Dog trainers facing felony animal cruelty charges

Dog trainers facing felony animal cruelty charges
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Two dog trainers in Acton, California, are facing multiple charges, including charges of felony animal cruelty, for alleged abuse of dozens of dogs. According to the Santa Clarita Valley Signal, the accused trainers, identified as 27-year-old Junior Barillas Morales, and 24-year-old Natasha Elena Ahmad, pleaded not-guilty to the numerous charges on Wednesday.

The trainers, who operated Real Deal K-9’s, were arrested and charged after investigators discovered dead and injured dogs on their property earlier this year. One of the surviving dogs was so badly injured that a leg had to be amputated.

When investigators visited the accused duo’s home, they found “extremely dirty” conditions and two dozen dogs. Morales and Ahmad are facing 13 felony animal cruelty charges in addition to three felony counts of child endangerment, two felony counts of grand theft and two misdemeanor counts of petty theft.

The pair is due back in court later this month.

More news and updates at the National Animal News Facebook page.

Elderly woman’s car and dog were stolen – then a stranger saves the day. Read more here.

Woman’s beloved dog died and then someone stole the ashes! Read has she got them back here.


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  1. These two sound like “upstanding” citizens! Killing dogs, leaving guns around where their children can get to them, I hope they are locked away for a good long time, they certainly are NOT contributing to society in any shape or form!

  2. This is very common. Never leave your dog with a trainer unless you are right there. Poor innocents suffer so a-holes like these two (foreigners???) can satisfy their greed and insanity. K 9s of many police departments are trained in a very cruel manner. Read Sue Marston’s books as she has first hand knowledge of K9 abuse with the Ventura California PD.

  3. I have my doubts as to them being citizens, but put them in the same conditions they left these dogs in, and if they survive throw them in jail with bubba. What did they need guns for? Police must investigate these things because more stuff like this will be happening in the country.

  4. Just ship both of these hunks of maggot shit out on a leaky raft in the Pacific Ocean – Maybe North Korea’s missiles will hit them. These two have no right to breathe.

  5. Animal abusers are in a class of despicable,cruel psycho and HELL has a specifically reserved space waiting just for them! They lack a brain,a soul,a heart,morals and ethics! They need to be removed from society via of years in a prison cell! Just when will our law makers and ESPECIALLY THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM see that most of society want them out of our communities? The reek of insensitivity,decency and common sense and are a danger to all living things,be it human life or animal life! While I’m thrilled these two brutal thugs have been arrested and charged,it all goes down hill when they are given this country’s standard slap on the wrist! It’s so enraging and so disheartening that our courts refuse to see that we will never slow this rampant horror down without removing these sewer scum evil monsters out of society and hold them accountable for their brutal,cruel torture of innocent dogs,cats and all animals who have the misfortune of crossing their path! So I hope that for once these inhumane dog abusers are made an example of with a significant prison sentence,followed by a very long parole and a LIFETIME ban on owning or being around all animals,even if it’s a goldfish! And it they have children they need to be barred from raising them unsupervised to prevent them from passing on their poisonous ways to another generation! They both need to have their faces used as mops to clean up the prison floors! AND I’M PRAYING FOR THE DAY WHEN WE HAVE A ANIMAL ABUSE REGISTRY IN ALL 50 STATES TO HELP TRACK THESE LOW LIFE SCUM BAGS!!!


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