Dog sitter beat dog, sprayed it with water and locked it in freezer

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There has to be a special kind of hell reserved for a suspected animal abuser in West Monroe, Louisiana who had been a dog sitter for a friend and “mutilated” it. The accused is said to have injured the dog, sprayed it with hot water and then locked it the freezer.

According to, Samuel Smith, 24, was arrested Thursday evening by the Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s Department who stated the owner of the Yorkshire terrier had left her tiny pup in the care of Smith at her apartment on December 13. The dog’s owner said she received a call from Smith that morning claiming the dog had left the apartment, and when the dog returned, there were injuries to the dog’s face, eyes and head as well as some of the dog’s fur missing.

The dog was rushed to an emergency veterinary clinic, and at this time it is not known if the damage to the dog’s eyes will be permanent.

When questioned by authorities the next day, Smith admitted to spraying the dog with  hot water in the bathroom and then putting the dog in the freezer for about 30 seconds. Remnants of the dog’s coat were discovered in the freezer section of the refrigerator at the owner’s apartment. Smith told police he didn’t like the pet, but had not meant to “mutilate” it and had just been “messing with the dog.”

Smith has been charged with aggravated animal cruelty and bond has been set at $5,000.

(Photos of Smith and the dog via screenshots

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  1. Why? Why did he do this? Owner must have known this creep and the creep must have met the pup before the owner had him watch the pup = JUST ANOTHER SICKO!! Hope the pup recovers from the trauma as well as the injuries, very sweet looking!!

  2. Je ‘aimepas vie xesimages qui me blessent,e ce qui m’exaspère c’est que Jamais ont peut lire qu’une de ces pourritures coupable de telles cruautés à été condamnée à de la prison ferme .
    Tous ces gouvernements et tribunaux sont des lâches.

  3. What he did to this dog should be done to him 10 times over. Then throw his sorry ass in jail and let the inmates handle him. These scums should be all on a desert island and kill each other.

    • I agree with you!!!!!! I hope he gets to Hell ASAP…… poor precious little treasure should never have been treated like this….. I hope for a full and speedy recovery…..

  4. So, let me just “mess with” this POS. By the time I’m finished with him, he’ll wish his sorry ass had never been born. I hope the pup can make a complete recovery and hopefully his owner will no longer have Smith for a “friend.”

  5. He looks like a fucking piece of shit dirtbag I think he should have his fucking hands cut off and then he would never hurt another animal again that should be the punishment

  6. People need to stop being cheap and if they don’t have someone they know and trust (like family!) to keep their pet, spend $15 or $20 a night to keep the poor dear at the vet for boarding. And this idiot deserves to be shot, the world doesn’t need people like this.

  7. O Samuel Smith I TRULY hope your punk white ass is still sitting in jail – may every predatory inmate get their chance to make YOU a victim in every way possible – to treat a tiny innocent animal so cruelly only proves you are nothing more than maggot puke and may the remainder of your pathetic life be short – you deserve NO life.

  8. Smith you fucking asshole! Didn’t like the pet? How many have you hurt prior to this article? Something tells me you’re an animal abuse that has hurt and killed pets in the past! Burn in hell!!!!!

  9. This psychopath needs to be prosecuted to the very fullest extent of the law, prescribed mandatory mental treatment and prohibited from EVER being near an animal again — not to pet sit or own one himself. The world would be better off if scum like him were never even born in the first place.


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