Groundbreaking decision in Ohio sentencing hunter to jail for shooting family’s dogs

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A Belmont County, Ohio hunter was sentenced on Monday to six-months in jail and three years probation after admitting to shooting and killing a family’s two dogs while the man had been hunting in December 2016. Michael Chedester of Clairsville, was sentenced under the Goddard’s Law (House Bill 60) making it a fifth degree felony to knowingly cause serious harm to a companion animal.

According to Wtov9 Fox News, Chedester had been in a tree stand at the time and observed the dogs chasing deer. His attorney argued that the law allows a property owner to shoot animals if they were menacing a person or menacing animals belonging to Chedester. Although the deer were wildlife, Chedester contended it was his property, and he was allowed to make claim by hunting the dogs since a deer killed during hunting became his property. According to the Intelligencer, Chief Assistant Prosecutor Kevin Flanagan argued that the deer were wildlife and did not fall under the law.

“Ownership does not exist in this particular case merely because wild animals are on your property,” he said.

Earlier in May, Chedester pleaded guilty to two felony counts of prohibitions concerning companion animals. At sentencing however the judge stated although the legislature toughened the laws on animal cruelty, they had not changed the sentencing factors.

The owner of the two deceased dogs named Bella and Emmy spoke to the court prior to Chedester’s sentencing. On that tragic day, Pete Byers had been ready to leave for work when his dogs disappeared.  It had been the opening day of gun season, and Byers was terrified that something could have happened to his beloved dogs. After an hours-long search of yelling the dogs’ names and with friends using four-wheelers to  aid in the search, one of the men reported having heard gun shots and a dog yelping.  Byers followed the trail and came up to Chedester and his tree stand. Both of his dogs had been shot  and killed.

“Needlessly hurting or taking an innocent life is never acceptable,” stated Pete Byers. “I guess it was swift justice, but it seemed like it took forever to me. A lot of sleepless nights, worrying, a lot of stress for no reason.”

It is hoped the attention received in this tragic case will deter other similar situations in the future.

(Photos of hunter killing dogs via Facebook)

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Read the previous story here.



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  1. This is utterly disgraceful that the killer of those dogs only got six-months in jail and three years probation. He should had at least received 5 years 5 years probation a heavy sentence and banned for life in having another dog. The justice system needs a good clean up of giving proper sentencing

      • 100% agree with you on that. He alsoshould not be allowed to have possession of a firearm. He does not respect life.

      • They convicted him of a felony so he has lost the right to own firearms for the rest of his life … thankfully!

      • He can still own and hunt with a felony. It has to be a black powder, muzzleloader. But he can still hunt unless stated otherwise. You may not like it, nuts that’s the law.

      • Bryan, per Wtov9 Fox News: “And while Chedester won’t see the inside of prison walls, many of his freedoms are now relinquished, including the right to vote and own a weapon, Deservedly so, I might add!

      • The TV station doesn’t know anything about guns either obviously. A felon can own a weapon like a knife or bow and yes even a black powder rifle. I have a friend who is a felon and the cops took all his guns and he now has a large collection of black powder pistols and rifles… it is the law.You can order black powder guns through the mail, no background check they don’t even know who they are selling them to, it is not considered a firearm. Tell that to the 600,000 people that died in the Civil War by being shot with black powder guns. We wiped out a whole continent full of bison and native Americans with them too.

    • If the owner of the dogs cared about them that much he would have took them outside on a leash or should of had them chained up or in a fucking kennel. Everyone is only seeing one side of the story. Those dogs and the owner of the dogs took good from that man and from his family. Hunting is a big part of what made this country.

      • They got loose it happens and the owner of the dogs went looking for them. It doesn’t justify your friend killing the dogs. What’s wrong with a warning shot? What good did they take from that man? Hunting is a big part of what made this country”? Wow you need to bone up on your US history.

      • Your head is up your butt Craig. The man is evil and will never shoot another person’s “pet” again. It seems everyone else only sees one side of the story but you. He should have gotten a much longer sentence, but at least he will never own a license to shoot an innocent animal again. You are a POS!!! And so is Chedester!!

      • I agree . Our family pay good money to hunt. It a way to help with food for us. And he was on his own property not on others. And your right. I dont let our dogs run at large. Thats taking a chance to get hit by a car or anything. And in hunting season. What the hell was the owner thinking. Thats not showing much care for them. You should treat your dogs as your kids. And not let them run loose and in danger. He was wrong.

      • I come from a long line of hunters and even though i dont personally like it… It their right to hunt. But u my sir missed the part where the dogs got out and they were looking for them. So my now question for u what if ur dog ran out when u opened the door going to work like dogs do. How would u feel or if u have children feel about ur family pet got shot and killed… That man should have not done this … He had no right… Period.

      • Craig … “took good from that man and his family”. What a simple minded response. This is not colonial times where if the hunter failed to bring food home, people may starve. Spare me rhetoric. Before you classify me as a left wing gun hater, I am very conservative, own numerous firearms, and I hunt, but do so with common sense and respect. Killing these dogs was not justifiable. Sorry if they may have messed up his day in the stand. Get over it! Be a responsible hunter. This individual should have his hunting privilege revoked for life and be barred from ever owning a firearm again. People like this and those who support him gives responsible hunters and gun owners a bad rap and only serves the gun control feeding frenzy.

        Dogs do get loose and enter others property but unless they are physically threatening you or others then you have no right to kill them.

        MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Dogs caught chasing deer may be killed by a person other than a peace or conservation officer, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

        Between Jan. 1 and July 14, a person other than a peace or conservation officer may kill a dog that has pursued, wounded or killed a big game animal.

        Dogs chasing deer this time of year is an annual problem, according to a DNR report. The deer are cold and struggling to survive while dogs are full of energy and ready to run.

        Minnesota has more common sense than OHIO and it is a very liberal state.

      • Both individuals where in the wrong. Dog owner should have had control of his dogs. They should not have been running on someone else’s property. People lie so I don’t believe that it was the only time they got “loose”. The hunter, if he saw them chasing deer on HIS PROPERTY probably felt justified in shooting them. A little tolerance could have gone a long ways and he should have called the dog law officer, who should have fined the dog’s owner. Dogs don’t hunt. They chase to kill for fun. One large, fast dog can kill a deer. A deer does not have a chance against two dogs of this size. I love my dogs but that does not justify me letting them kill or harass wildlife.

      • Tammy the hunter was the only one at fault. Since the asshole SAW THE DEER that the dogs were chasing….why didn’t he shoot it instead of shooting the dogs?! Dogs have been known to be playful with deer. It’s actually quite common.

    • What about the life of the deer being chased by non native wildlife. I don’t hunt but I would get rid of my own dogs if they ran deer or other animals to death. Use your brains people.

      • It would seem if the dogs were running deer, then why didn’t this “great hunter” shoot the deer? Isn’t that what he was hunting for, the dogs were within range the deer must have been, and where does it say they were running them to death! I’m glad you love your dogs so much you would end them if they ran deer shows me what kind of a pet owner you are!

      • The dogs may have been chasing the deer, but, to run them to death lol. If you can easily get rid of your dogs for doing the same thing you certainly are not much of loyal and loving owner.

      • Use YOUR brain…. dogs are hunters it’s in their nature and deer are pray, they are chased down by most predators. That’s like killing a human for eating a cow. You really shouldn’t be allowed near animals either if your solution for getting a dog to stop is to put them down, instead of just training them not too.

      • so you would kill your dog for doing something that is part of their make-up..would you kill them for breathing..i have a rat-terrier mix..he has killed 2 rabbits..should i have killed him for doing what he was designed to do..?..dogs are hunters…look at wolfs..coyotes..dingoes..etc ..yes he should have kept his pups inside..but a dog..Yorkie or a hunter…you might as well just shot yourself for breathing

    • Oh they failed to mention that he has to do community service at the animal shelter….really !! That’s like having a child abuser do CS at a daycare SMDH ! He could of actually gotten up to a year in jail in each charge but the shitty judge only gave him 6 months for both. Oh and he he did not ” knowingly cause harm” he murdered them ! If he cause harm they might still be alive they are dead ! Pathetic POS !!!

    • This was a felony charge. He cannot own or possess a gun for rest of life. True with this being one of the first cases under Goddard law should have been more time in jail.

      • He can own a gun and he can hunt it just has to be a black powder Muzzleloader. Unless they tell him his hunting rights were removed he’ll be back in that tree again

    • As far as I’m concerned he definitely did not get enough time he should have got 10 years for each dog to shoot the dogs that weren’t bothering anybody so they were chasing deer big deal animals are animals and dogs do things like that what a creep for shooting those dogs and his hunting license should have been revoked permanently

    • But look at it this way. It is one less ah with a gun off the streets. Some time is better than no time at all. May be his inmates can talk a little sense to him. I hear a lot of those gentlemen really like dogs.

    • With any luck, maybe the Warden will bunk him with an avid animal lover who would him him a death sentence and save the tax payers six months of incarceration fees.

  2. While this punishment is a little better that the usual “fine and probation” that is the standard sentence I most DEFINATELY think the jail time should of been longer!! Just don’t understand the reluctance of these judges to mete out significant jail time! This jerk certainly deserved it!

  3. Six months is NOT enough! Ohio still needs to change its laws to reflect the cruelty behind what this evil POS did. He did it with callous disregard for the family whose dogs he killed, knowing these were BELOVED family pets and part of their family. He HUNTED them as if they were wild animals. Killing deer was more important to him than other humans and their feelings or their companions: did this selfish POS think other deer wouldn’t come his way?

    He should be locked up for 6 years. Ohio, you can do BETTER. This filth will be back on the streets again, ready to disregard the living because he’s a selfish b*****d. Too bad the dogs and deer can’t shoot back.

  4. GOOD! That picture is very hard to look at, now imagine the pain the poor dogs at to occur. GLAD THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING! Happy he is actually getting time, instead of being let out on just a fine.

  5. Really? Six months in jail and 3 years of probation was a groundbreaking decision? I’d like to shoot that smiling dick wad’s face off!

  6. So many mental people I think we need to start making adoption much more difficult and doing fingerprinting and background checks .unfortunately alot of people should not have kids or pets. Should be a requirement ao if anything happens they ho straight to jail ruin their record of employment etc. It’s a crime which should be punishable under law and these bastards should spent more time in jail

  7. To kill for no reason is sick. He will do this again. This is not about hunting. This is about killing. Scum of the earth.


  9. I hope this owner sues the hunter in a civil case. Id sue him for everything he has. You take my dogs life and my happiness. I will destroy you the only way I know I legally can.

  10. You had no right to kill those babies. Get out of you tree scare the dogs back to there house tell the owner to keep the dogs in . You could have done million other things before taking a life of someone’s fur baby. The law is just not good enough. Anyone can do six months, for god sakes, the punishment needs to be were a human cant handle the punishment then and only then will these sick bastards think twice about commiting a crime like this.

  11. What a needless and unwarranted death of two loving animals… I once had a beagle shot and killed right at the end of our property line… he too had dug out of the kennel when a pair of black labs ( one in heat came on our property) . The individual that owned the two lose dogs were not charged… I had a member of our House of Representatives try to get our state laws changed to no avail… The Puke that shot my dog. went to the hospital for very minor surgery had a heart attack and died. I took the time to send the card with the following notation. “We come into this world as brothers, non goes their way ALONE . What we bring into the lives of other’s will come BACK into our own”! received no response Wonder Why!!!

    • Killing your dog was a shitty thing to do, but for you to write his family that letter after he died makes me think you’re a bigger piece of sh!t than he was.

      • I STAND PROUD and DAMN TALL For EXPRESSI NG “THE HORRIBLE DEED THIS PUTRID DICK WEED COMMITED AGAINST MY OWN FAMILY … His ASS HOLE SON STOOD THERE AND KICKED MY POOR LITTLE GUY’S BODY WHILE I went to my trunk to get a blanket, and actually laughed… I had a 22 colt pistol in my car and man I really felt like making HIS DAY!! I only with I could have told this man to his face prior to his demise!! I also proudly ride a 2017 Harley Trike …

  12. While it’s not much more than a slap on the wrist, at least he’ll get SOME jail time. I honestly expected him to get off scott-free! Hopefully this will only be the beginning in cases like this.

  13. Should have received more time…way more time! There will be a final decision in his future from which he will regret.

  14. I pray he get’s hunted in jail.He had no right to kill these voiceless dogs they did nothing to him,BASTARD !!!! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  15. It’s not a great amount of time (should have been MUCH MORE) in jail. This puke thinks he’s something special (most assholes who hunt defenseless animals are great big piles of SHIT .. as far as I’m concerned. ). Truth be told; the type of thing I’d like to see is “him” getting his ass shot off. That would be fair then!!!! I’d settle for him rotting in a jail cell tho .. and for more than 6 mths.

  16. 6 Months in jail is barely a slap on the wrist!!! This makes me sick!!! he should have got a few years in Prison atleast!!!

  17. I am delighted that this guy got jail time, it’s a first step. To help shed some light on why laws with stiffer sentences are hard to get passed: juries won’t be very willing to convict someone of a crime if the punishment is too harsh for them. For example, if rapists were subject to capital punishment, jurors would be loathe to convict, believing rape is wrong, but shouldn’t be punished by death. Don’t shoot the messenger.

    • how much time do u think the owner of the dogs should get? i mean he admitted to letting his dogs out unleashed on a reg bases, they were on someone elses land being very aggressive toward other animals. should he not get anything for the lack of responsibility he played and the actions of his vicious dogs?

      • Really, did I miss something? Where did he ever say he admitted to letting his dogs out unleashed on a regular basis? And what animals were they being aggressive toward? Even the POS that shot the dogs said the dogs were “chasing the deer away” hardly being aggressive! Why are you defending this dog killing idiot, he even admits he shouldn’t have done it!

      • That is the stupidest most ignorant comment here.
        If the only way your dog can go outside is to be on a leash you should be put in jail for animal cruelty.

        Newsflash, dogs can’t read or recognize property lines.

        Another newsflash for you, the dogs weren’t being vicious. They were simply chasing a wild animal, that they wouldn’t have caught BTW, because that’s their nature.

        I feel sorry for people who have to interact with ridiculous, ignorant folks such as yourself.

  18. All you people that are against this man for what he did to those dogs,have you ever seen what a family dog does to a deer when they chase then? They bite thier back legs until they cut through the back leg tendon until the deer drops to the ground in pain and fear and then they start tearing off chunks of meat while the deer dies slowly. I have seen it first hand. All though I did not kill the dog, I was sick to my stomach to see this. So don’t think for a minute these dogs were innocent!

    • We don’t know for sure if these dogs were chasing a deer and if so we don’t know if these dogs would have harmed the deer. It wasn’t necessary to kill them…..a warning shot would have worked fine.

    • Do you know how rare it is for a dog to catch a deer?
      Extremely rare, unless the deer is injured or it’s a fawn.
      The ignorance in some of these comments is astonishing.
      What do you think wolves and coyotes do to kill their prey?

    • And what if they were your dogs would you feel the same way? It wasn’t necessary to kill them a warning shot would have been much more appropriate geez!

  19. If it’s a fifth degree felony doesn’t he loose his right to own firearms? A felony is a felony no matter what degree it is.

  20. I remember when this happened, Good for Ohio the sentence should have been longer, but at least he is being punished for killing two family pets!

  21. The owner of the dogs should have been fined as well. If you own a dog you need to keep it under control. If I were the Hunter I would have captured the dogs and turned them into animal control so the dogs owner would be fined and jailed plus that gives you legal room to have the animals seized if it continues.

    • Well thank you for your compassionate thoughts in this matter, I see very well where you stand on this matter! I take it you have NEVER had a dog get loose. well GOOD for you, the rest of us are human, it wasn’t like this man and others weren’t looking for his dogs and certainly the dogs that escaped didn’t deserve a “death” sentence by some gun happy “hunter”!

    • Newsflash genius, dogs can’t read or recognize property lines. In no state I’m aware of is it illegal for a dog to cross a property line.
      In fact, in a lot of states if a hunting dog comes onto your property and you do anything but try to reconnect the dog with its owner you’re looking at legal trouble.

      I’ll never understand you city people that have absolutely no concept of the world outside of your street lights.

      I live a two thousand acres of private land, should my dogs have to leashed or contained in anyway before going outside?
      No, that’d be freaking ridiculous.
      I go days at a time without seeing my dogs, regularly.

  22. Amazing that the people calling names are probably the same types of people who think Ohio leash laws and keeping your pets under control are meant for other people. We see it all the time out here in the country where neighbors are an acre apart. The city ‘know it alls’ move out here and honestly believe that personal responsibility and respect for other’s property rights ended at the city limits. We currently have two such clueless Einstein’s living near us. One has 5 dogs, none of them bigger than half of nothing, and the other has 3 dogs about half that size. Certainly, individually, all of them are cute but when all 8 get together, they have a pack mentality and think they are wolves. Of course these 2 families, fresh from the city, have no clue who sells leashes or fences like the rest of us do.

    • You certainly DO have a good point ( although killing both of them could have been prevented, you friend is a kill happy asshole, he had OTHER OPTIONS contact the owner , GOLLY the Sheriff Department WOW what a concept… YOU THINK!!!) we too live in the country have animals of our own and keep them contained ,,, the Dr. that lives behind us has a 5 lb dog that continuously runs thru and in our horse pasture … I have contacted them more that a dozen times Nicely conveying that the little guy is running under the horses and one day will get kicked or stepped on and maimed or killed … they continue to let this happen… so much for professionalism… we have just decided to let happen what will happen….

  23. I hope those 6mo are longest, hardest 6mo of HIS useless life!!! but, now, everyone knows what a useless piece of shit he truly IS!!! and, he prob will lose his right to his gun license, since he was convicted of a felony (unfortunately, this article doesn’t mention if it the felony pertains to violence)…this judge needs to come in to the 21st century and realize that what he hasn’t done is give this loser more time for the pain he has caused…not only to the dogs, but the family and all the other people who enjoyed the company of those dogs as well…the judge needs more empathy training or needs to get off the bench…eeeeerrrrrr

  24. I think you should have the right to kill anything trespassing on your property, whether it be dogs, or those annoying Jehova’s Witnesses. People should maintain their animals to their own property, and obviously the owner of the dogs trespassed in order to find the dead dogs — he should have been charged with trespassing.

    • The word trespassing was not mentioned. The word property was….. big difference. A warning shot could have been used.

  25. Another slap on the wrist for murdering two family pets – I hope his lousy six months sentence is one of terror, intimidation and cruelty – he deserves to be shanked.

  26. Our justice system fails so many. He should not only have a longer sentence but never be allowed to own a guy. He has shown that he is not a reasonable person with a firearm. him disgust me.

  27. Asshole, I hope he enjoys his jail time, just a slap on the wrist. He’d be dead if they were my dogs.

  28. I love all creatures both great and small..And the love that a person shows towards other living creatures is the love of God that courses through them..That Golden Thread of Humanity..In this case Inhumanity that Loser with a Gun showed toward someones pets..This is example of mental test needed taken by everyone prior to having gun in their hands..

  29. All if you creeps saying you would kill the hunter,who didn’t need a license to hunt his own property so cannot lose his rights to hunt his property.
    You all are worse for saying you would ,kill him, that is threats and you should all be investigated and arrested for threatening his life,worse then the death of animals that were trespassing, as was the people on 4 wheelers.
    This man should bring lawsuits against them for the damage that has occurred to his property from them driving unauthorized atvs through his property

      • evan you do not need a license to hunt on your own property or at least in wv you dont so watch calling ppl morons it just shows how much knowledge you lack on the subject.

      • Dee Dee where I live you still need a license. Obviously I’m not lacking on the knowledge on the subject…….MORON!

      • every state does not have the same laws so u are a moron. you are the one calling others moron for stating the facts. you just proved you lack knowledge on the subject.

    • Exactly Homestead dogs and cats are wildlife killers and livestock killers. The state and fed pay for wolf kills at least if you can prove it, but a city idiot dog-licking-cat-kissing moron will never pay for damages. None of the types of weenies I see on here will take responsibility for there “lovely” animals.

      • What is the difference between a human hunter and a domesticated cat that has an instinct to kill wildlife birds? For food! A dog? Some homestead dogs are trained hunting dogs as well. Most homestead dogs do not kill wildlife animals. I also live in a country and I have seen most dogs playful with deer. Deer hunting is a necessity when the population is so large that deer end up starving to death, however, bow hunting is bothers me.

    • Sentence was not long enough. And no need for the probation. Have been sentenced to 8-10 yrs. He willfully killed those dogs. Just because he has deer on his property doesn’t mean he owns them! Is he the type of Hunter who puts out a salt block and then stands there and shoots ? He should lose his license to hunt!

  30. When I lived in the country many years ago, I was told that if a dog comes on your property (and this did happen to me–hunters set their dogs loose on my property, going after deer) I was within my rights to kill or otherwise contain/claim ownership of the dogs.. I understand folks being upset about this, but there are lots of folks who think it’s ok to let their dogs run loose. They pack together and can be a real menace to other animals and people. That said–this guy stated he just wanted to kill something. He could have called the sheriff or his neighbor. He’s a jerk.

  31. The owner should have had his dogs on a leash or some other way of keeping them on his own property. Appearantly most of you have never seen what a dog chasing deer does to the deer. It is very cruel. they run them and keep running them until they literally can not run any further and then they attack them or leave them so depleted of energy and thirsty that they are then easy prey for other preditors. If you are going to have dogs you need to be a responsible owner and keep them on your property and teach them not to chase other animals. the owner of these animals are just as much to blame as what the hunter was. the owner failed to keep control of his animals, failed to keep them on his property, and failed to teach them not to be a danger to other animals. you cant just let your pets roam all over everyones property especially when they are vicious and that is what these two dogs were toward the deer they were chasing. the owner has to and should have taken as much responsibility as the hunter.

    • Who says these two domesticated family companion dogs are free to run all over the place & other’s people’s property in the first place? Who? We don’t have those facts… My Lord’ what we do know is domesticated family dog’s are like children’ I mean REALLY? Do they ever do things they’ve been trained not to? Does shit happen?(as they say?) Running a dear? Says who? The ASS HOLE that MURDERED THEM in COLD BLOOD! That guy? Country folk or City folk we’re all flesh & blood all of us we’re all the same,… human’… Law’s, Ordinances, City, County, State … It comes down to character! The character of a man or woman…
      ……..Bottom line…….
      This guy sd he was in the tree he was there to hunt license or no license personal property or not, who cares at this pt we’re talking two family canine members gunned down in cold blood! if hunting was the important factor & the truth with deer in sight & in target range, then why didn’t he shoot the deer? Why shoot the two dog’s instead? If those two dog’s were “In Theory” were running a deer then who’s to say they’re going to ravenously rip that deer apart we’re talking about domesticated family companion pet’s not wild ferral dog’s’…Who’s to say they weren’t in it for the chase period! These two dog’s don’t look like Blood Hounds or Hunting Dog’s! My dog chases birds, lizards, squirrels never caught one, but come on I would think that deer can out run a canine, (“Domesticated Family Canines”) hands down!!! After all their chased by bigger game than dog’s kept inside the home & are family pet’s These weren’t even hunting dog’s were they???!!! Certainly don’t look it to me! Lions, Bob cat’s, Wolves, Hyiennas, Coyotes are what deer are use to out running … The question should be asked was this man’s moral character of of such that his life was in imminent danger? Were these two dog’s a THREAT to his Life? His families Life? Were these two family pets unapproachable? Was there No other way to handle a couple of dog’s running across his property chasing a deer (if in fact true) other than to deliberately shoot to kill having the advantage? Could an intelligent decent stable educated individual without malice intent of the heart, carrying a gun have very easily avoided taking two lives? Possibly speaking to his neighbor as to his irritation, anger, personal property regarding the matter & avoiding in the future? (Or do country folk not do that sort of thing?) Did he at least attempt another approach? I do not believe so!!!!!This goes to show the moral fiber & intent of the heart & this man’s character who without warning, without regard to life, without attempting to approach in order to avoid taking two lives without conscience or compassion! As far as hunting a deer clearly within his property & In his target view ( again if in fact the truth) he made the decision to take out two dog’s family dog’s at that, not ferrel dog’s not dangerous dog’s not threating his life or his families lives but two domesticated family dog’s, merely being what dog’s do!!!!!…For that, this man’s character speaks volumes to his intent! With these facts alone, it’s unfortunate in a cultured 21st century society we have character’s of this nature! I wouldn’t want to be his neighbor! As far as this presiding Judge he stated he would hope this would deter other’s from animal abuse (this is animal abuse in my opinion those dog’s didn’t have a fighting chance when ambushed & without making the first attempt to avoid their lives being taken) this judge in order to make a statement with regards to the escalating rise in animal abuse he failed miserably!!! To make a Pt that if you harm a defenseless & helpless innocent companion animal your going to face serious time! This man deserved a whole lot more than 6 months in the county jail & fines! Clearly cold blooded murder of domesticated family pets ambushed with the intent to kill!!!!! Judges uphold the law’s of protection with regards to companion animal’s, see to it that the punishment fits the crime! You hand down harsher for damn traffic offences! SHAME ON YOU!!! Only in America’ a failed & broken system of justice!

  32. Have you watched a deer get killed by “lovely pet doggies”??? It is brutal and painful for the deer. Once a dog gets the taste of blood in a kill they will do it again and again until stopped by killing them. The dogs owner should be beaten about the head for not taking care of his dogs “on the first day of rifle season”.

    • yes the owner should have been held responsible for not controlling his animals and letting them roam on other ppls property to cause damage to other animals

      • Why? the dogs got loose while the owner was leaving to go to work, there is NO indication that these dogs were causing ANY damage to this moron’s property and there is NO indication that this owner had consistently let his dogs “roam” on other people’s property! His dogs are DEAD how much more do you think he needs to pay!

    • Absolutely False! My brothers dog domesticated killed a squirrel in his backyard brought it inside out it in front of the TV as to say aren’t you proud of me’… this is city folk I’m talking about if it was too make any difference to some of you out there, that dig (A boxer breed) he never killed anther!!! Where are your credentials Mr? WHO left you in chg to say a blanket statement with regards to domesticated companion animal’s? Ignorant statement on your part! Always seems to be “A know it all in the bunch”!

  33. All I have to say. They are both at fault. A true dog lover makes sure his dogs stay safe as we would our children. Running loose could be hit by a car or whatever. Letting them run loose just asks for this or whatever to happen. So sad.

    • Where does it say the dog owner allowed his dogs to run loose. They happened to get away while he was leaving for work, that could happen to ANYBODY! They didn’t need to be shot and killed!

      • If those individuals have never had an escape ( but from the sounds of their attitude and demeanor I doubt they have patience, to own and love and care for any living creature !! Because they only love them selves and their hunting buddies). Every once in a while out Tulip and 9 pound termite will rush the gate on our 4 foot fence squeeze out beside and run like hell) then the chase is one.. It is a game to her. I have had to get in my Juke and head her off… this man was looking for his dogs and this hunting fool couldn’t resist…I live in the West where Gun owners rule the world OR SO THEY THINK.. and before you bash ME I too have a permit to carry and I do… but not to kill animal’s. Get the point! my property is posted and gated and we actually had a man squeeze through 4 years ago because we had a 6 point mule buck taking refuge in our field… he was getting ready to shoot when I had already call the Sheriff fired a shot out the door into the air…. Now this is not KOOL!!!

      • actually if u followed the story the dog owner let the dogs out to use the bathroom and run regularly without being leashed or inside of a fence. this was not just a one time thing that they pushed thru the door when he was leaving.

      • if you followed the story the dog owner said that he would let the dogs out to use the bathroom and run regularly, unleashed and unfenced. so this was not just a one time occurance that where they pushed thru the door when he was leaving. Even if this was a rare occ. he is still responsible for his dogs actions. they were viciously chasing an innocent animal that did nothing to them. It is the pet owners responsibility to keep control of his dog. I am a pet lover and i take responsibility for them and what they do. it would kill me if this happened to my dog but if my dog went onto another persons land and was chasing an innocent deer then i would not have the right to say anything. It would be my fault for not keeping control of my dog and for him being vicious toward another animal. I love my dog so he is in a fenced area when he is out with an electronic collar to shock him if he gets too close to the fence boundaries, plus he has been trained not to be aggressive and vicious toward other animals. that is my job and responsibility as a pet owner.

      • Letting your dog out to the bathroom and to run lose is a far cry from allowing them to viciously attack deer, and NO where have I seen where they viciously attacked deer! Even the moron that shot the dogs said they were just chasing the deer away. And “viciously chasing an innocent animal that did nothing to them”? The deer are probably still alive since your favorite hunter was going to kill them anyway! I’m glad you are such a “perfect pet owner” even though you have opened your self up to criticism because of your electric shock collars! One problem though, what happens if an animal happens to wander into your “fenced” area? My dogs won’t attack another animal either but if one comes after them, they will defend themselves!

      • do you really think they were chasing the deer to lick them. lol. now that is a joke. running a deer can kill them. so yes that is vicious & no my dog will not attack another animal. i have no prob. opening myself up to whatever anyone wants to say about my wireless fence. they are perfectly legal and it is the back up so i know my dog will not get out and will not go on someone elses property or chase other animals. it is called being a responsible pet owner. that is why my dog is alive. i care enough to keep them safe and home where they belong. i was brought up hunting and i have seen the results of many dogs chasing deer. it is not pretty and trust me one shot from the hunter to kill one deer for meat is no where near what a deer goes thru being ran to death and then eaten alive by dogs. the dogs were not chasing the deer to lick them and take them home to be there friend and if you believe that then you need to lay off the drugs.

      • Dee Dee who said they were viciously chasing the deer? Were you there? The shooter said “they were chasing the deer away” never mentioned viciously chasing the deer.

      • how exactly does a dog friendly chase a deer? I have been raised in the country and trust me if a dog leaves their own property to chase a deer its not because he is wanting to have tea.

      • Dee Dee, No I’m not on drugs and I have no illusions that a pack of dogs aren’t trying to make friends We are NOT talking about a pack of wild dogs here, we are talking about two family pets who were not hunting down the deer to kill and eat them I live in the country and have seen dogs chase deer (not my dogs before you go after me for that) and I have yet to see a deer that couldn’t out run the dog. I have also seen a dog get hurt when a deer pounced on it with their hooves. I stand by my statement that these dogs were NOT viciously attacking the deer, the “hunter” who killed these dogs even said they were only chasing the deer away and obviously the law agrees since he is being punished for killing the dogs.

        I have 3 German Shepherds and a Beagle, My dogs are contained in a Dog Watch system invisible fence, I know very well the fence systems are safe and I know they keep my dogs safe, but I also know the crap I have taken from so called dog lovers saying they are inhumane for dog containment and it didn’t protect my dog from someone or thing coming into the yard to hurt them. I wasn’t allowed to adopt a rescue dog because of my fence. If you are implying I am not a responsible dog mom, you are way off base. I keep my dogs home, if they bark they are brought into the house, I watch them while they are in the yard and in the 20+ years I have used the fence I have yet to have one get out or be hurt by it! .

      • Dogs were not viciously chasing the deer. Dogs that chase cars are not viciously chasing them. Even the hunter did not comment they were viciously chasing the deer. After killing the first dog I’m sure the second dog was startled and ran away from that area. So why was it necessary for the asshole to kill the second dog? Because he’s an asshole!

      • dee dee You’re just ASSuming the dogs were viciously chasing the deer. Dogs will chase most things it doesn’t mean they’re being vicious. Unbelievable that dumb asses ASSume that every time dogs chase they’re being vicious!

    • A true dog lover? Never exp a moment where you lose control? Are you okay? Really? Do you have any kids or a pet like the one mentioned in your reply? Bcause if you did you know dog’s domesticated not wild or ferral are just like kids! Have you ever told a kid who knows better not to do so & so?… But… They did it anyway? Well I’ll be damn’…. Has anymore here ever told their family dog not to do something they’ve been trained not too, but they did it anyway? Oh ‘ brother… Well’ Lord help these kids/pets if any, who may be living in this household because God forbid they get out of control one day & their shot because of it!!!!!!!! What an Ignorant statement!!!!!


  34. He’s probably the same dude that would want me to bring my tracking dog out and find the deer that he had mangled up. If he shot my dog I would be the one in jail.

    • Amen! He didn’t have to shoot those dog’s clearly evident he’s an Ignorant individual who lacks common decency compassion or moral fiber! SHAME ON HIM! HOPE TO NEVER HAVE SUCH A NEIGHBOR IN 21ST CENTURY CULTURED SOCIETY! OH’ MAYBE THAT’S ONLY INTENDED FOR CITY FOLK COULD BE COUNTRY FOLK AREN’T SUBJECT TO 21ST CULTURED MODERN DAY AMERICA!

      • AND WHO appointed U God for the DAY!!! YOU are Ripping and tearing at individuals like a Hyena!! A sub species of the common Dog!!

  35. This is bullshit! As hunters, sportsmen, citizens etc….The practice of dispatching dogs that run deer has been the norm for years. The suffering that the deer goes through as the dog “runs them to death” is terrible. First and foremost, especially during deer season, those dogs should have been restrained. Just another case of the “snowflake society” that we live in, where it’s never the bad guys fault. What happened to the owner being responsible for their dogs?
    Perhaps if the dogs had been carrying trophies, to present to the exhausted deer at the end of the chase? Then it would all be ok and all of you “bleeding hearts” could shut your pie holes.

    • These dogs had NOT be let loose to run deer, they had gotten loose and there were several people trying to find them at the time so get your facts straight! The bad guy here is the hunter that took two dog’s lives and obviously since he has been sentenced for wrong doing the law agrees!

      • Here! Here! Not given enough time first degree premeditated MURDER! No matter what! CLEARLY he didn’t have to kill those two domesticated family dogs! His life wasn’t in imminent danger nor any family member’s nor any personal animal’s of his own regardless if the dog’s were let to run & return hm within reg routine or not’ who’s going to believe you’ve got a neighbor who doesn’t value life at least of domesticated animal’s therefore & by all means you had better keep your dog’s under lock & key for safety purposes as to having a neighbor that’s questionable in character & lives yards away. It’s evident the owner’s of the pet canines who were ambushed gunned down in broad daylight in cold blood never knowing the harms way they were in & didn’t have a fighting chance for what was coming, he didn’t have to kill them!!! He knows it Everybody with Common Sense knows it regardless of license no license not on personal property or on personal property ,allowed to run or not allowed to run the yard, dog’s like kids will do what they have been trained not too at some pt & time for that matter we all do & are going too till the end of day’s young or old come on folks bottom line here is”DID YOU HAVE TO KILL? WAS THERE NO OTHER CHOICE? WAS THIS THE LAST RESORT? F WERE YOU IN FEAR FOR YOUR LIFE? YOUR FAMILIES LIFE? YOUR LIVESTOCK? THE LIFE OF YOUR FAMILY PET’S?

    • Well Mick!!! MY husband and I are gun owners too !!! We chose not to hunt, but we do fish. My step-father never missed Elk season until the year he died at 81.. the tragic thing I see is deer running around with legs blown off, or deer with arrows sticking out of every part of their bodies , this is NOT suffering!!!! I think we have ONE hell of a lot of DUMB ASS HUNTERS in THEORY only out there just shooting and don’t have a clue HOW to REALLY HUNT that do far more damage than dogs!!! also hunters that have absolutely NO REGARD for that NOTRESSING PASS SIGN POISTED ON OUR OR OTHER”””””S GATES>>>> Then of COURSE the TROPHY HUNTERS THAT KILL AND ONLY TAKE THE HEAD… AND last by NOT LEASE YOU have now idea how many horses and cattle are shot by STUPID HUNTER”S!!! Never have had a dog kill deer , but have had or see all the above things mentioned…

      • Well said pennysdachshund, lets not forget all the family dogs that get killed, “mistaken for deer” or not, it happens around here all the time. I’ve said many times if they can’t tell a dog from a deer they shouldn’t have a gun in their hand and be hunting. I have never seen a dog kill a deer either but I have seen deer trample a dog.

      • I call BS (pennysdachshund) on yours and all the others who claim to be gun owners and sports men and women. Bleeding heart bed-wetters always say this crap “I am a gun owner but…..” nonsense. Deer Hunters do more for the environment and wildlife by keeping habitat for deer than dog and cat owners who allow the dear little fur babies to prey on wildlife. If I see one more cat killing the wild birds on my property I am going to stop live trapping them and use other means to take care of the problem and I can because I do not live in a communist state full of bed-wetters.

      • Wild Birds, Pray tell, “Deer Hunters do more for the environment and wildlife by keeping habitat for deer”, how does that work exactly? With all the stories like this of hunters killing dogs, livestock and even themselves in the name of hunting what exactly are these responsible gun owners doing for the deer and what does cats killing birds on your property have to do with ANY of this? I don’t know what state you live in, but I hope and pray it isn’t mine! BTW, I am NOT a gun owner.

      • Barkley’s mom wrote: Wild Birds, Pray tell, “Deer Hunters do more for the environment and wildlife by keeping habitat for deer”, how does that work exactly? With all the stories like this of hunters killing dogs, livestock and even themselves in the name of hunting what exactly are these responsible gun owners doing for the deer and what does cats killing birds on your property have to do with ANY of this? I don’t know what state you live in, but I hope and pray it isn’t mine! BTW, I am NOT a gun owner.
        Barley’s mom you must be one of those apartment dwelling pooper scoopers you see in the dog park. I will educate you. Deer hunters and other people like me who own property in the country do so to better the environment. We provide habitat for wildlife and in return we get to hunt or if you are like me, I just enjoy sitting around a camp fire and not hunting. I let other hunt legally because they pay the bills and taxes to the DNR, dog owners don’t do any thing for the environment. The only let there dogs crap every where. Dog owners do what exactly? Do dog owners like you provide habitat for wildlife????? How? I love dogs and cats but I not let them kill the native fauna. City folks like yourself have no clue what nature is about and think only in terms of emotion rather than the cruelty of a domesticated animal like a dog or cat killing a wild animal.

      • Wild Birds you are way off with your comment. I live in Upstate New York in a rural community, own my own home, have a big yard for my dogs that are contained and do NOT bother anyone or kill any wildlife. Don’t even try to accuse me of NOT knowing what nature is all about, and I don’t need a lecture about how the wonderful hunters are doing “nature” such a service by killing! I hear the guns ring out all around my property, killing the deer and geese. and cringe hoping an arrant bullet doesn’t end up in my home. I’m sure the deer and geese appreciate being killed in the name of providing a habitat for wildlife! And while we are talking about cruelty, I’d say your threatening to kill cats because they are doing what cats do, going after birds is just as bad or do you just consider it “hunting”?

      • Barkley’s Mom wrote: And while we are talking about cruelty, I’d say your threatening to kill cats because they are doing what cats do, going after birds is just as bad or do you just consider it “hunting”?
        Do hunters hunt song birds or small rodents? Cats are the greatest threat to small endangered wildlife there is. These hunters you look down your snotty nose at pay for a license, contribute to the economy and normally follow the rules. State biologist set the limits for hunting and use the funds from the sale of licenses to fund projects that help habitat. Does your puppy or kitty do this. Recently I found the mangled body of a Downy Wood pecker killed by a stray cat. It was not eaten but just killed for fun. House cats are not native and are an invasive species. If anything people who do not control their domesticated animals are the problem and a greater threat to the environment. Hunters are not because they are supposed to follow the rules set by state biologist and wildlife studies. What rules do city idiots with puppies and kitties follow. Do you get your house taken away if your cat kills a bird. Do you go to jail and get your pet owning privileges taken away if your dog chases a deer? This is what hunters face if they do not follow the rules.
        Not only do hunters pay fees for hunting they set aside land for wildlife that benefits everyone even small non-game animals. Does a dog park do this? I like dogs and I like cats but I do not like people who are not responsible for their animals and who judge others with out knowing facts.

      • Wild Birds: I thought I established that I am NOT one of those “city idiots” that allow their dogs to roam free and terrorize everyone and thing! Responsible pet ownership isn’t limited only to YOU and your country dwellers. There are plenty of “country folk” that abuse dogs and are NOT responsible just read some of these stories most are from rural areas. And since when does paying for a license to kill make every hunter responsible and a holy benefactor to wildlife. Lets ask the deer, rabbits, ducks, geese, and other critters how they feel about that statement! Many just go out to “kill” something. I have never said I have anything against responsible hunters, or responsible ownership of guns. But someone who professes to “love” all animals and wildlife doesn’t kill family pets! Tell me, how is the weather up there on your “high horse”. You are so much better than the rest of us aren’t you! Look down your “snotty” nose at THAT!

      • Barkley’s Mom said: “I have never said I have anything against responsible hunters, or responsible ownership of guns.”

        OK, previous to this Barkley’s mom said: “I don’t need a lecture about how the wonderful hunters are doing “nature” such a service by killing! I hear the guns ring out all around my property, killing the deer and geese. and cringe hoping an arrant bullet doesn’t end up in my home.”

        You can’t remember what you wrote? LOL

        Barkley’s Mom stray cats that roam through the woods killing wild life are not family pets. They are not cute. Dogs who run deer till their heart explodes are not cute. They are the creation of irresponsible people who should not be pet owners. The consequences of a hunter breaking the law are greater and more thoroughly punished with the loss of property and privileges. I wish dog and cat owners were punish in this way for bad behavior. There is little punishment for some nitwit who does not take care of a pet, neuter it or keep it from killing wildlife or destroying property. It is quite obvious from your statement you look down rural people and hunters. Pooper scooper keep kissing your dog on the lips.

      • Wild Birds, “Pooper scooper keep kissing your dog on the lips” really? Now that shows what kind of a person I am dealing with here, your need to resort to disgusting insults shows me the “class” person you are, If I even entertained any thought that the point you were trying to make was valid, it has gone out the window now! My statement “I don’t need a lecture about how the wonderful hunters are doing “nature” such a service by killing! I hear the guns ring out all around my property, killing the deer and geese. and cringe hoping an arrant bullet doesn’t end up in my home.” Good one, well you got me there, I was referring to the irresponsible hunters that roam the wilderness and shoot what ever moves, The land around me is posted and there isn’t supposed to be any hunters hunting have they a license or not, there are too many livestock roaming the fields. There is an animal preserve a few miles away that they can go kill as much as they want. You are right about one thing, they get caught they will be fined. So go cry over your Downy Woodpecker that may or may not have been killed by a stray cat (you might want to get DNA evidence so you can kill the right culprit). In the name of preserving our wildlife of course.

      • By the way Wild Birds, Your whole assessment of this situation, hunters, pet owners, city dwellers, and country hicks is hilarious, you should write a book!

      • Wait a min…Isn’t this the guy who posted on Facebook puffed up & so proud of himself showing the bodies of these two innocent defenseless domesticated dog’s now dead at the hands of criminal intent! Who he willfully & purposely MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD!!!!!! COWARDLY AMBUSHED THEM!!!!! WHO SD …QUOTE….. …….UNQUOTE …..
        END OF STORY!

    • Wow I forgot the NUMBER 1 most ruthless aspect of Hunting BOOZE! BOOZE!! & BOOZE!!! The boys are away from home ::: Acoma , SD 1972 Al’s Oasis where coffee is Still 5cents a cup … I worked the first time as a hostess on summer break from School.. to watch the Corporate Elitists, Dr’s. Lawyers, ( with the exception of the Indian Chief’s ) who resided a few miles South at the Reservation and the Wounded Knee battle field .. Cases upon cases bought for the hunting camps,, so one could have a “little nip” maybe 4 or5 or6 if it was really chilly before going hunting. I don’t know how many times I actually saw an animal strapped down on an SUV that these Stupid, Drunk Bastard’s hadn’t even gutted. the local’s would go out and finish off the deer, maimed, while the VIP’s sat in the lounge partaking of refreshments. We saw several SUV’s with just the Trophy Head’s tied down… these guy’s would be sure and get some Black Hill’s Gold for the Little Lady back home1 With the current generation I would be pretty sure one can add , Meth, Cocaine , Heroin to the ample supply of Booze… You think this is Made UP NOT… Hunter’s do far more damage to Livestock, domestic pets, ( how about a death of a sow ) now that is stretching it!!! Hunters’ on Alcohol is far above 50% and I have no idea the percentage of Drugs… do again far more damage then a dog… Did this hunter who shot the dogs have a bottle in his stand to keep him Warm???? Did the authorieies did a Blood Alcohol test on him BET NOT!!!! Happy Hunting!!!!

      • BARKLEYS MOM,I totally agree with u! Wild Birds is a judgemental idiot that wants to lump all dog and cat owners into one catagory,just like the BSL that condemns all pit bulls for the actions of a few!! Besides being uber judgemental Wild Birds is lacking most working brain cells in his/her right fighter judgemental head!! Didn’t want to comment at first but the more Wild Birds talked the more pissed off I have become! Don’t u just loathe the know it all attitude and the the disgusting talk and nasty put downs of dogs and cats? Such an ignorant narrow minded ass!!!

      • Cynthia Como wrote: “Wild Birds is a judgemental idiot that wants to lump all dog and cat owners into one catagory.”
        Nope, I am a responsible dog and cat owner myself. Love pit bulls, but pit bull owners not so much. It is to bad such wonderful dogs as pit bulls attract the “uber” worst owners who seem to lack “brain cells”. Never put down dogs or cats just people who are not responsible. Maybe you should “uber” consider that yes I am judgemental but not of cats and dogs but “people” who lack the discipline and will power to take care of these animals in a way that does no harm to pets or other wildlife.

    • Mick…….u and ur ridiculous comment is the only BULLSHIT here!! U very obviously do not know the facts of this case so until u do……SHUT UR UNINFORMED PIE HOLE!!! Dumbass jerk!!

  36. Why is that motherfucker smiling? I would like to wipe off that prick’s smile with my .44. It makes my blood boil. That fucker should be first waterboarded and then beheaded in the public square. I never knew that I could hate someone this much. R.I.P., babies.

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  38. It’s a shame that this asshole didn’t get a load of buckshot fired at him square in the chest of face. This asshole would likely shoot a person as quickly as he did the dogs. Hope he enjoys being a convicted felon for life. POS I hope he rots in hell.

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