‘You are a disgrace’: Message to dog owner who dumped dying dog in shelter night box

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On Wednesday, Leave No Paws Behind rescued Bonnie from the Riverside County Animal Shelter. The 12-year-old dog had been dropped off in the shelter’s anonymous night drop box; what a disgrace. The senior’s  heartless owner never had Bonnie treated at a veterinarian nor had the decency to walk her dog into the shelter to at least give her a compassionate goodbye. 

The friendly, little senior dog presented with a large black tumor on her head and another growth on her stomach. Volunteers at the shelter begged for a foster or rescue organization to save her. And as the shelter planned that day to euthanize Bonnie, Leave No Paws Behind could not bear to see the frightened dog die alone on a cold shelter floor. Although the end stages of cancer was a strong possibility, nor would anyone allow the dog to suffer, if by a miracle she had more time, it was going to be one of love and kindness.

“To whatever monster dumped her off in the shelter night box … you are a disgrace to this human race,” Toby Wisneski, founder of the rescue organization wrote on the organization’s Facebook page announcing Bonnie’s rescue and arrival. “I am so disgusted and outraged I can’t even think or type straight, however I must stay focused on sweet Bonnie and what we here at Leave No Paws Behind, Inc and The Pet Doctors of Sherman Oaks can do to help her and ease the pain. I have never in my 6 years of doing this, EVER seen anything this inhumane and heartless. Hang on little one, we are all here waiting for you; you are no longer alone. You are loved and no matter what, your life matters.”

According to Bonnie’s veterinarian, the tumor has invaded her brain as well as malignant masses on her stomach, but as devastating as the diagnosis, Bonnie continues to show the desire and spunk to live. She is on pain management and as long as she eats, she will see the sun rise each morning.

“This is one of the most heart wrenching rescues we have ever seen, however our hearts are grateful that, even if for a very short time, Bonnie will know she is loved and that her life matters.”

Leave No Paws Behind, Inc. is an eleventh hour, end of life, all breed foster based rescue specializing in seniors and animals with special medical needs, and, when possible, will pull an animal to safety when no one else steps up and all hope is lost. They cannot leave them behind to die alone and forgotten. It does not matter to this organization if they have one day, one week, one year or just one hour of life left in them or if they are deemed “unadoptable” or “untreatable.” To Toby, it is about the quality of life the animals can be given  in the end and the love and companionship  offered them,  so they do not die alone. LNPB never boards any  rescues nor do they make or determine any medical decisions or diagnosis regarding rescue pets. All are immediately vetted and decisions are made by the professionals treating these very lives.

To support this organization, donations can be made by clicking here.

(Photos and video of Bonnie courtesy of Leave No Paws Behind)

Bonnie still loving life… check it out here:



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  1. My God, who allows this to happen to a dog? Was this person really that stupid or as cruel as one can only imagine.

  2. You poor baby, I hope you know nothing but love your final days. Im so sorry you were a true friend and you didn’t have anything that resembles a friend. Hopefully that changes and you get your happily ever after. ..even if it’s for a short time.

  3. Heartless owner, too cheap to do the right thing by your pet, I hope they rot in Hell! Prayers for little Bonnie, at least she is in kind loving hands until she passes.

    • Obviously they were cheap and to watch as this tumor grew is despicable! I hope if anyone sees this video and knows who the owners are will come forward to have these owners charged for neglect and cruelty.

  4. I agree and disagree. Vet costs are ridiculous and I don’t know the owners situation. Dog should never have been allowed to get this advanced!

  5. To say that I’m mortified would be an understatement! This precious little life might of been saved from this fate if the cruel and heartless owner would of takes her to a vet the second any kind of growth reared it ugly head. Even tho I read about the horror inflicted on animals everyday I still get SHOCKED by each and every case! SO,SO SAD!

  6. Wow!!! Her owner is nothing short of a Moronic, heartless, vermin!!!! Thankfully this little girl will have the treatment to maintain her from suffering any more than she has…. What a precious little girl. Leave No Paw’s Behind ” is an organization that really has compassion…..

  7. Poor baby girl ! Sending prayers that she will know love & compassion in her Last days, & that she won’t suffer pain.

  8. You think maybe she’d drop her elderly parents in a hospital Dropbox? Very sad! Maybe karma will catch up with her?

  9. Hard to believe that there are STILL night drop boxes in some of those hell holes. Like dropping off a package. People can drop in any animal with any other animals and find X number of them killed in the morning.

  10. That anyone would let this happen to their family pet is beyond comprehension…..vet bills are high HOWEVER this growth didn’t happen overnight and there was plenty of time to get her some medical help and attention……I am absolutely appalled at what this precious little dog has had to endure simply because her owners didn’t love her enough to get her some help.THANKS to the team who has stepped up and Bonnie is now receiving love, kindness,and all that she needs for whatever time she has left…..so very sorry little one that your so called “family” failed you in such a horrific way……trust that your remaining days will be filled with gentle hugs, kind voices and buckets of love….you are a special little girl…..you have captured the hearts of many…..rest easy….enjoy sunny days…soak up all the love of those caring for you…..you are finally safe and you are loved at last…..:)

  11. If finances are a problem, there are agencies that can help. The owner could have even attempted to receive financial help from a gofundme page. Why let the cancer become this advanced and then dump the dog? This is a disgrace as the author stated.

  12. It’s easy to say the owner should have asked for help via a gofundme page, but I have a feeling that her owner may have been an elderly senior who’d is not familiar with such things and are usually on fixed incomes. I wrote a little bit earlier that maybe they were given a vet estimate that they couldn’t afford and knew they would also have to pay a surrender fee that they also couldn’t afford. Yes, it was cruel to let the growth fester but sometimes these dogs are their only companions and the decision of what to do is not always so clearcut.

    • I am a disabled senior who lives in extreme poverty on my limited income. I care for my pets. This person could have asked for help rather than let this dog suffer. They were able to dump this suffering dog so they wouldn’t have to deal with the situation. I have no pity for them.

      • I so agree with you. I am in the same circumstances as you, and I, too, care for my little dog and manage to donate what I can to others. Where there is a will, there is a way. I cannot imagine doing this.

      • You are very quick to judge for a Reverend. Do you know the situation? I think not. Maybe you should go back and read Matthew 7 1-3

      • Judge not is one of the most misquoted verses in the Bible. The Bible does not say to not judge. It states that, if we judge, be prepared to be judged back. In other words, have clean hands. There are actually multiple verses throughout the Bible instructing Christians on the correct way to judge.
        The owner of this dog let this dog suffer. Perhaps if the dog had been treated earlier, it would not be terminally ill now. The owner had options. This was selfish and cruel behaviour on the owners part.

      • Cam, I know that anyone who really cares about his/her dog would pull look for help anywhere and everywhere, and certainly not put her in a drop box, like trash, vulnerable to being killed by other agitated animals (overcrowding, fear, etc.) dropped in the same box.

      • Cam: You’re very ignorant. No caring and decent pet owner would abandon their pet, let alone throw it in a ‘drop box’, as if they were disposing of trash. It’s not being ‘judgmental’ to say that’s despicable and staggeringly callous – it’s just commonsense.

    • So the owner might be elderly, not familiar with “such things”, on fixed incomes and couldn’t afford to pay for treatment. That makes it all right to dump your pet in an overnight “drop box” at your nearest shelter? I am retired, on a fixed income and certainly NOT rich, but my 4 dogs have the care they need, and if I couldn’t provide it, I would find a way! There is NO excuse for allowing your pet to get in this condition let alone just dumping her! Bye the way, I see a lot of “young” people dumping their pets left and right, let’s not just assume it’s an “elderly” person who is being so irresponsible!

      • I have a dog, Ritzi, who was left in a night deposit box in Arizona on one of the coldest days in February 6 years ago. It was surprising that she didn’t freeze to death. Now she’s with me; she’s getting old and slowing down and she is loved so much. I hate the thought of a night deposit box, but where I lived on the Colorado River that was better than dumping a small pet in the wild where a coyote would rip them apart. I just wish we were a society that didn’t do such cowardly, inhumane things. They could have dropped my Ritzi at the shelter; the staff would have taken the dog, they wouldn’t have charged a fee either. But some people are just cowards. Ritzi wasn’t I’ll thank Dog and she now has a family and a furever home.

      • All they really have to do is bring the dog in, say they found it wandering around and turn in the dog. The dog will at least be held for a few days where as a owner surrender can be put down at any time. I just can’t believe how someone watches their pet get in this condition without doing something. It’s just sickening.

      • At the risk of sounding ignorant. What is a “drop box”? We don’t have such a thing in Massachusetts. I heard some states have outlawed them.

      • Linda, I assume it is a box that you can deposit your dog into like you would an after hours night box at a bank. Certainly the way you should get rid of your pet.

      • Linda, as regards the night drop boxes, we had them in my county 30 + years ago. Kittens could be dropped in there, and then someone else could come along and drop an adult male cat or an aggressive dog, and you’d find a litter of dead kittens in the morning, etc. The weaker animals are at risk, and all the animals dropped in the box together are stressed and more likely to act out.

        Of course, the boxes are just an obvious manifestation of the lack of caring by the politicians, city and county managers, etc., because the vast majority of these government “servants” are only interested in the most cost effective animal “CONTROL.” They do NOT give a damn about the animals, and the bottom line for them is maintaining the “control” service at the biggest monetary savings. So, instead of paying someone to work at night, they have drop boxes – “Drop your garbage here.”

  13. You effin coward to let this poor dog suffer all these years. It certainly didn’t grow overnight, what kind of human does this I hope karma gets you in the same way when your old. You do not deserve to have animals ever again.

  14. I can’t stop crying. Prayers for this precious dog, and calling on Karma (and hopefully authorities) to pay a visit to the heartless monster(s) who let this sweet dog get into this condition and then just dump her. Even if she gets a short bucket list and has someone hold her – with love – as she runs to the Rainbow Bridge, it’s better than she got from her “owner” and what she’d likely get at the shelter.

  15. There is NO reason for this. No reason whatsoever! You take your dog to a vet when you notice something strange on their body and then you deal with the prognosis, giving them whatever treatment is necessary but you do not allow your dog to suffer in silence like this. I know some people made comments about it being a senior on a fixed income. That is not a good enough excuse! The person who did this deserves that big bout of karma coming their way!

  16. thank you Leave No Paws Behind <3 Bonnie deserves to live what ever is left of her life with love & dignity <3

  17. Perhaps her “owner” was an elderly person who didn’t have the resources to care for this baby… Perhaps they were ill. Perhaps they passed and the family or even the landlord left the dog at the shelter.
    My point is…. no one knows the whole story. Rather than spew hate and judgement, why not focus your energy on helping this dog, or another in need.

    • Stating the truth is not spewing hate and judgment. And, I am an animal rights advocate. I was privileged to be one of the few animal rights advocates who worked closely with the F.B.I. and helped pass a federal law as of 1/01/2016 that made animal abuse a Class A felony. But, unless the perpetrator crosses state lines with the abused animal or involves the feds in some way, state laws apply and many of those are a joke. We are tackling those now. So, you accuse me of jumping to conclusions but you know nothing about my life or my political activism. Why don’t you call, write or email your state senators and representatives and urge them to enact much tougher state laws against animal abuse?

    • Instead of making excuses for these POS’s, why don’t YOU focus YOUR energy on helping this dog. We have the right to our opinion of the monsters that do such things, and voice our outrage if we please. This doesn’t mean we AREN’T contributing and doing all we can to prevent such things from occurring. he point is, there is NO valid reason for dumping a pet, any pet, whether you are an elderly person, are ill, the family of someone who passed, or a landlord or any other excuse you seem to deem satisfactory, in a night drop box at your nearest shelter! This dog, and many like it, don’t get in this condition over night, this is animal abuse at it’s worse! Let’s not make excuses for these low lives!

      • Can – you have got to be sniffing glue. The owner’s let her suffer for years with these tumors – it appeared NO vetting was ever done, and she was in immense pain, and God knows for how long she had been in pain. There are HUNDREDS of organizations that would have helped if the owners had taken time to seek them out. Come down off your pedestal with your head in the clouds, to reality!!!!

    • I find it your comment “no knows the whole story” amusing. Obviously you don’t know OUR STORY. Why have you ASSumed that we haven’t tried helping Bonnie and all other dogs on this site? Lets not be so judgmental to the folks who comment on Pet Rescue Report.

    • Cam: You’re very ignorant. No caring and decent pet owner would abandon their pet, let alone throw it in a ‘drop box’, as if they were disposing of trash. It’s not being ‘judgmental’ to say that’s despicable and staggeringly callous – it’s just commonsense.

  18. OMG!!???? How in the hell does anyone let a tiny little furbaby get in this bad condition??? I mean by GOD are they dumb enough to think it would just heal on its on?? I hope whoever let this baby go without care gets the flesh eating disease and ends up in a wreck in the country with no chance of being found,,, rot away CREEP!! ????
    Prayers sweet, sweet little chi, U DO MATTER and WE ALL LOVE YOU????????

  19. Fortunately in the UK we have Animal Charities such as the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals and others. These organisations give free care to needy animals so there is no need for animals to suffer for want of care.

  20. RIP little one – no more human failure. Thanks to LNPB for giving this poor soul love and comfort in her last hours. (Tumor burst earlier today and she was rushed to Vet’s to help her ease the horrendous pain, and die in the arms of those who love her.). ????????

  21. Agree, This did not happen overnight. If your child gets sick, you don’t drop it in a box. Really So inconsiderate and cowardly..We don’t know the circumstances, but At the least, if you cannot afford treatment, you stay with the dog and love on her until she is humanely euthed. Letting it get this advanced is unforgivable. Thank you to this rescue for giving her some days of happiness.

    • yes i agree you dont do that just put your pet in an box and leave it to die poor baby you seek medical attention for the animal or you give the animal up so that the people who can help can do their best to save the animal i could never let me pets suffer in that way poor furbaby x

  22. Here’s my thinking: if the former owner (abuser) sincerely couldn’t afford her care, they had opportunity to drop her off at the shelter much sooner, to give this girl a chance. What they did instead, is kept her, made her suffer as long as possible THEN decided to dump her like garbage. I am disgusted that someone would allow a defenseless pup get to this state before taking her somewhere that could help her. Shame on the piece of trash that did this. I hope this stays with you for the rest of your days. You. Are. Garbage.

  23. This is heartbreaking poor dog and shes passed away the owners so cruel they should be ashamed of themselves their should be locked up and the key thrown away x

  24. After reading the article about the Yorkid, and having read a few of the attached articles, I have to make a comment about people who nail the owners for ‘abandoning’ their pets at shelters or police stations. There are people who are financially challenged, who have a dog for much needed love and companionship, who grow old with the dog, and eventually have to let their best friend in the world cross the rainbow bridge. But they don’t have the money to pay for it, and they cant find it in themselves to let go of the most important thing to them. I cant slam people for dropping old pets off at the ‘night box’. They are doing the right thing. If they were cruel, they would tie the dog to a signpost and leave it. Or worse.

    I can picture a tearful goodbye at midnight to my best friend, who has walked with me and my shopping cart full of life for many years, and protected me while we slept in alleys, who gave my life a purpose. And I can even understand the woman who dropped the Yorkie at the police station. She did the right thing. She knew the dog was sick, and didn’t have the money to find or fix the problem. The ‘gotta go to work, very busy’ sounds like a quick escape to avoid questions and breaking down into tears. Or maybe not, either way, she did the right thing. She could have thrown him in a dumpster, but she clearly had feelings for living things.

    I think the police station should pay for the Yorkie’s care, keep the dog, and use him for school visits, etc as an ambassador. ‘Hollywood’ should become part of the official K9 Unit.

    • L – Did you read all the previous comments? First of all, if someone really cares about his or her dog, financial assistance is not that hard to find. Also, night drop boxes are dangerous. If someone drops a larger, stronger, aggressive, and/or freaked out animal in the the Chihuahua, the Chi could easily be found dead in the box in the morning.

      As for K9 units, EVERYONE NEEDS to know THIS: http://www.stopk9torture.com


      NC troopers torture dogs as a matter of policy | Cop Block

      If Cops Treat Their Own Dogs Like This, It is No Wonder …

    • Obviously you are not aware what “drop boxes” are. It’s a cruel way of dumping an animal. And no excuse for allowing the tumor to grow so big. It didn’t happen overnight! I hope you don’t own any pets!!!!

    • Yes make excuses for these people that do such things, you are part of the problem condoning such things and “picturing a tearful goodbye” Bull S**T!

    • L: You’re showing your incredible ignorance! For one thing, you clearly didn’t read the article properly – Bonnie is a SHE, not a he, Also, if the owner had been caring she would not have allowed Bonnie’s condition to escalate as it has done and would have sought help for her, There are animal charities and rescues that the owner could have reached out to for help if funds were tight. The owner not only let Bonnie suffer for god knows how long, ignoring her plight (and surely giving her a death sentence as the cancer gone untreated) but then ultimately had the gall and COWARDICE to throw her in a ‘drop box’ as if she was garbage. So, your statement that “I can picture a tearful goodbye at midnight to my best friend, who has walked with me and my shopping cart full of life for many years, and protected me while we slept in alleys, who gave my life a purpose” is laughable.

      There are NO excuses for animal neglect and cruelty.

  25. God Bless this little pup, how she must have suffered , someone knows who the scum bag is who let her suffer, Rest in Peace sweet Bonnie you were loved at the end of your life . sleep safe in the arms of angels little one I am so sorry you were neglected , Run free from pain now over the rainbow bridge, whoever you are who dumped this sweet innocent pup you are a disgrace and a stain on the human race , Bless you Bonnie


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