Emergency: 2-year-old shepherd suffered severe injuries

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It’s not as if Rescue Dogs Rock NYC isn’t accustomed to 911 emergency notifications from partner rescue organizations, animal advocates and friends, but Thursday evening’s rescue effort has to be one of the worst Jackie O’Sullivan, co-founder of the organization, has ever seen. In rural Anson County, North Carolina, a two-year-old German shepherd mix was surrendered to the shelter – the owners claiming the accident had just happened and they had no other choice but to turn their dog, Simone, over to Animal Control.

“Got a 911 call from an owner. Dog has been burned by something…stated some sort of acid. Not sure. AC is on their way out. If it’s surrendered to us can you take her?,” Jackie explained to Pet Rescue Report referencing the information received from the shelter.

The owners claimed the acid burns just happened; details have not all been released at this time, however when Simone arrived at the shelter, it is important to note her skin just flapped over her back and was not attached. Simone was critical when she arrived -in pain and dripping blood. Rushed to the emergency veterinarian, the disturbing truth quickly unraveled:

“We have a heartbreaking update on Simone; our dog burned with acid. She arrived at our SC vet a little while ago and was rushed in for EMERGENCY surgery. This horrific act of cruelty & abuse did not happen today as owner stated. Vet estimates it happened closer to a week ago & infection & necrotic skin were present!”

As for the dog’s skin, it had to be removed to get down to the healthy tissue. It should be noted, the skin shown being lifted and removed was “not attached.”

“The suffering this sweet shepherd mix has endured since the “incident” makes us cringe!,” explained Jackie late Thursday evening on the organization’s Facebook page.  “We all know how painful burns are, and she’s been suffering for many days! We are furious and sick. There is no quick fix for Simone who is roughly 2 years old. People suck! We cannot wrap our heads around this right now. IF she survives, Simone has a very long road back, but she’s made it a week and that tells us she wants to live!”

For now, donations are desperately needed:
PayPal: [email protected] or website: www.rescuedogsrocknyc.org/donate/ or mail:
Rescue Dogs Rock NYC
PO Box 101
NY, NY 10028

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.


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Adorable video showing deer and toddler playing – watch here!



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  1. My God. How can anymore be so cruel? This POS is a real sadist to inflict such pain on the poor pup. Whoever did this must be taken off the street and severely punished. The next victim could be a child. Thank you Rescue Dogs Rock for taking Simone under your care. I think the owner knows who did this and not giving the full story. I pray for Simone full recovery.

  2. I wish all monsters go back to hell already! To prey on the voiceless and defenseless, you are a fucking coward worthless waste human species!

  3. This makes me sick, the owners are obviously lying about what happened to this dog and now Rescue Dogs Rock NYC will try to save the poor thing! I hope they are investigating what happened to Simone and they are able to get some justice for this! I will keep this precious girl in our prayers and bless Rescue Dogs Rock NYC for again stepping up to help!

  4. Hope the police look into this and arrest these owners. How do you have a dog that has been in obvious pain for over a week and not do anything about it nor have no idea what happened? I am certain they did this on purpose and hope they are forced to pay for the dogs treatments.


  6. These humans who did this MUST go to prison. This is horrific abuse and torture!!! I’m so tired of authorities letting these kind of monsters off with no more then a slap on the wrist, a day or two in jail, a fine… nothing! Innocent animals, living beings are forced to suffer and endure horrible pain for no reason other then some twisted human who found it the thing to do. They don’t deserve this, couldn’t possibly have done anything so bad to warrant this, yet were viciously harmed… tortured. It must stop!!! The humans must pay for their crimes!!! We, the community, the public, the world demand they pay for this!!! Abuse & torture was classified as a felony in all states yet it’s not sentenced as such… why is that? Are judges just as vicious? Do they agree with abuse, torture, murder of innocent loving animals? Judges need to loose their places on the bench as well. Put these people in prison for at least 10 years, they must pay for the suffering this poor dog suffered!!!

    • Agree 100% Linda. Time the justice system moves out of the dark ages and recognizes animal cruelty and it’s perpetrators as heinous as they truly are.

  7. You know, I think a life sentence should go with this extreme type of evil , torturous deed. This is a loose cannon wicked asswipe that can not be trusted in society to act civilized. These pathetic owners are the worlds dumbest criminal with their lame ” I dunno” routine. ..they didn’t even bring the animal in right away; so the suffering was extended…and I don’t think they gave two craps. What vile cockroaches. Sorry, cockroaches, certainly you would not stoop so low, you just bug me, sorry 🙂

  8. P.S. Rescue dogs rock, I am such a fan. I donated a small amount to Simone as well as the other animals in need listed on the David Hendrickson site regularly. Rather than buy something and only a portion goes to the rescue group, I go directly to the rescue group’s site and that way they get the whole donation, since I can’t afford much. Love you guys; keep rescuing!!

  9. In cases like this, the owner needs to be tracked down. Stalked and delivered the same to him. He did it to an innocent defenseless animal. Surely this coward low life sadist human can take it as well????!!!! He believes he is so macho. Show him the cold hard truth. He is nothing more than a coward still hanging on to his mommie. Ignorant, ill breed, and STUPID!!!! NOTHING TO CONTRIBITE. JUST A TAKER!!!!! SOMEONE NEEDS TO FIND HIM AND GIVE HIM A BIG DOSE OF KARMA. HOW DID YOU LIKE IT?????

  10. Put these demons behind bars or we can take care of them for ourselves of you can’t or won’t!!! Walking free and breathing isn’t an option! Pain. Extreme. Agony. Fear vulnerable. So sick and in unimaginable extreme pain. You deserve all that as well.


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