Dog found floating in Texas canal with head barely above water

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A dog was rescued late Monday night from a south Texas canal; his head barely above water, and his canine friend already dead from drowning floating next to him. There was no way Foxy could escape the canal; that is until someone spotted him and a local policeman became the dog’s first line of help.

When Rescue Dogs Rock NYC were called, they immediately volunteered to help, and Foxy was whisked off to the emergency veterinarian hospital. Nearly dead, but still showing signs of wanting to live, Foxy received a life-saving transfusion. Stacey Silverstein, co-founder of the rescue organization, described veterinarians initial diagnosis for Foxy as suffering from tickborne infections of anaplasma and ehrlichia. He is extremely anemic (13%) with no platelets.

Foxy is very weak, covered in ticks and his prognosis is unknown at this time. Surely it is unconscionable how anyone could be so unfeeling and overtly cruel to innocent dogs. Be the voice for those who can not speak. It was a compassionate person who spotted Foxy helplessly struggling to stay afloat last night, and it was a heroic local policeman who stepped forward to save this dog.

(Photos and video of dog found floating in Texas canal courtesy of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC )

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Check out Foxy’s video at the moment he was rescued. Heroes and angels are out there!

Dog saved by his owner after he grabs a deadly toad in his own yard! Read the story here.

Watch a heartwarming video about a piglet who helps a special needs kitten – click here for the story.



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  1. Thanks for saving a life. Sorry you couldn’t get them both in time. Hope you find their owners and tack their hide to the wall.

  2. I have NEVER IN my lifetime SEEN or HEARD of a MORE EVIL STATE in OUR UNION THAN TEXAS!!!! I would like to see the STATE GIVEN BACK TO MEXICO!!!! HELL”S fire The illegal’s have done a Damn good job of taking over most of it anyway!!! the STATE GOVERNOR and the Officials NEED to get their HEADS out of the LARGE CREVICE and TAKE control of the issues at hand …. DO the RIGHT THING AND PROSCUTE!! ARREST!!!! PROSCUTE!!!! DEPORT!!!! Most don’t treat their CHILDREN ONE IOTA BETTER!!!

  3. Praying for this precious baby….all those ticks….I pray they are off of him and so so sad his friend drowned…..everyone pray for this precious baby.

  4. And as usual if it weren’t for Rescue Dogs Rock NYC this dog would have been put down in a heartbeat by some shelter. And once again, Texas keeps right proving its so called ‘citizens’ reign among the worst for animal abuse.


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