Farmer dumps newborn calf only minutes old not to waste its mother’s milk to sell

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A dairy farmer in India, who tore a newborn calf away from his mother at birth because he didn’t want to lose a “rupee’s worth” of the mother’s milk, dumped the shivering infant along a rural dirt road. Fortunately, rescuers from the charity organization Animal Aid Unlimited in Rajasthan were called and rushed to the defenseless baby’s side; tears fell as they wrapped the baby in a blanket; he was in shock, unable to stand and still wet from the afterbirth.Newborn calf cover story

He was brought back to the Animal Aid Unlimited hospital and there he was named Dil – translated to ‘heart’ in Hindi. The calf was hand fed from a bottle, and thus his journey of survival began. The endearing video shows how Dil was so shaky on his legs as volunteers offered him his first drink of milk from a bottle – what he deserved from his mother, but sometimes adjustments just have to be made. Dil soon started to thrive.

The video continues with Dil growing and two months later, he is released into an area with other rescued calves as well as some adult cows. No one was sure how Dil would react – he had only known humans all this time as his surrogate mother and friend, but to everyone’s pleasant surprise, Dil jumped around with the others in pure excitement.Newborn calf cover

It is tragic to see male calves dumped, but according to the rescue, this is a common occurrence. It is the plight of almost every newborn calf around the world.  Since they will never produce milk, male dairy calves are of little or no value to the dairy farmer, and are ripped away from their mothers minutes after their birth and sent to veal farms. The veal industry is another cruel byproduct of the dairy industry.

(Photos and video courtesy of newborn calf  Animals Aid Unlimited)

Dil, however is a survival story. Watch his video and smile; this little guy didn’t go to market. “Whether a kitten or a calf, every life is precious.” To donate to this organization, please click here.


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  1. This is exactly why I am giving up dairy. Also the poor babies that are used for veal is heartbreaking! I don’t like the taste of anything that much!!!!!!!


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