Dog breeders organize wolfhound dog attacks for title of Champion of Breed

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Owners and breeders of Asian shepherds brought their dogs to a stadium in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on Sunday in an organized dog fight competition aimed at finding the dogs best suited to improve the breed. According to the Daily Mail, twelve breeders watched their dogs fight each other as they vied for the title of Champion of Breed.Wolfhounds fight 2

The countries of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are both very similar in culture, society, religion and language. Formerly part of the USSR, the countries are located in Central Asia. Dog fighting is legal in both countries and often witnessed by dozens of spectators as well as the dog breeders themselves; many even video the egregious battles between the massive Kyrgyz wolfhounds.

Dog fighting competitions are also popular in China, and spectators seem to have no trouble watching the dogs tear each other apart; the fights are not stopped even when both dogs are bleeding and seriously injured. The shocking photos released have drawn harsh criticism and disgust from Westerners.

(Photos of fighting wolfhound dogs screenshots via the Daily Mail)

Caution: Graphic photos may not be suitable for all viewing audiences.


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  1. BARBARIANS!!!!!! These are not civilized people. An entire culture like this is one that needs to change in its entirety.

  2. You BASTARDS!
    How ’bout WE organize a “best of breeder” competition, and let YOU fukwads “fight to the death” (and we then put down the survivors, as well)???
    That way, WE can control the “gene-(cess)-pool”, and rid this earth of all trace of your putrid lineage!

  3. Ils sont sous développés, se sont des barbares, des consanguins, il est temps de remédier aux problèmes de ces meurtriers. Leur soi disante culture n’est qu’une façon de faire accepter leur médiocrité et leur incapacité à évoluer. Que font les politiques et la police ? Rien, comme d’habitude, se sont les animaux qui subissent leur perversité. ASSASSINS.

  4. As everyone is saying BARBARIANS!!! P.O.S. AND B*******. If you like fighting and blood so much PUT YOUR LOUSY BUTTS in a ring and tear each other up. Stop making animals be horrible to trip your triggers. You are all sick, piece of crap excuses for human beings!!!

  5. You can know a lot about a person by the way they treat animals. I strongly suspect these are all children of Satan in route to hell.

  6. This is sickening! Why human beings feel the need to watch dogs kill each other I don’t know! The fact that the majority of humans who feel the need to see this is male may have a lot to do with it! In any event wether it’s here or there this is against the law! The fact that this still occurs is tragic! For those of us who fight against this abuse in any form! Torture of and killing of animals shows how much work still needs to be done!

  7. This is so depressing to me; that these dogs are stuck with owners that don’t give a damn about them and are not even upset by their bloodshed/injury. Disgusting the way they view these animals. Makes me hate.


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