Dog beaten and left to die

Dog beaten and left to die
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A dog, apparently beaten and left to die, is currently fighting for her life. On April 2, New York Bully Crew updated Facebook followers about the disturbing situation which left the dog with a grotesquely swollen head, and barely clinging to life:

Rescue doesn’t have time off on Sunday! Caci is on her way
to the emergency hospital for treatment now. She appears to have suffered severe head trauma and we are told that sadly her babies were thrown away in a box!

We were asked by Pit Bulls Rescue Survivors Inc. in PR if we could help with emergency medical treatment and we could not turn our backs on her. She is alone and in pain! Who does this to an animal??!

Caci’s condition did not improve – in fact, the rescue group has pleaded for prayers and positive thoughts for the ailing dog. On April 4, Caci’s most recent condition was released:

There is no evidence of fracture and we are waiting for final cytology results. Caci is experiencing some intestinal discomfort today, whether it’s from the meds or stress we don’t know for sure at this time. Her eyes are still swollen shut although with the meds and care she is receiving she appears to have a little less swelling to her R eye. We are doing everything possible to help her!!
She is receiving pain meds to keep her comfortable, IV antibiotics, we are waiting for further lab tests to come back and she is receiving round the clock care.

Individuals hoping to help donate funds to help with Caci’s care can do so here.

An amazing reunion – dog returns home after four years. Read the story here.

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  1. I pray that they find the SOB that did this too this baby and throw her babies away. Thais person needs to rot in HELL.

  2. THIS is more than likely a case of ” THE DOG FIGHTING ORGANIZATIONS” A bunch of worthless scum bags!!! YET the Police, Sheriff’s Dept. FBI, or any other type of Law enforcement organization CAN FIND A WAY TO STOP this CRUEL< HORRIFIC <TORTURSOUS < RUTHLESS < BASTARD" S JUST KEEP ESCLATING and BECOMING MORE & MORE BURTAL… I am thinking there are a lot of INSIDE INFORMATION being EXCHANGED by OFFICIALS THAT ARE BEING "PAID OFF" !!!

    • What these bastards do to animals should be done to them maybe these scumbags would stop. They are nothing but a bunch of useless, low life cowards who can’t take on anyone their size and sick minded Mother Fu$#ers. I would kill them myself. A normal human couldn’t leave a poor baby like this. I wish torture and a horrific disease on these POS so they can suffer and wouldn’t think twice of killing them myself and enjoy every damn moment.

  3. Some people are just pure evil. The person who did this should be skinned alive and set on fire. There’s no excuse for beating this poor dog and then throwing away her puppies. My prayers are with you, Caci.

  4. When will authorities come to the realization that animal abuse is NOT a misdemeanor and should be treated like a felony in all cases – way too many times people get little to nothing for abusing and/or torturing an animal and judges literally treat it like a joke. Animal abuse is NO different from child abuse, it is the abuse of those with no voice, the defenseless and the innocent and it is time authorities wake up and start taking animal abuse seriously,

  5. I’m going to come back to this post and comment,I’m way to upset by this poor dog,I’m crying and asking WHY??????? Why are law makers and the judicial system aiding and abetting,enabling and condoning this horror?

  6. I hope she gets better soon! The asshole that did this should be tortured until he tells where her puppies are and what he did to her!

  7. My prayers go out to this baby. I can’t help but cry and just want justice for this baby, but justice is being done she is being helped and will survive and the inhuman pos that did this will not win. God loves you and his healing hand is on you.

  8. Sending much love and prayers from Alabama. I know without someone brave enough to to tell authorities who did this there will not be justice. Just praying for a complete recovery and a loving forever home.

  9. Prayers for the beautiful dog! May God lay his hands on her! May God catch these criminals whom did this to her!

  10. What the heck is going on with this, our world. ? All a sudden it seems like these crazy ass people are beating cats and dogs all over, in all states and countries. I mean is this some kind of a evil cult going around through the internet.. ? Any abuse to animals is UNEXCEPTABLE vut, the abuse a were in different ways but, lately its all about beating them to almost dead leaving them like this poor dog. It makes my heart hurt to see this and to think of the pain these poor animals are going through and the law and courts aren’t doing a damm thing,which isn’t helping one bit. Don’t they see that these people are fucking sick in the head …? Anyone who can torture a animal and beat it till its unrecognizable, hearing it cry and, yelp over and over are SICK. … GET THESE MOTHER FUCKERS OFF THE STREETS….. WHY, IS IT SO HARD TO DO…? WHAT ARE THEY WAITING FOR ? TO WHAT EXSTREAM DOES THIS HAVE TO GO BEFORE OUR COURTS AND THE LAW DO SOMETHING?????? WTF I DON’T GET IT

  11. Caci heal in Jesus name God knows and He will redeem you????????????I’m sorry some people are so cruel, but some love you beyond words❤️️

  12. Prayers for you Caci and God bless you that are taking care of her. I pray that she pulls through and lives the wonderful life she deserves. Whoever did this to her is less than human and I can only hope that they get what they deserve in the end.

  13. This horrific act infuriates me enough to beat the living hell out of these no good inhuman scumbags. These bastards have nothing else better to do in their life but to be a damn big ass coward controlling and beating an animal. I hope this POS finds someone bigger than them and given them a swollen face, swollen brain and break every fuc@%n bone in their body, hope they get cancer rot and die. What a heartless SOB who can do this to animals.

    • YET they MANAGE to continue the DOG FIGHT ( UNDECTED BY THE WHOLE LAW ENFORCEMENT) just simply amazing!!! I go 8 miles over the speed limit and a local cop makes a U Turn to give me a Warning!!! WHERE is THE LAW when the fights and the numerous pukes who attend are gathered WATCHING HORRIFIC MURDERS AND MAIMING FOR FUN!!!! Maybe there too!!!

  14. I’m praying for you caci..,for the asshole that did this to you I hope they are caught n pay for what they have done to sweet baby you.. Ang your babies..

  15. I always want a look at any person that would do this to an animal or a small child. Sadly, most of them get away with it.

  16. Anyone wanting to see a grown man cry should see me now as it read this. No one wants to know what I’d like to do to those dirt bags that did this as it sit here cuddling my little beagle ( another abandoned and unloved dog) i encourage anyone wanting and willing to love and care for a dog to rescue one from your local shelter. All of mine my whole life have been rescue dogs and i have been blessed by all of them. Hope she recovers compleetly. R.i.p. puppies

  17. Im almost getting used to all these horrible stories about animal cruelty and abuses????. But i will never get used to feeling sad n hurting for these animals and their families….i really hope people who do these will be punished so theyd understand that they are not just animals to us but a part of our families. And those animals in d wild are God’s creations too that shld be respectd n shld be left alone by those cruel n sick people???????????? lets give these precious animals a space here on earth…please!

  18. Looks more like a dog-fight abscess or maybe some other causes of infection of the lymph nodes (abscess teeth or puncture wounds in the mouth are other possibilities.) I have seen several patients in similar condition–blunt force (ie baseball bat) trauma has a different appearance. That extreme swelling implies that there is a lack of drainage through the lymphatic system and as sick as she looks it is probably infectious. I have also seen cancer of the lymph nodes swell a head that much but with the evidence of past puncture wounds typical of dog bites on the right side of the face, I would assume that is cause. If you watch the video, the veterinarian treated her with latex drains which is a treatment for infection–not cancer or blunt force trauma. And I agree with my colleague’s treatment. She looks like a stray that got into a fight with another dog. From the phrasing of the notice, the person who wrote this is obviously guessing at the cause. Not sure why people have to assume the worst–maybe for the emotional effect. But the emotion in this case would be better directed at helping strays rather than threatening some non-existent person.


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