Domestic argument leads to puppy being tossed from third-floor apartment

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A ten-month-old puppy is recovering from a fractured neck, ribs and pelvis after being found in a Chicago alley earlier this month. It was Sgt. Michael Tews, who found the sweet little pup; her legs were bleeding and her mouth was foaming. Heartbroken at the defenseless little one’s condition, but a real dog lover, the officer rushed the tiny eight-pound terrier who allegedly had been tossed from a third-floor apartment, to Chicago Animal Care and Control.

It had been on April 9 when the officers rushed to the 700 block of South California Avenue after a call about the injured dog. According to the Chicago Tribune, Melvin Coleman, 37, was arrested on charges he grabbed the dog and threw her over the third-floor apartment porch during a domestic argument. Coleman’s girlfriend owned the dog, however he has denied throwing the dog.

As for the adorable little dog dubbed Callie, Animal Care and Control Executive Director Susan Russell reached out to dog lover, Don Levin, co-owner of the Chicago Wolves, who graciously donated one-third of the puppy’s $6,000 in medical bills. Veterinarian Specialty Center in Buffalo Grove, where Callie underwent surgery and follow-up treatments did not charge for their services. The dog’s previous owner surrendered Callie to the Chicago Animal Care and Control.

Levin’s American Hockey Team hosts a monthly Adopt-A-Dog program during the season, and Levin who is the human companion to six dogs has helped out many times before.

“You can’t stand by and let them die. It was a young dog that could be saved,” Levin stated.

Callie has since been turned over to Fetching Tails Foundation where she is now in foster care. On the organization’s Facebook page, her progress is being monitored and followed by animal lovers everywhere. On Tuesday, Callie called out to her supporters:

“Hi Everyone! It’s Callie. Just thought I’d share my latest progress. … I stood up tonight and ate canned food from the bowl all by myself! I wagged my tail as soon as I saw the food, and kept wagging it for a while while I ate. Even more importantly, I drank water from a bowl, which I had refused to do until now.

Foster mama and I have been practicing walking using a sling from the hospital. Tomorrow we’re going to try walking in the yard a bit. We also tried some passive range of motion exercises the doctor prescribed. I didn’t do much with that today, but we’ll keep at it.

Thank you to everyone who has been following me and wishing me well. I’ll keep you posted!”

It is expected Callie’s recuperation will take as much as two months. If interested in adopting, please contact Fetching Tails Foundation. They do not adopt out of state.

Coleman has been charged with a Class A misdemeanor of animal cruelty. If found guilty, he faces up to one year in jail.

(Photos and video of Callie tossed from third-floor apartment via Fetching Tails Foundation)

Check out Callie’s video from a week ago and how her life has changed because of a community’s involvement and love:





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  1. he should receive more then a years sentence FFS Get better soon Callie you are in my thoughts and prayers xxxx

  2. OMG: what is wrong with people???

    This POS deserves prison time….. would he do the same to a screeching toddler???

    Lock him up forever…….

    Glad that Callie survived and is getting help and support….. totally unnecessary for this precious furbaby to suffer these injuries…… Absolutely heartbreaking that someone thinks tossing a precious little furbaby off a balcony is “OK” during an argument…..

  3. The monster who threw this precious pup should also have to pay the total amount of the vet bills. It’s great that a large portion of the fees were donated and that the vet doing the surgeries didn’t charge, but that money could be held for the next dog in need. A year in jail isn’t enough for this type of animal abuse, but hopefully the man will get the maximum. I hate seeing so many of these monsters get off with nothing more than proverbial slap on the wrist.

  4. Poor sweet girl….I hope you find the loving home you so deserve. Thank you Officer Tews for not hesitating to take this little one for the medical care she needed. And thank you everyone else involved. What sweet kind people you all are!!!

  5. If I had any say in this Melvin Coleman would be first in line for the wood chipper – to take your anger out on an innocent eight lb dog only shows the streak of cowardice a mile long he has – Hope Callie makes a complete recovery and gets the safe loving home she obviously never had. Melvin is damn lucky I don’t live in Chicago –

  6. one year for almost killing this tiny pup, how about 5 years for the low life that let his angst out on an innocent dog and 2 years of community service for his hapless girlfriend!

  7. What kind of monster throws a little puppy off of a 3rd floor porch! Melvin Coleman is a POS and needs to be dealt a meaningful punishment. I’m for pushing him off the 3rd floor porch, I’m glad little Callie is going to be alright but it’s too bad she fell into the hands of the people who only did her harm.

  8. OMG! I’m still crying,I can not comprehend how utterly brutal and cruel some people can be,to animals and to their fellow human beings! Animal cruelty evokes such immense pain in my heart and soul and then the anger kicks in over this out of control jerk facing only a misdemeanor,we all know what that means! He will get the standard “fine and probation” when sentence. Money for the courts and NO punishment for the abuser! OMG! INFURIATING AND FRUSTRATING! Poor little Callie,she is a beautiful gift from God and should be treated and protected as such! I will be praying for a complete and fast recovery. Get well sweet,precious Callie❤️ God bless all the wonderful compassionate people that worked to save this sweet fur baby❤️

  9. At the very LEAST the guys should have to pay restitution, plus some for the medical expenses for this little pup !!! AND thrown in jail !!!

  10. That fucking piece of shit needs to raught in jail. Why do the poor animals always get the raw end of the deal when idiotic humans don’t know how to act like adults. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  11. I wish The Professional Sports Players would engage MORE in this Practice…. to show the Country their True Spirt!! There are Still too Many MICHAEL VICK types out there …. NOW LOOK at HOW MANY COLLEGE SPORTS players are doing and getting NO ACCOUNTABILITY for ANIMAL ABUSE!!!


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