Hairless dog with horrific case of mange wagged her tail the moment rescuers appeared

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A hairless dog suffering from a horrific case of mange lived under an abandoned car in a tiny village located near Rajasthan, India. Her condition was so grave, villagers had called Animal Aid Unlimited; it was feared Pepper as the sweet dog had been named, would die soon because the infections from her sores had taken a desperate toll on her body. Yet, Pepper wasn’t willing to give up.

“She wore her heart on her sleeve,” representatives from the rescue organization posted on their Facebook page when they arrived to rescue her. “This darling street dog made our rescue team smile ear to ear the way she crawled out from under a car, desperately troubled by mange, not only, we think, to get a biscuit, but because her heart was so full of love.”

And yes, Pepper crawled right out from underneath the car – her tail wagging happily and graciously wanting to be hugged and loved in return.

Veterinarians for the organization said Pepper would have soon died had she not been rescued. And when brought back to the hospital, she was treated with intravenous fluids and medications to mitigate the damage being done to her ravaged body. Calming and cooling salves were applied, and twice a week for the next month, Pepper stood patiently while given medicated baths to help heal her wounds and encourage the regrowth of her soon to be new coat.

Her medical regime included all inoculations, virus control and spaying. Check out how Pepper paid her rescuers back with her love. Can you believe she has a black coat?

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.

(Photos screenshots of hairless dog Pepper via YouTube video)

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  1. Giant THANK YOU to Animal Aid – you saved another life – your dedication and commitment to helping animals shows that there are humans in all countries who really care – you are heroes and Pepper looks wonderful.


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