Dog rescued from South Korean meat farm used to sleep standing up

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A heartbreaking video filmed by the Humane Society of Tampa Bay showed one of the 200 rescued dogs from a South Korean dog meat farm sleeping standing up because she didn’t know how to lie down on a bed.Harriet the dog 3

The dog named Harriet, a three-year-old Jindo, was rescued last week from a dog meat farm in Wonju, South Korea. The traumatized dogs were all flown to Humane Society animal shelters in the United States, Canada and United Kingdom to be rehabilitated and prepared for their adoptions. Fifteen dogs were brought to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. Particularly heartbreaking, was watching Harriet as she tried to figure out if she was permitted to curl up on the pink and black soft blanket beneath her.

Staff have speculated the dogs had been accustomed to sleeping standing up because the cages were so crowded. In the video, Harriet could be seen closing her eyes and dozing off as she sat on her blanket nearly falling over. A staff member spent the day showing Harriet how to relax; the video finally shows the sweet dog curled into a ball sleeping on the comfortable blanket.Harriet the dog 2

“Even though our Korean pups are doing well and beginning to adjust, they are still suffering from the horror they endured. These dogs have been on an arduous journey and still have a long way to go, but we are hopeful that wagging tails and snuggley beds will become their norm,” posted the Humane Society on their press release discussing the progress of the rescued dogs into their new lives.

(Photos of South Korean meat farm rescued dogs courtesy of Humane Society of Tampa Bay.)

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Check out Harriet’s short video. It will make you cry and then make you smile.  Be the voices for those who cannot speak. To help the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, please click here.

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  1. Poor love. Special thanks to HS. She will get used to a normal canine life soon enough. Wish her well and happiness, as well as the other rescued dogs.

  2. Contact the USA UNITED NATION’S EMBASSY MEMBER STATES in New York, tell them to implement and enforce a plan to stop these countries from commiting these crimes against animals. To put an end to the dog and cat holocaust worldwide. Results happen with letter after letter, plea after plea. We the people is the most effective way of getting these slaughterhouses burned down, the dogs returned to sanctuaries, and rounding up the animal murderers and dog thieves and dumping them in the middle of the ocean for fish food.
    Write letters, call, and send emails.
    Dog Advocate.

    • Excellent point as well as signing as many petitions which call for a ban of the slaughter of animals for meat consumption. Write to your local MP’s and even the Chinese and South Korean Embassies.

  3. So thankful for those who are joining the fight and rescuing these swest innocent fur babies! Putting an end to the dog meat trade will be an amazing milestone in history! Thank you! ❤️????????

  4. The horrors of the dog meat markets are not on in Korea but through out all of Asia. Everyday thousands of dogs are skinned alive, electrocuted, boiled alive and tortured in many other ways. This barbaric insanity must stop. Please check out Guardian of Chinese Animal Protection, Vietnam Animal Aid and Protection. Heartbreaking!!!!!!!!!

    • Sheri, thank you for raising awareness about the horrific slaughter of dogs in Asian countries for meat. It truly is beyond belief …the barbarity and cruelty leaves me speechless. Special thanks to organisations such as Soi Dog Foundation, Fight Against the Cruel Dog Meat Slaughter in South Korea, HS, Marc Change and other Chinese and Asian activists that highlight this issue on social media to fight against it as well as communicating with the police and local authorities to enforce animal protection laws in their countries.

  5. The next time any of you, your friends, or family members consider a trip to one of these dog meat countries, PLEASE remind them that their tourist dollars SUPPORT THESE SADISTIC SUB-HUMANS. Albeit, it may be direct or indirect support, if we start making it CLEAR that we will NOT spend another dollar on ANYTHING from these barbaric countries, I can promise you that this will make a HUGE impact on their BLATANT DISREGARD for animal welfare. There’s a lot more power in the purse/wallet than we give it credit. Whenever, we spend OUR money on their products or tourism industry, we are essentially sending them a subliminal message that it’s okay to be cruel and barbaric.


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