Dozens of poodles rescued from hoarding situation in West New York

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In West New York, 27 poodles were rescued from a disturbing animal hoarding situation inside of a condemned three-story home.  On Wednesday evening,  27 dogs were found inside the home located between Boulevard East and Park Avenue after neighbors complained of foul odors and dogs barking. According to the St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center, the dogs were removed from the home with rotting ceilings and strewn with garbage.

All the animals were brought to the New Jersey Humane Society and were treated by veterinarians and volunteers at the Summit Animal Hospital. On Friday morning the dogs were transferred to the St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center where they are being shaved, bathed and groomed. Many of the dogs were so matted, they had urinated and defecated in their own fur. One of the dogs had ruptured tumors; veterinarians stating she had been in a lot of pain. More volunteers and groomers were arriving on Friday to help with the dogs.

“Our veterinarian deemed that the kindest thing for that dog was to be put to sleep,” stated Heather Cammisa, CEO of the organization.

Two of the police officers aiding in the removal of the dogs have already adopted two of the poodles. 

“Once they’ve all been thoroughly examined by our veterinarian and clinic staff, we will set to work making sure each one gets whatever special treatment is needed.”

It is not known when the poodles will be made available for adoption. At this time, the dogs will need to be socialized; many are withdrawn and had to be tranquilized in order to shave, bathe and groom them. The dogs are said to range in age from eight-months to eight-years.

Special donations to support the care and treatment for the animals can be made on-line by clicking here, via telephone at 973-377-7094, by mail at P.O. Box 159, Madison, NJ 07940 or in person at any of St. Hubert’s shelters. The organization’s Matching Gift Challenge is in effect until July 31—all contributions will be matched by an anonymous donor up to $85,000.

Three family members who had been living at the home are expected to be charged with animal cruelty and neglect. As of this time their names have not been released.

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(Photos by St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center website)

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  1. These people need extensive jail time and pay back for all the grooming that is being done for these animals.They should live for a week like these dogs had to live for years and feel what torture and pain is really like. Making money off the backs of these poor dogs is atrocious. Easier to do that then get a real job. Punishment for “things” like these(people), should fit the crime and not a slap on the wrist and small monetary payment.

  2. Why do people do this, they certainly can’t have the welfare of the dogs at heart if they can’t take care of them and they get in this condition.

  3. UN-BE-LIEV-A-BLE!!! Throw those a**wipes in a cell with all the rotten fur shaved from their victims for a bed.

  4. So thankful they were rescued. Shame on those culprits for animal abuse and neglect of these beautiful poodles.

  5. Another example of sub-humans at their finest! I hope and pray every one of these precious dogs recover and find loving homes!


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