hope there is some justice for poor Lamby, she isn’t to blame for this and shouldn’t have to pay with her life for it!

    • Of course, blame the voiceless one – this little punk and his idiot mother are only looking for a payout. Anyone with half a brain would never stick their puss in front of a strange dog – Lamby deserves a life, and this Judge Acuna needs to step up and realize NONE of this is the dog’s fault – it is human stupidity. All Lamby needs is a human who cares about her.

  5. You should send the dog home with his owner and charge the kids mother for causing the incident. Don’t take the only family this man has. Do the right thing and send this dog home. Don’t kill this dog because of HUMAN stupidity This kid asked to be bitten and his mother did nothing to correct her spawn.


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