Disturbing photo of shepherd at Dallas shelter on bloody choke pole

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A terrified German shepherd’s photograph showing her attached to an animal control bloody choke pole appeared on a Pet Harbor listing on Friday. The disturbing photo stated the three-year-old sable colored  shepherd mix had been brought in as a stray and would be on hold until November 14. On a later description, Dallas Animal Services posted additional information:

“There are some behavior concerns. When she was caught, she was exhibiting aggressive behavior and for the safety of our officers a catch pole was used when handling her. She bit the catch pole which caused injuries to her mouth. Any rescues that might be interested will need to reach out to us asap so we know there is interest for her.”

Shortly after the original photo had been posted, it was replaced by another one – obviously less threatening and more compassionate. Unfortunately no one knows why the dog acted aggressively; too often rescue organizations are afraid to make the commitment. For this young dog, one can only hope an organization reaches out to help her. Had she been protecting puppies? Had the animal control officers acted aggressively towards her? Had someone tried to hurt her just before the animal control officers showed up? No one has the answers; she’s just a dog who has met up with incredibly back luck and needs a miracle to save her. Please share her plight with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives; we are all that she has in the world.

Click here for the dog’s latest Pet Harbor photo and listing. 

“I am a female, sable German Shepherd Dog mix.

The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.

I have been at the shelter since Nov 10, 2017.

If I may be your missing pet, please contact Dallas Animal Services direct by calling the number below or by emailing [email protected] as soon as possible.”

For more information about this animal, call Dallas Animal Services at (214) 670-6800. Ask for information about animal ID number A1014016. To follow her Facebook discussion, please click here. or here.

(Dog on choke pole via Dallas Animal Services)

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  1. She is in fright stage. She looks like a fear biter but heaven knows what brought this fear on. She deserves a chance. Some family had her for 3 years. Bet she is shaking in her toenails being away from home. She appears to be well taken care of. Certainly beautiful. Rescue–please pull her. Keep us posted and i will send and encourage donations once she is pulled. She is just needing some kindness to get trust back. Look at her face.

  2. Who wouldn’t be afraid and aggressive if they tried to catch me with that pole? The dog doesn’t know any better, please give her a chance to show how good she can be!

  3. This baby is terrified….not a bad dog. Good gosh….. these animal control people need some serious training!! I had a Chow that got loose, found my male chow at the animal shelter in Irving Texas…..hunkered in the back of the cage, shaking. I had to physically pick my HUGE Chow up and carry him out he was so tramatized by those people. WHY can’t animal lovers work in those places instead of people who hate animals…nor have patience for their terrified behavior?!?!?

  4. Of course she bit the catch pole! She is scared and being treated like this isn’t helping any. Please someone get her out of there before she is euthanized for being “vicious”.

  5. O hell this is Texas where they have about as much compassion for animals as they do for cockroaches. This poor dog may have lived a horrific life, been abused, and was definitely terrified – and reacted – yet they used that friggin’ catch pole contraption and I am 100% sure were not very careful to be kind to this dog. They can make up all the damn stories they want – Texas will put this poor dog down in a heartbeat – PLEASE some rescue step up for this poor dog.

    • You FEEL the same as I do about that PUTRID STATE of TEXASS! More abuse , torture, by the scum bags that live there , drug there, than I think anywhere else in the USA!!! Now REMEMBER this was aN ANIMAL SHELTER showing this terrified female Germen Shepard off like it is a wild boar!!! Holy Christ!!! that whole state needs serious intervention!!!

  6. I have been trying to find about her. I’ve had no luck. Working with local rescues there as I’m in GA. Please tell me anything you know!

  7. Texans are not known for their love of animals, but this should engage the anger of the most brutal person. I believe this dog was frightened, handled in a very needlessly violent way. As long as Texans sit on their fannies and let this go on, nothing will change.


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