Dog shoots man hunting in Iowa

Dog shoots man in Iowa
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A freak accident, the result of an act of carelessness, resulted in a hunter being shot by a dog. According to the NY Daily News, on Wednesday, a dog stepped on a loaded 12-gauge shotgun and shot a pheasant hunter in the back.

William Rancourt, 36, had been out hunting with friends in northern Iowa when the unusual shooting happened…Rancourt was approximately 22 yards away when the dog stepped on the trigger guard of the shotgun which had been left on the ground.

Rancourt escaped serious injury because he was far enough away from the gun – had he been closer, things may have ended much, much worse. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources points to the incident as a reminder for hunters to ensure that guns have been left unloaded (with safety guards on) before leaving them unattended.

(Image via Pixabay)

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